It took an amazing amount of time to finish this post. When I started it you could still bike in the city with your shorts on. And now it is freezing cold at the start of winter. I posted over 220 posts on this website but I never experienced such a long lasting writers block on my behalf.
I think the start was much to impulsive, mostly I take more time before I pick a subject for the next post. This time I did not do that and soon I ran into writers regret: Why did I start this BS that is far to complicated to explain in a few lines of writing?
Even the beginning is dumb to do: It makes the reader think it is something solely on that space and it’s unit ball. And that dumb deed alone is a misrepresentation of what the weird root formula is about.
Anyway it is what it is and may be it is a good thing to show you that I can be very impulsive to. And in the science of math that is not a good thing.
Since it has been a while I posted the last post on the matrix version of our beloved theorem of Pythagoras, readers who are new must use the search function on the website or just look into the category ‘Pythagoras stuff’. The matrix version of the Pythagoras theorem is not that hard to formulate but hard to prove. It goes like this:
Given some n x d matrix A made up of d columns, if the d columns are linearly independent this defines or represents a d-dimensional parallelapiped. What can be said about the d-dimensional volume, or better the square of this volume? It seems that the matrix A has lots of d x d minor matrices and if you take the determinant of these minors, square them they will add up to the desired square of the volume of A.
As you see: The result is not that hard to understand while our small human brain has trouble to cough up 20 proofs in 40 minutes.
The key idea of the weird root formula is that you can apply an alternative way of calculating determinants: Multiplying determinants of minors against determinant of their so called complement. So for the matrix A that should give it’s d-dimensional volume.
But if you expand the matrix A with an extra column perpendicular to all columns of A, say you get AP_1 and of course you normalize P_1 to length 1, you can repeat the whole thing on the expanded matrix. This goes on until the matrix A has been made a square matrix that I denote as AP. In this post I use the notation (AP) for the square matrix so you must never view AP as the product of two matrices or so because that is not what it is…
This post if four pictures long but it has to be remarked I skipped how to find that +/- scheme you need for calculating determinants this way.
So after all this time this Pythagoras stuff is published. All in all it is a cute idea, that weird root formula can be applied not only to that starting matrix A but also on every extension with extra perpendicular columns.
In the last seven years it has taken me a long time to arrive at the conclusion that electron spin is a permanent property of electrons. The only place in this universe where electrons get their spin flipped is in the head of physics professors. For new readers: The last years I work from the hypothesis that electrons are magnetic monoples but every now and then I still try to kill that idea. But I always fail, in the end the electrons having a monopole magnetic charge always wins it from models like the ‘tiny magnet’ model for electrons. Why took it so long for me to finally accept this ‘permanent’ status of electron spin or as I say it: electron magnetic charge? Well there are a lot of video’s out there where people from physics explain how they flip electron spin while building quantum computers. At the end I post a long video from a guy named Lieven Vandersypen who works at the Technical University in Delft. Now I do not hate these people but when I say for seven years on a row ‘Where is you experimental proof that electrons are indeed tiny magnets?’. If seven years on a row just nothing happens over there we can safely conclude that Mr. Vanderlieven is just another UI. And an UI is a person that is an Ultimate Idiot or if you want an Ultra Ignorant.
In the theory of quantum mechanics before a measurment is done, it is assumed that a quantum particle is in a superposition of all possible states the quantum particle can be in.
Physics professors think that all electrons are the same and as such it has to be that before the measurement of the electron spin it is always in a superposition of spin up and spin down.
Remark this is very different from what I think: If the monopole magnetic charge is permanent, repeated measurments should always give the same magnetic charge. Just like measuring the electric charge of an electron always returns that is has one unit of negative electric charge…
In the present hype of building quantum computers, almost 100% of the physics people think that it is possible that the electron is in some super position of spin up and spin down. I think this is not possible because we are having two different kind of electrons in this universe. If true you can wonder how far astray physics has driven from reality; in the next screen shot you see Mr. Vandersypen wonder what kind of qubit is the best for quantum computing. He says that they have been wondering for years what basic configuation of electron spins as qubits is the best. They think that every electron can be in a super position of spin up and spin down. On top of that if you have an electron pair they think it is in a super position of spin up-down with spin down-up, that is that Bell stuff.
If my view on electron spin is correct, all these approaches in quantum computing will never work. Here is how these fantasies look:
Now have you ever heard of an electron triple like in the right of the above picture? Why are there only electron pairs or unpaired electrons found in nature? That is because electrons are magnetic monopoles and that is why the electron pair is magnetically neutral while the unpaired electron is not magnetically neutral.
Compare that to the electric charge of the hydrogen atom. All in all it is neutral because the electric charges cancel each other out. So you can’t accelerate atomic hydrogen with electric fields until the electric field gets so strong it rips apart the hydrogen atoms. So why are electrons accelerated by magnetic fields and electron pairs not? After all if the electrons are ‘tiny magnets’ are they not supposed to be neutral when it comes of magnetic fields?
The title of this post says I have to give you some reasons as why electron spin or magnetic charge is permanent. So lets try a bit:
Reason 1) The official version of electron spin is that if you measure it in one direction, say the direction of an x-axis in a 3D coordinate system, that gives a reset for measuring electron spin in perpendicular directions say the y and z-axis. But any interaction with a magnetic field is a measurement in some direction. So these weirdo’s try to tell us that electron spin flips all the time because after all there are a lot of magnetic fields around us all the time. In the previous post I showed you the weird result that oxygen has a so called non-binding pair of electrons. That’s why it is magnetic. But molecular oxygen O2 is stable, if you apply magnetic fields to it no spin reset is observed. The non-binding pair does not change and all other electron pairs also don’t do weird stuff and the oxygen molecule stays stable under application of all kinds of magnetic fields.
