Today was a good day because I scored 80 kg of malt and almost one kg of hops so I can brew for a long time… Upon arriving home there was an envellope on the doormat, is it what I hoped for? Yes it was, a new compass. I bought it two days ago and it costs only 8.50€.
Yesterday I made a permanent magnet and the new compass says it actually is a real bipolar magnet (made from an iron nail). For me that was a nice historical moment because it was the very first time that a human made a permanent magnet that was solely based on the principle that electrons are magnetic monopoles…
Three days ago on the other website I updated the magnetic pages with reason number 77 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. Here is a link: 04 Sept 2019: Reason 77: More on the Curie temperature of iron.
The Curie temperature is that temperature where ferro magnetic materials like iron loose their magnetic properties. But what does that mean? That means two things: A permanent magnet gets destroyed, it is no longer a permanent magnet when it becomes too hot. And the second surprising thing is that a piece of hot iron above the Curie temperature is no longer attracted by a permanent magnet. Let me repost two photo’s on this website to make the point clear. In the first photo you see an iron nail attracted by a small stack of neodymium magnets, I heat the nail up with a simple burner and all of a sudden the nail is no longer attraced. That is what you see in the next two photo’s:

Ok, how to make a permanent magnet with only a small stack of neodymium magnets? Very simple: I hanged the nail a bit higher and placed my small stack of neodymium magnets under the nail. About 2 mm of distance between the tip of the nail and the magnets. And you burn the nail until it is hot enough. After that you just let it cool down and voila: you have made yourself a permanent magnet using only idea’s derived from electrons being magnetic monopoles.

Ok, that was it for this post. See you in the next post.
Update from 13 Sept: My nail magnet is so weak you cannot lift other nails with it. It works fine because a compass reacts to it but it is not very strong. On the other side of the spectrum I found a cute video today where they claim to have achieved a magnetic field strength of 20 Tesla…
The video is from Tokamak Energy, that is one of those startup companies that try to craft workable fusion reactors for commercial electricity production. Like explained before: if indeed electrons are magnetic monopoles and because they react much stronger to the applied magnetic field compared to the plasma protons, this will cause a ton of turbulence. And stronger magnets do not solve that problem; on the contrary the turbulence will appear much sooner in a stronger magnetic field.
You may hope that the university people finally pop up some kind of proof that electrons are indeed magnetic dipoles. But it is now Sept 2019, the start of a new academic year. And to be honest I don’t expect such a proof this year. So in the meantime while the climate is changing, lot’s of people dream about nuclear fusion as an energy source and the university people will do nothing day in day out this new academic year.
From a video from 5 June this year where Tokamak Energy promotes itself by pointing at the climate change I made this small screen shot:

Here is the video I found today: if only electrons were not magnetic monopoles it would be a great find. Ok, end of this update.