Yesterday all of a sudden there was a new video upon magnetic monopoles; naive & dumb as I was I only thought ‘Great may be I can learn something new!’ and I started watching.
The video from the Royal Institution is entertaining and as such not boring to watch. But for me there was nothing new to learn, so I started thinking about why this guy Felex Flicker behaves the way he does. After all he is a scientist and given the fact that physics is a so called ‘hard science’ all claims made should be backed up by experiments. Yet this Felix guy when he claims that magnetic domains in metals and electrons are magnetic dipoles, there is once more zero mentioning of any experimental evidence.
Compare that for example to how at CERN they study anti matter. From positrons and anti-protons they managed to make a bit of anti hydrogen. And they do as much experiments with it as possible and try to find out it ther properties of anti hydrogen are such as expected. And that is the way it should be, that is what I view as standard behaviour for a hard science. But for electrons they never ever even tried it. Over the years I have made a long list of troubles with the electron as a magnetic dipole. I can’t name them all here of course so let me pick up just one detail:
If electrons are magnetic dipoles, why do we only observe electron pairs (and unpaired electrons) but never larger structures?
Here you see the new Brexit style in UK clothing, it looks great:

Take for example atomic and molecular hydrogen, there is only stuff with an unpaired electron (atomic hydrogen) and stuff with an electron pair (the molecular version of hydrogen) and nothing else. That kind of behavior is not what one should expect if the electron was a magnetic dipole… Electrons never behave like the bar magnets in the next picture:

My dear RI folks, it is in so many ways not logical that electrons are magnetic dipoles. So I more or less only wonder that psychological stuff: why do the professors behave like they do? Ok, most of the time it is bad for your carreer to go against the insights as shared in the group, but this electron stuff you tell is just not logical. And, in my view, more logic is found when you think of electrons as having a magnetic charge.
Enough of my preaching, here is the video:
why only electron pairs?
Let me leave it with that. Likely in the next post I will show a new way of taking a norm in the 3D complex and circular numbers. It is all based on eigen values, for the 3D numbers you can make a norm out of the eigen values while for general matrices you can’t.