A happy new year by the way, it is now 3 Jan over here so it is not too late to wish you that. So be happy if you can ask a physics professor or teacher as why there is no experimental proof at all that electrons are tiny magnets. And if the answer is not satisfactory, just chop the head of while being happy…;)
But serious, I selected the first video because the guy from the Science Asylum channel gives are very tiny estimated upper bound for the possible size of the electron: 10 to the -18 power meter as diameter.
That is very very small, it is a nano nano meter.
Lets construct a so called ‘toy model’ for imitating in a simple manner how the electron is supposed to be a tiny magnet: Take two pointsize magnetic monopoles, a north and a south one and place them 10 to the power -18 meter apart. Lets name this distance d.
An important feature of such a dipole is that it’s magnetic field declines inversely with the third power of d.
Let me give you an example: Take a line through the north and south pole of our toy electron and go out a distance of say 10d above the north pole. So the distance of our point on that line is 10d to the north pole and 11d to the south pole. The magnetic forces or field strength if you want is now proportional to 1/10^2 and 1/11^2. But north and south pole have opposite workings so we are looking at the difference: 1/10^2 – 1/11^2 and that is something of the order 1/1000.
If the electron diameter is indeed at most this distance d, in that case the two overlapping magnetic fields cancel each other almost out. If all that tiny magnet stuff is true, in that case the electron should be magnetically neutral. In a constant magnetic field that does not vary in space, by definition this tiny magnet electron should be neutral (if it all was true).
Let me show you two screen shots from the video from the Science Asylum. The first simple shows you the claim the electron has at most this size d.

A long time ago I estimated the result in next picture too but I always used an electron diameter of 10 to the -16 power, so one hundred time as big as the Asylum guys claims. Anyway there is nothing spinning over there because it must rotate a huge multiple of the speed of light. Now we can honestly say that Albert Einstein did not understand much about electron spin, but we can safely conclude that electron spin is not related to rotation of a spherical charged body the size of d.

Ok, let me hang in the video where we have once more the implicit claim that magnetism is always a magnetic dipole without one iota of experimental proof for that claim:
In the next video you see a guy at work showing that the oxygen in the air you breathe is magnetic. The magnetic properties of oxygen are truly breathtaking because it has to do with a so called ‘non-binding’ electron pair. In chemistry a non-binding electron pair is a pair with the same electron spin. Weirdly enough the physics professors keep their mouth shut: All electron pairs obey the Pauli exclusion principle!
Until it doesn’t like in molecular oxygen.
But I digress, the reason I selected this video can be found at 3.40 minutes into it: The guy ‘explains’ the behavior of the oxygen by stating that the two electrons in the non-binding pair align their magnetic dipole to the applied magnetic field. The problem with this kind of ‘explanation’ is that it does not explain as why the electrons get accelerated. As said above; if electrons are tiny magnetic dipoles, they are basically magnetically neutral. And we are to believe that the oxygen molecules get accelerated by the applied magnetic field because two little electrons ‘align their dipole magnetic moment’. Give me a break: that is crap and the next stuff look much more logical and observable:
Electrons are not magnetic dipoles but magnetic monopoles.
Here is the second video:
The reason for posting this second video is that I often obverve people from physics thinking that the alignment or for that matter the anti-alignment explains the acceleration and forces involved.
After seven years into this stuff I only wonder:
Why do the physics professionals like teachers and professors not see they are telling utter crap? Why are they so fucking stupid all of the time?
End of this post. Once more: A happy new year.