Ok ok one more post upon the easy to find counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat. In this post we will take a look at the real integers modulo 15 and modulo 210. It still amazes me how easy it is to find counter examples to the last Fermat theorem using the integers modulo n where n has at least two prime factors. From my own education I remember that the integers modulo n are studied in math mostly via additive groups and multiplicative groups. For some strange reason it is not commonly studied via rings where you have the benefit of addition and multiplication inside one simple to understand structure of numbers… Inside professional math there is always that tendency to study fields only, of course there a legitimate reasons for that like it makes math life often more simple. But rings are not fields, rings allow for non zero numbers that are non-invertible anyway. As such you can always find plenty of pairs of so called ‘divisors of zero’ and once you have stuff like that it is always a piece of cake to find counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat.
Yet I tried a few times to find some counter examples on the internet but all I got was boatload after boatload of total nonsense like the weird stuff paraded in the previous post. Could it be that math professors tried to find counter examples to the last theorem of Fermat while they never dipped into the power of the divisors of zero? That’s crazy because the Fermat theorem was open for about 350 years. I think many people have found the easy to understand results in this post before I did but if they tried to get the stuff out they were blocked by the scientists of those days and as such in the year 2021 it is hard to find something back.
Compare it to electron spin; it is hard to swallow that I am the very first person in history that claims electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles because it is just not logical for hundreds of reasons. Yet in the daily practice of how science is done at the universities, it is a no show that electrons are magnetic monopoles. What happened to all those other persons that understood that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles? Well at least they got neglected and university life just went on with electrons being a magnetic dipole because ‘we are so smart’ and ‘the standard model explains almost everything’. And more of that nonsense…
This post is 8 pictures long, all of the usual size of 550X775 pixels.
Since it is about counter examples to the last Fermat theorem I expect it will not make much headlines in the news for another 3500 years.
After all the only thing university people are good at is being incompetent…;)
Here we go:

At last I found a more or less readable article about near misses of the last Fermat theorem. It was found inside old work from Ramanujan so that is always interesting. Most of the time when I looked for counter example to the last Fermat theorem I only find piles of garbage but this time I tried it with Duckduckgo and something readable comes floating up:
Ramanujan surprises again.
Ok that was it for this post. Thanks for your attention.