Reason 2) The (hyper, see correction and addendum at the end) fine spectral structure of atomic hydrogen. There are very small differences in energy levels of the electrons in atomic hydrogen. The official version is that the electron spin and nuclear spins are aligned or anti-aligned. Of course it is never explained how an electrons supposedly going around the nucleus with high speed maintains it’s alignment… In my view where electron and proton spin are just magnetic charges, it is all blazingly simple: there must be four variants of atomic hydrogen when it comes to spin. Proton spin up or down combined with an electron with spin up or down. When both proton and electron have the same spin, the electron will be in that slightly higher energy level. And if the spins in atomic hydrogen are opposite, the electron has a bit lower energy because after all magnetic opposite monopoles attract.
Reason 3) A very interesting observation of the ESO (European Southern Observatory), it is about sun spots and different sun spots give different circular photons in the light coming from those sun spots. I have to collect more evidence that circular photons with opposite circular polarization are produced by electrons with opposite spins. But once more it has it’s own logic to it: If electrons are magnetic monopoles it is rather logical that the photons they produce have their magnetic fields shifted by 180 degrees. It is just like in the simple complex exponential from the complex plane: e^it = cos(t) + i*sin(t). As we all know this turns counter clockwise, now if we shift the sine by 180 degrees we get cos(t) – i*sin(t) and as we all know this rotates clockwise. This post is not meant for all the details that go into sun spots; it is more that after seven years of searching it is impossible to kill the idea that electrons are magnetic monopoles. It is a pity that physics professors are just dumb as hell when they say that electrons are ‘tiny magnets’ without any fucking experimental proof for such bold claims. The problem those people have is that they even think it is not a problem there is no such expemental proof. So these weirdo’s build giant theoretical structures like spin waves without proving the very fundamentals of their own science.
But lets not get emotional about the giant stupidity of physics professors, they even explain the giant magneto effect in a highly complicated way and that is funny. You can’t say they are scientists, at best they are weirdo’s trying to craft a theory of everything and of course such theories are all bullshit if electron spin is not done properly. Here is the ESO picture:
The leading sun spot should always have the same magnetic polarity just always… So it does not depend on the solar sun spot cycle.
It is about time to go to the video from Lieven Vandersypen and I have an extra video also from TU Delft where they explain the Majorana fermions. Relatively early in his video Lieven claims that there “Is nothing more a quatum bit than the spin of an electron.” Since in this post I try to explain that the only place in this universe where an electron flips it’s spin is in the head of physics professors like Lieven. It is impossible to have more contradiction as there is now between me Reinko and Lieven. In itself the video from Lieven is not that important, I only post it to show you one of those guys that believe electrons are tiny magnets while there is no experimental proof for that in the entire history of physics.
Video title: Lieven Vandersypen: Quantum simulation and computation with quantum dots – “spins-inside”
By the way in case you are interested: Lieven was the guy that years ago factored the number 15 in 3 times 5 using Shor’s algorthim. At present day we are standing at a factorization of say 21 in 3 times 7.
Back about one decade ago over there at TU Delft they thought they had found so called Majorany particles. These are particles that supposedly are there own anti-particle. That is a funny idea; if two of the same Majorana particles meet they anihilate each other. Why nature would produce such strange things is unknown to me. But if that Majorana shit is also based on electrons being ‘tiny magnets’, wouldn’t it be about time to try and prove via at least one experiment that electrons are tiny magnets?
Give me a break: university people actually using their brain? Please get a more realistic life…
Warning: This is not science! Keep away from children!
That was it for this post, once more since last year I do not try any longer to convince anybody that electrons are not tiny magnets. If the weirdo’s from Delft want tiny magnets if they look at electron behavior, what’s the problem with that? __________ Correction and addendum from 12 Dec: In reason 2 I named it ‘fine structure’ where it should read hyperfine structure of the hydrogen spectrum. So far for the correction. The addendum is a pdf from a 1958 article from the local university, the RUG. The old article is about spin flip in atomic hydrogen, it is about that famous 21 cm line in the hydrogen spectrum.
Now years ago when I was still very intimidated by big names like Mr. A. Einstein who had calculated the probability of a hydrogen atom to do the 21 cm transmission spontaneously. And who was I to say that electron spin was not a vector by a monopole magnetic charge and on top of that this charge was permanent just like the electric charge of an electron?
Back in time I had figured out that a collision with the right kind of electron of the right magnetic charge could also lead to this 21 cm emmision. The old electron of the hydrogen atom is simply replaced by a new one that binds in a somehow lower energy state.
To my surprise in the old article this is all covered in detail. If it is true that my idea of a permanent magnetic charge for the electron is correct, in that case 21 cm astronomy can more or less ‘see’ the galactic streams of electrons. After all if electrons are magnetic monopoles, the galactic magnetic fields play some role into what earth based astronomers see when they look at the 21 cm results.
In the next picture you can see the old text from 1958 while I use a new James Webb Space Telescope picture in the background:
It is funny that the local university has such an old article online…
Ok, left are a link to the pdf and the title of the old article:
Link used:
Ok now I promise you I will not place more updates or corrections on this post. It’s useless anyway, if I was impressed by Einstein just think about the consequences that has for physics professors… The weirdo’s will never stop thinking that you can flip the magnetic charge of an electron. They will never stop thinking you can flip electron spin.