Category Archives: Magnetism

Making a permanent magnet using 20 thousand amps of electric current.

A lovely video was found where a guy from the Nottingham university is showing his workplace around. And they have that heavy equipment for making permanent magnets in just one blast. In the first five years of looking at magnetism I only told you about that slow process of heating up the material till above the Curie temperature, applying an external magnetic field, cool everything down slowly and voila: there are your permanent magnets!
But you can do it in one blast too, all you need is a very strong applied magnetic field. For me that is nothing new because my father worked at the local electricity plant and decades back they too had the equipment to make a permanent magnet in one short blast. At an electricity plant they have plenty of electricity anyway so why waste that?
(My father worked at the electric meter department and in those times they used permanent magnets in the electricity meters you had in your home or your business.)

Anyway, if my version of electron spin is true and electrons are not magnetic dipoles but come in two varieties carrying magnetic charge, in that case the ‘permanent’ in a permanent magnet arises from the fact that the unpaired electrons are shielded in the inner atomic orbitals. That is what makes them permanent… All that blah blah of electron spins aligning themselves to the applied magnetic field is pure nonsense, that blah blah does not explain why the magnetism is permanent.
Of course professional physics professors will always point to the tiny detail that if you think you understand quantum mechancis, you don’t understand quantum mechanics…
Now I too have a lot of things that I do not understand in quantum mechancis, but I think the electron being a magnetic dipole is 100% bullshit. They carry magnetic charge because that makes more sense and is a far more simple explanation of what we observe…

After having said that, if a permanent magnet always has it’s unpaired electrons that give rise to the emergent magnetism always in it’s inner orbitals, in that case if you blast them with a giant external magnetic field they should always heat up. They heat up because the unpaired electrons feels a relatively giant force from the applied magnetic field and as such are ripped out of those inner orbitals. And all ripped out electrons are replaced by electrons of the opposite magnetic charge…
It’s as simple as it is.

Here is the video it is only 15 minutes long:

How do you prove electron bipolar magnetism?

Ok, let me end this post with a picture made from two screen shots from the video. In the top screen shot you see at the left those strips of metal. Wow man, those strips of metal are the wires that transport the 10 to 20 thousand Ampere blast.
In the lower screen shot you see the blue machine where the magic seems to happen.

Ok that was it. If you make permanent magnets and they are not heated at the end, I am wrong about my electron idea’s… Only a professional physics professor will lamentate that applying a short energy burst of only 20 thousand amps will likely heat up everything.

End of this post.

On nuclear fusion reactors and why they will all fail.

To be precise: I am talking about all nuclear fusion reactor designs that use magnetic confinement for the fusion plasma. So these are the standard tokamak reactors that are build in a lot of places but also the stellarator fusion reactor from the Max Planck institute in Germany. Some years ago it came to my attention that the USA based company Lockheed Martin was also going into the fusion reactor thing and they were bragging about new technology and making mobile 100 Mega Watt nuclear fusion reactors. But their talk was a little bit strange, it was some CEO kind of guy that explained how their new technology would outbeat the tokamak design because with the new much stronger magnetic fields they could make, the magnetic field would be much stronger at the place of the fusion vessel wall. According to the Lockheed Martin CEO type of guy, plasma was diamagnetic and as such would stay away from the fusion reactor wall. Needless to say I had to laugh because in my view on physical reality electrons carry magnetic charge and will always make fusion plasma instable. In fusion reactions the protons (or the isotopes of hydrogen to be precise) need to fuse and that cannot be done if electrons constantly get accelerated to relativistic high speeds.

A few years back a lot of folks were bragging that by the year 2019 Lockheed Martin would have those mobile nuclear fusion reactors on large trailors, something like 100 Mega Watt per mobile unit. If they would have pulled that off, Lockheed Martin might be the first company to achieve a market capitalization of 10 trillion US$. That would be gigaenormous because after all 10 trillion = 10 thousand billion…

It was supposed to look like this:

Wow the first 10 trillion company!

