On the other website I posted reason number 37, 38 and 39 about why it is impossible for electrons to be magnetic dipoles. Let me give you the links and short descriptions about their content.
05 Oct 2016: Reason 37: Old and new experiments upon the bonkers force.
Once more the importance of repeatable experiments is stressed; my own simple experiments with that old color television is explained once more. Furthermore I am proposing a few other experiments that I cannot do here myself because, for example, they should be done is a space without magnetic or electrical fields.
The thing ‘bonkers force’ is acting along the magnetic field lines and makes electrons (and protons etc) accelerate. So it is perpendicular to the Lorentz force.
10 Oct 2016: Reason 38: The Hendrik Casimir effect and the vacuum catastrophe.
The Nobel prize in physics went this year to three men who studied two dimensional structures of electrons. So with just 50 to 70 minutes of labor I managed to do the same and explain as why the experiment of Hendrik Casimir has a wrong experimental set up because there they use the idea that electrons are magnetic dipoles. En passant using this wrong set up of Hendrik Casimir I can explain the root cause of the so called ‘vacuum catastrophe’.
The theoretical value of the so called zero-point energy of one cubic centimeter of space should be 10 to the power 112 erg of energy, yet at present day the best value found is about 10 to the power -8.
That is off the mark by just a factor of 10 to the power 120…
14 Oct 2016: Reason 39: The acceleration of the solar wind.
This is just one of the many things you cannot explain with electrons and protons being magnetic dipoles; despite gravity and or the influence of electrical fields the solar wind does not go down in speed. The professional physics professors cannot explain this nasty detail because they keep on holding on to the Gauss law for magnetism that says magnetic monopoles do not exist…
For the electron pair the Gauss law is valid but not for loose electrons.
As far as I know the winners of the Nobel prize from this year also believe electrons are magnetic dipoles so the Nobel committee has done a great disservice to the progress in physics.
So from the vacuum catastrophe to the properties of the solar wind: the professional physics professors will not find an explanation century in century out because you must not think that by writing down how stuff likely works they will change their ways.
But, ha ha ha my dear but incompetent and coward physics professors: My experiment with an old television can be repeated by any person and you, you fxckheads, cannot explain it…
Ok, we proceed with math: The next post will be about how to find the number tau that you must use for crafting exponential circles and curves in dimensions above 3.
In order to focus the mind I would like to repeat a rather famous calculation from the complex plane: the calculation of the logarithm of the imaginary number i.
It is a beautiful calculation and it says that log i = i*pi/2.
Three teaser pictures to ram home to the brains of professional physics professors that I know plenty of complex numbers and that in my view using only 2D complex numbers simply shows what kind of brain matter you folks are made of:

At the closing of this small update I would like to remark that in the next post we are going to try and find logarithm values for imaginary numbers from 3D space.
And if in the future the Nobel committee would select Nobel prize winners that can actually think deeply and not all this shallow stuff, that would be great!
See you around my dear reader, till updates.