Please be patient, a new post on the curl is coming…

I know I know, not posted much around here lately.
And on top of that I found some serious typo’s in the pictures from just two posts back: the post upon the factorization on the Laplacian operator.

These typo’s are rather serious; we just cannot have all those wrong and misleading differentiations going not repaired.

But reparation of old faults is time consuming.

On the other hand, the curl operator has a lot of fresh new insights in simple number systems like the 2D complex plane or my own hobby; the 3D complex number system.

For myself speaking I am still wondering as shall I include the ‘Theorem without Vodka’ in the new post or just leave it out? I do not know what I will do in the future but here is the Google translate version of the Theorem without Vodka:

24-09-2016theorem-without-vodkaMay be I just leave it out, after all this is supposed to be an update on the differential curl operator.

End of this post, till updates.