As you see, the 2013 pipe dream is still not at the scene now in 2019. Why not? Well if plasma theorists keep on using the electron as a magnetic dipole, all of the advanced models they have for plasma behaviour will never depict an accurate picture of physical reality.

If in practice electrons come in two varieties, monopole north and south ones, in all of those fusion reactor designs they will move in opposite directions. It is more or less ‘along the magnetic field lines’ because all acceleration caused by the magnetic field makes the electrons accelerate in that direction. And this acceleration in two directions that will grow in a turbulent fashion and make the fusion plasma uncontrolable.

In this regard, I mean how turbulence arises, the density of the plasma is an important factor. In a low density plasma the electrons will have plenty of acceleration before they interact with other plasma particles. The denser the plasma is the shorter the length of those interaction free paths, that is obvious. In all present day plasma models, there is nothing that makes electrons accelerate along the magnetic field lines. That means all those models are wrong.

Before we go on with wrong mathematical models of plasma behaviour, sometimes the news upon nuclear fusion can be very funny. I just made an intenet search upon ‘Lockheed Martin nuclear fusion’ and I stumbled upon the next hilarious title from Yahoo finance:

Lockheed Martin doubles down on cold fusion.


As you see in this world there is just never a shortage of idiots; at Lockheed Martin they do not understand why the fusion plasma gets so instable but compared to the total idiots of Yahoo finance the Lockheed people look like pure Einsteinian human material… How stupid and 100% uninformed you must be to think that Lockheed is chasing cold fusion reactors…

Ok, a bit more on those math models they use to simulate plasma behaviour. It was in 2016 I came across that weird news from MIT, they simulated very large scale with lots of computer time how plasma should behave. There was actually an electron going round the entire plama vessel. Now my dear reader I was dumbfounded, if the electron is a magnetic dipole, how could it go round?

In my world where plasma electrons carry magnetic charge, the only thing the electrons want to do is going round and round… I never found how the model works that was used by the MIT smart asses, but here is a short video of the ‘result’ of the MIT plasma simulation:

Oh oh, that nasty turbulence…

In the video description there is a link where it even get more hilarious. Let me quote it:

A long-standing discrepancy between predictions and observed results in test reactors has been called “the great unsolved problem” in understanding the turbulence that leads to a loss of heat in fusion reactors. Solving this discrepancy is critical for predicting the performance of new fusion reactors such as the huge international collaborative project called ITER, under construction in France.

Comment: Don’t worry, ITER will never work if electrons carry magnetic charge. Plus the famous standard model says electrons are magnetic dipoles, so why worry that ITER will fail & fall flat on it’s stupid face?
Link where you can find the quote:

New finding may explain heat loss in fusion reactors

Come on, don’t worry & be happy.

A dog named Loïs, David Pakman, Sean Carrroll and Harry Potter.

I am sitting on my couch watching Youtube videos while the dog is lying next to me. Is the dog always shaking from fear that I will beat her up? Come on, she is a dog and not a math professor! Anyway to my amazement there is a video from the David Pakman show with Sean Carroll, Sean is one of those television physics professors that you see relatively often on television or other media outlets. I get a warm feeling in my stomach because I can listen to the intelligent words of Sean, he truly is a high shot smart ass. So I play the video and everything looks fine but all of a sudden Harry Potter materializes behind the show presentator David Pakman and why does Harry Potter look so angry? Something to do with Brexit or so?

All of a sudden Harry Potter pulls his magic wand, points to to Sean Carroll and he shouts ‘Imbicilus Totalus!’. A sudden flash of lightning leaves the magic wand and enters the head of Sean. Slowly David Pakman is turning around to see what is behind him but Harry is much faster; out of a bag he pulls a short broom with a big handle and I can read the inscription on the broom. It is a SmartAss3000, fast and with a routine Harry sticks it in his ass and he flies away in the darkness of the night. Wow man that is totally different from what I remember from those Harry Potter movies! How life changes over time… May be those old Harry Potter movies are now in some parallel universe far far away.

