It is no secret that I think electrons are not “tiny magnets” having two magnetic poles but that electrons are magnetic monopoles just like they are electric monopoles. Viewing electrons as small tiny magnetis leads to all kinds of logical contradictions. For example a permanent magnet is always explained as a thing where all electron spins of unpaired electrons align and as such together they build that macroscopic magnetic field as you know from stuff like a bar magnet. But in chemistry an important binding element in molecules is the electron pair. Yet now there is something like the Pauli exclusion principle and the two electrons must have opposite spin. End example.
So in a permanent magnet the electrons must align in order to be attractive to each other while in chemistry the opposite must happen. My dear reader this is not logical. Also, why do we find only electron pairs? Well if you look at it as there are two kinds of electrons with both a magnetic charge either ‘north pole’ or a ‘ south pole’ charge, that explains why we only observe electron pairs. If the ‘tiny magnet’ model was true, we should observe all kinds of electron configurations like 5 electrons in a circle or whatever you can make with tiny magnets.
What I self consider a strange thing is that people from the physics community never ever themselves say that all their views on magnetism are often not logical. Are they really that stupid or do they self censor in order not to look stupid?
Anyway five years back in the year 2017 I was studying a new way of making computer memory by IBM: so called racetrack memory in nano wires. I was highly puzzled by that because one of the main researchers said that you cannot move the domain walls of magnetic domains with magnetic fields. You could move the domains themselves but not the walls and I was as puzzled as can be. Yet that same day I found a possible answer: the magnetic domains of say iron can be moved by magnetic fields because they have a surplus of a particular kind of electrons. So two magnetic domains separated by a domain wall must have opposite magnetic charges. In the next picture you get the idea of what IBM tried to do:

It was a cute idea but IBM had to give up on it because they did not use insights that are logical but kept on hanging to the tiny magnet model.
So in the long pdf that is squarely based on the official version of electron spin (the tiny magnet model) has all kinds of flaws in it. For example in the next picture that all does not pan out because those small arrows are not there in reality if electrons carry magnetic charge just like they carry electric charge:

Ok for me it is an experiment to try include a pdf file, if it fails I will hang this pdf in the pdf directory of the other website and link to that file.
Lets give it a try:
I leave it this way and do not try to make the pdf visible. After all if you are interested in stuff like this you must download it anyway because it is a few hundred pages long. And it is a funny read so now and then, for example yesterday I came across a section where they took the outer product of two (vector) electron spins and I just wonder WHY?
Ok, let me push the button named Publish and say salut to my readers.