To be precise: I am talking about all nuclear fusion reactor designs that use magnetic confinement for the fusion plasma. So these are the standard tokamak reactors that are build in a lot of places but also the stellarator fusion reactor from the Max Planck institute in Germany. Some years ago it came to my attention that the USA based company Lockheed Martin was also going into the fusion reactor thing and they were bragging about new technology and making mobile 100 Mega Watt nuclear fusion reactors. But their talk was a little bit strange, it was some CEO kind of guy that explained how their new technology would outbeat the tokamak design because with the new much stronger magnetic fields they could make, the magnetic field would be much stronger at the place of the fusion vessel wall. According to the Lockheed Martin CEO type of guy, plasma was diamagnetic and as such would stay away from the fusion reactor wall. Needless to say I had to laugh because in my view on physical reality electrons carry magnetic charge and will always make fusion plasma instable. In fusion reactions the protons (or the isotopes of hydrogen to be precise) need to fuse and that cannot be done if electrons constantly get accelerated to relativistic high speeds.
A few years back a lot of folks were bragging that by the year 2019 Lockheed Martin would have those mobile nuclear fusion reactors on large trailors, something like 100 Mega Watt per mobile unit. If they would have pulled that off, Lockheed Martin might be the first company to achieve a market capitalization of 10 trillion US$. That would be gigaenormous because after all 10 trillion = 10 thousand billion…
It was supposed to look like this:

As you see, the 2013 pipe dream is still not at the scene now in 2019. Why not? Well if plasma theorists keep on using the electron as a magnetic dipole, all of the advanced models they have for plasma behaviour will never depict an accurate picture of physical reality.
If in practice electrons come in two varieties, monopole north and south ones, in all of those fusion reactor designs they will move in opposite directions. It is more or less ‘along the magnetic field lines’ because all acceleration caused by the magnetic field makes the electrons accelerate in that direction. And this acceleration in two directions that will grow in a turbulent fashion and make the fusion plasma uncontrolable.
In this regard, I mean how turbulence arises, the density of the plasma is an important factor. In a low density plasma the electrons will have plenty of acceleration before they interact with other plasma particles. The denser the plasma is the shorter the length of those interaction free paths, that is obvious. In all present day plasma models, there is nothing that makes electrons accelerate along the magnetic field lines. That means all those models are wrong.
Before we go on with wrong mathematical models of plasma behaviour, sometimes the news upon nuclear fusion can be very funny. I just made an intenet search upon ‘Lockheed Martin nuclear fusion’ and I stumbled upon the next hilarious title from Yahoo finance:
Lockheed Martin doubles down on cold fusion.
As you see in this world there is just never a shortage of idiots; at Lockheed Martin they do not understand why the fusion plasma gets so instable but compared to the total idiots of Yahoo finance the Lockheed people look like pure Einsteinian human material… How stupid and 100% uninformed you must be to think that Lockheed is chasing cold fusion reactors…
Ok, a bit more on those math models they use to simulate plasma behaviour. It was in 2016 I came across that weird news from MIT, they simulated very large scale with lots of computer time how plasma should behave. There was actually an electron going round the entire plama vessel. Now my dear reader I was dumbfounded, if the electron is a magnetic dipole, how could it go round?
In my world where plasma electrons carry magnetic charge, the only thing the electrons want to do is going round and round… I never found how the model works that was used by the MIT smart asses, but here is a short video of the ‘result’ of the MIT plasma simulation:
In the video description there is a link where it even get more hilarious. Let me quote it:
A long-standing discrepancy between predictions and observed results in test reactors has been called “the great unsolved problem” in understanding the turbulence that leads to a loss of heat in fusion reactors. Solving this discrepancy is critical for predicting the performance of new fusion reactors such as the huge international collaborative project called ITER, under construction in France.
Comment: Don’t worry, ITER will never work if electrons carry magnetic charge. Plus the famous standard model says electrons are magnetic dipoles, so why worry that ITER will fail & fall flat on it’s stupid face?
Link where you can find the quote:
New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors
Come on, don’t worry & be happy.