I need to calm the dog because the dog understands I am very agitated so I explain to her that not all humans do such weird stuff with a SmartAss3000. Loïs does not seem to understand what I am trying to say but since I am calm again she waggles her tail and soon she calms down again. Finally I started to watch the video while hoping that Harry Potter did not do too much damage with the Imbicilus Totales curse. My hopes were idle, after all Harry is a very good wizard, and after about 8.30 minutes Sean Carroll explains electron spin: “If you measure electron spin, the electron can only spin clockwise or counter clockwise” Sean explains… Oh oh, Harry Potter clearly succeeded with his curse because just a few posts ago we calculated that the electron needed to spin many times the speed of light in order to explain the magnetic properties the electron has. Say it needs to spin about 100 times the speed of light, in that case any electron spinning can account for at most 1% of it’s magnetic behaviour. No problem for Sean Carroll: it is spinning clockwise or counter clockwise and that is enough explanation for him…

Well not for me because I have a long list of problems with electrons being magnetic dipoles (the official version of an electron is that it is a magnetic dipole, of course we have zero experimental proof of that but who bothers?) The clockwise / anti clockwise spinning of an electron is nonsense because if it is a magnetic dipole, that vector can point into any direction. But as far as I see reality, all experiments point much more towards electrons having a magnetic charge. That is electrons are all magnetic monopoles and not magnetic dipoles.

But Sean is not the only to hang on the electron magnetic dipole thing, at CERN there are thousands of physics professors that actually think that electrons are pure point particles, that is they have no volume but are true points. If that were true, if the electron has no size, it would be completely impossible to accelerate electrons with a magnetic field like in the Stern Gerlach experiment. By the way, here is the video:

Ok, after having said that kind of stuff, the next post will be about Benford’s law. If I remember it correctly I worked a short time on that nice law back in the year 1999. One or two weeks back I made a search on the preprint archive and after a bit of thinking I decided to craft a post for this website out of it. It is very easy to find and craft all kinds of probability distributions that fit Benford’s law perfectly. Benford’s law is about numbers as we find them in nature and gives the probability distribution for the leading digit. Do an internet search if you never heard from it. Here is a teaser picture to get started for the next post:

Even a dog named Loïs likes it.

That was it for this post.

On the acceleration of electrons in time-constant magnetic fields.

This post is a continuation of the 01 May post on magnetism where we estimated that it is totally impossible that actual spinning of the electron would cause it’s magnetic properties. In the 01 May post I told you I had never seen how in physics they think electrons get accelerated in an inhomogeneous (and constant in time) magnetic fields. But when I finally tried to do some internet searching it was terrible easy to find. The offcial view is that they have an expression for the potential energy and the force is simply the gradient of the potential energy. But in order to explain the splitting in a beam in two in the Stern-Gerlach experiment something very strange has to happen: half of the electrons go into a somewhat lower energy and the other half in a somewhat higher state.

By all standards this is strange. Compare it for example to the next: You are standing on top of a building or a mountain and you start throwing rocks. Half of those rocks start falling to the ground as as such they are lowering their potential energy. The other half start flying up and as such gain potential energy like they feel anti-gravity. By all standards this is strange…

In my version of electrons where they are not magnetic dipoles but carry magnetic charge, you do not have this strange energy behavior because all electrons simply will follow their magnetic charge and as such all will go to lower energy levels.

And if the official version was true, that is half of the unpaired electrons turn into a lower energy and the other half in a higher energy spin state, that instantly brings problems when it comes to explaining permanent magnet behavior. If I grab a permanent magnet and stick it to a piece of iron, if half of the unpaired electrons would have spin up and the other half spin down, the magnet would never stick… Basically the official version of explaining the SG experiment is that you get those separation in unpaired electron spin states while when you stick a permanent magnet to a piece of iron all unpaired electrons will align to the magnetic field of the permanent magnet… That is highly contradictionary!

