A long time ago around the time I started this website I had something known as “The seven properties of the number alpha”. But it was all spread out over two websites because until then I wrote the math just on the other website. But over the years I have advocated a few times to look up that stuff as the seven properties of alpha, so I decided to write a new post with the same title. I didn’t copy the old stuff but just made up a new version.
The post is amazingly long; a normal small picture has the size of 550×775 pixels, larger ones I use are up to 550×1100 but now it has grown to 11 pictures of size 550×1500. Likely this is the longest post I have written on math ever.
As always I have to leave a lot out, for example doing integration with the involvement of the number alpha is very interesting. During writing I also remembered that e to the power pi times i times alpha, wasn’t that minus one? Yes but we are not going to do six dimensional numbers or hybrids like the 3D circular numbers and replace the reals by the 2D complex numbers. Nope, in this post only properties from the 3D numbers alpha; the complex and the circular one.
More or less all the basic stuff is in this post; from simple things like alpha has no inverse to more complicated stuff like the relation with the Laplacian operator. I made a new category for this post, it even has the name “7 Properties of Alpha” so that in the future it will be even easier to find.
Lets hope it is worth of your time and lets hope you will find it interesting.

Ok, that was a long read. I want to congratulate you with not falling asleep. I have no plans for a next post although it is tempting to write something about integration along the line of real multiples of the number alpha.