A lovely video was found where a guy from the Nottingham university is showing his workplace around. And they have that heavy equipment for making permanent magnets in just one blast. In the first five years of looking at magnetism I only told you about that slow process of heating up the material till above the Curie temperature, applying an external magnetic field, cool everything down slowly and voila: there are your permanent magnets!
But you can do it in one blast too, all you need is a very strong applied magnetic field. For me that is nothing new because my father worked at the local electricity plant and decades back they too had the equipment to make a permanent magnet in one short blast. At an electricity plant they have plenty of electricity anyway so why waste that?
(My father worked at the electric meter department and in those times they used permanent magnets in the electricity meters you had in your home or your business.)
Anyway, if my version of electron spin is true and electrons are not magnetic dipoles but come in two varieties carrying magnetic charge, in that case the ‘permanent’ in a permanent magnet arises from the fact that the unpaired electrons are shielded in the inner atomic orbitals. That is what makes them permanent… All that blah blah of electron spins aligning themselves to the applied magnetic field is pure nonsense, that blah blah does not explain why the magnetism is permanent.
Of course professional physics professors will always point to the tiny detail that if you think you understand quantum mechancis, you don’t understand quantum mechanics…
Now I too have a lot of things that I do not understand in quantum mechancis, but I think the electron being a magnetic dipole is 100% bullshit. They carry magnetic charge because that makes more sense and is a far more simple explanation of what we observe…
After having said that, if a permanent magnet always has it’s unpaired electrons that give rise to the emergent magnetism always in it’s inner orbitals, in that case if you blast them with a giant external magnetic field they should always heat up. They heat up because the unpaired electrons feels a relatively giant force from the applied magnetic field and as such are ripped out of those inner orbitals. And all ripped out electrons are replaced by electrons of the opposite magnetic charge…
It’s as simple as it is.
Here is the video it is only 15 minutes long:
Ok, let me end this post with a picture made from two screen shots from the video. In the top screen shot you see at the left those strips of metal. Wow man, those strips of metal are the wires that transport the 10 to 20 thousand Ampere blast.
In the lower screen shot you see the blue machine where the magic seems to happen.

Ok that was it. If you make permanent magnets and they are not heated at the end, I am wrong about my electron idea’s… Only a professional physics professor will lamentate that applying a short energy burst of only 20 thousand amps will likely heat up everything.
End of this post.