When just over five years back I found out the results of the SG experiment for the first time, my understanding of using an inhomogeneous magnetic field has always been that the electron feels tiny different forces with it’s north and south pole by the applied extermal magnetic field. And because the electron is so tiny, how could one unpaired electron pull an entire silver atom in two different directions?

Anyway this post is 8 pictures long, I had to made two of the a larger the rest is of the usual 550×775 pixel size.

Oh oh am I now shaking in fear because of the above photo as found on the preprint archive? If true, that would smash my idea of electrons carrying magnetic charge because if they carry magnetic charge it would not make much of a difference if the applied external magnetic field is inhomogeneous or not. A constant magnetic field simply would do.
Ok, for the time being is this the end of this post.

A classic: Imitation of the Pauli calculation given the results of the SG-experiment.

Often you observe people stating that the magnetic dipole moment of the electron cannot be explained by actual spinning of the electron. Because for that to happen, even if all electric charge was located on the equator of that spinning electron, it had to spin faster than the speed of light.

If memory serves, it was also Mr. Pauli (from the Pauli matrices describing electron spin stuff) that calculated this. So finally I did that calculation for myself, it takes a few minutes to collect the constants needed like the electron mass (I always forget that number). But within two or three minutes I arrived at a result of something like 15c or 15 times the speed of light.

And I started writing the text for the five pictures below and I don’t trust it and are there no errors or so? Yes there is a dumb typo on my Casio fx-82 made; it was not 15c but 15 thousand c… May be I made more dumb errors I haven’t found yet but that is all rather irrelevant because the beef of this post is not if all details of the simple calculation are correct but much more about when you can apply math in physics and when not.

For example, it is very simple math to show that the electron must spin over the speed of light and you can conclude this is not going to happen. That is more or less an allowed way of applying math in physics. Now it is not a secret that I think it is impossible that electrons are magnetic dipoles and as such I often frown over the use of the Gauss law for magnetism. If we use the variant of the Gauss law that uses a closed surface (magnetic flux through a closed surface like a spere always adds up to zero) to an electron, can we conclude the electron is a magnetic dipole because the Gauss law says so? Of course not, you absolutely need experimental evidence for such claims and only after that you can say: The Gauss law for magnetism also holds for electrons.

Not to mention you can accelerate electrons via inhomogeneous magnetic fields, you never hear about a calculation for that kind of miracle…

Ok, enough of the blah blah blah. This post is five pictures long, all of the usual size 550×775 pixels.

Ok, may be this post is just a giant mess if I read it again in a few years of time. But the huge number like 15 thousand times the speed of light can be tempered a little bit by using the so called ´Classical electron radius´ and that classical radius is far bigger compared to an electron diameter of 10^-16 meter. Here is one of those weird wiki’s:

Classical electron radius

It looks like we are at the end of this post.

Added on 05 May 2019: A small appendix showing the difference in magnetic behavior of a single electron. I really do not know if it is possible the measure magnetic field strength of just a single electron. But at present day there are detectors that can detect just one photon, ok ok not any photon, it has to have enough energy to be detected. But anyway, if my view on electron magnetism is correct the strength should fall off in a 1/r^2 kind of law and if it is a magnetic dipole it is all very different.

Of course I cannot do such an experiment that shows how the magnetic field falls down, I do not know if such an experiment is possible. But if it is possible that experiment would likely make chopped meat of the idea the electrons are magnetic dipoles. The appendix is just one picture long, I had to enlarge it a little bit so it has size 550×850 pixels:

Again; no idea if such an experiment is possible…

And now you are really at the end of this post.

No no, you are not at the end of this post because on 30 June I also place a funny video from the Youtube channel science asylum below. I would not hold my hand in the fire for the physics in it, after all I think that it is impossible for electrons to be magnetic dipoles. I think it is magnetic charge and as such it is reasonable to talk about spin 1 particles (so basically stuff with two unpaired electrons in it). A Stern Gerlach experiment done on a spin 1 particle gives results like in the next picture and once more this validates again that electron spin is only magnetic charge…

Magnetic charge looks more reasonable to me.

Here is the video from that funny Youtube channel:

Ok, that was it.

The supersized electron, can you accelerate one cubic cm of this stuff with a magnetic field?

This post is a continuation of Reason number 50 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles as found on the other website. I published nr 50 in 2017 on 14 Oct. In that nr 50 Reason I tried to estimate the gradient of an inhomogeneous (non constant) magnetic field. It was just a rough estimation so you can have all kinds of critisism on it, but the gradient needed in the magnetic field was so huge that we safely can conclude that electrons cannot be accelerated by non constant magnetic fields.

Back in the year 2017 I more or less stated that universities are never very helpful. I joked that the word cooporation was not found in their dictionary. So now about 18 months later this seems to be true, why is that? Well all universities are relatively formal structures, most things go along some kind of protocol. For example when I would try to get a research job for the study of magnetic domains (because I think magnetic domains have surplusses of either one of the spin variants, so every magnetic domain is a magnetic ‘monopole’ on the domain level), that likely would not be possible. Because everything goes in such a formal manner likely I have to start as a first year student of physics, slowly climb the ranks and that’s it because ‘we cannot make an exception’. And from the university this is rather logical; if they give in to one weirdo that think that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, next comes along another crazy person that wants to study more homeopathic medicines or whatever what.

Ok, what are we looking at in this post? I simply view the electron as some kind of massive small sphere with a diameter of 10^-16 meter and as such estimate the density or the mass per cubic meter.

Without trying any kind of calculation, try to accelerate such an object with an inhomogeneous magnetic field…

It is three pictures long so this is a short post although the numbers are impressive. Picture sizes all 550×775 pixels.

Ok, this is what I had to say on the impossibility of accelerating magnetic dipole electrons in any meaningful amount while using inhomogeneous magnetic fields… See you in the next post.

What would a quantum measurement on Paul his IQ yield?

Today I came across one of those video’s where people try to explain how permanent magnets work. And originally I thought of a title like ‘Idiot of the day observed’ but soon I changed my mind because Paul Sutter does not do it on purpose; what he says is more or less the general accepted version of permanent magnetism…

In general there are two lines of reasoning when it comes to permanent magnets: One line of reasoning is that the magnetic domains get aligned, the other way is that the electron spin of all unpaired electrons align.

Paul Sutter goes for the second line of reasoning; the spin of all unpaired electrons align giving rise to a permanent magnet. Just like everything else in the video it is just wrong; in my view where the electrons carry magnetic charge, it is the placement of the unpaired electrons in the inner shells of for example an iron atom that makes the global permanent magnet emerge.

If it was just electrons having all their dipole magnetic moments point in the same direction, in that case with a strong magnet you could always change or invert the magnetic direction of a weak magnet. In practice this just does not happen; last spring I even made a simple experiment with this: I took my stack of the most strong magnets I have and placed them over 24 hours against the two most weak magnets I have. And, like expected, there was no change at all in the weak magnets indicating there is some kind of threshold at work. The threshold is of course that it is hard to remove the magnetically charged electrons from the inner shells of the iron atoms…

Here are two pictures of the simple experiment from 08 March 2018; the permanent but very weak magnets on the left were exposed to the stack of neodymium magnets for just over 24 hours and just nothing changed in the behavior of the weak magnets. If electron magnetic moment alignment were a significant factor in permanent magnetism, the stronger permanent magnets should alter the magnetic properties of the weak magnets. It just does not happen…

Weak at the left, strong at the right.
After 24+ hours of waiting zero change observed in the weak magnets.

A link to what I wrote one year back on this very simple experiment is:
08 March 2018: Reason 56: This experiment shows zero spin torque transfer.

It is lovely to see so many of the wrong stuff bound together in just one short video: For example when Paul explains why electron pairs are magnetically neutral while the unpaired electrons are not. In my view if it is true that electrons are magnetic dipoles, they would be magnetically neutral. They are not and in my view this shows electrons are magnetic monopoles. How does Paul explain it? Very simple: The electron pair is magnetically neutral because one of the electrons has spin up while the other has spin down and that cancels each other out.

Here is the Youtube video of Paul Sutter, please don’t think that Paul is a dumb person or so. This is just the view of professional physics folks that have studied magnetism for centuries…


May be at last I am getting a little bit sarcastic: They have studied that for centuries… But if you let go that dumb and unproven Gauss law for magnetism, just try to think about our physical reality as electrons also carry magnetic charge beside their electric charge, a lot of things become better to understand. After all, why do we only observe electron pairs? Why never something else like an electron triplet?

Ok, let’s leave it with that. Till updates my dear reader.

At year’s end: What is the most nice magnetic result of this year?

There is more than one candidate; the possible explanation of those solar loops via the rotating plasma under it is indeed very very nice.

But it is very hard to find experimental evidence for that, how to check that on the sun where there is one of those solar loops, the solar plasma underneath it is rotating?

So my choice for this year most beautiful insight is how those magnetic domains in materials like iron actually work. If my thinking on electrons as magnetic monopoles is correct, you could view those magnetic domains as surplusses of either north-pole electrons or south-pole charged electrons.

This should be much more easy to verify experimentally. After all there is still plenty of magnetic tape around and the best way of checking if magnetic domains are suplusses of one of the two magnetic charges is much more handy if you have a flat surface like magnetic tape.

Furthermore at present day it should be possible to measure very small magnetic charges. After all in most computers there still are spinning hard disks that use magnetism as the basic information storage.

Anyway to make a long story short: If in a flat material like magnetic tape you can go around a magnetic domain with a tiny compass, all of the time the tiny compass should point towards that magnetic domain with the same side of the compass needle.

So it should always point with the north-pole of the compass needle or the south-pole of the compass needle. Remark that according to standard physics theory going around a magnetic domain should always give different readings with a tiny compass needle…

Also in that line of thinking, the domain walls shoud have surplusses of electron pairs that all are spinning around to compensate or neutralize the magnetic forces they feel. An important clue to that lies in the fact you cannot really move or transport domain walls in a wire as the engeneers of IBM tried with making their nano wire racetrack memory.

This year we heard more or less nothing from IBM with progress into the concept of nano wire racetrack memory. Yeah yeah, the price of not understanding electron spin is huge, if we could have fast computer memory that uses very little energy that would be great…

This year I also gave up on my fantasies of trying to make an official publication in some physics yournal. I don’t think such a publication will ever pass the peer review that those scientific yournals use. Those peer review people just want the electron is a magnetic dipole and that’s it. So I did not try that this year nor will I try next year.

Not that I am aginst peer review. Suppose there would be zero peer review and think for example medical scientific publications. They would be filled with all kind of weird benefits that homeopathy therapy has, or the healing of your chakra’s with mineral chrystals… Of course we cannot have that. As such there must always be the so called peer review…

Ok, the word count counter says 500+ words written so I have to stop writing.

Here is the link to what I self more or less consider as the best improving insight on my behalf on the behavior of all things magnetic. It is from 7 July this year:

07 July 2018: Reason 64: Bloch and Neel walls explained.

Ok, that was it. Happy new year.

Do lunatics rule the asylum called physics?

There is a Youtube channel named the science asylum. It is run by a guy that makes your head tired but for a few minutes it is often nice to watch. In the next video he tries to explain magnetism, both electro-magnetism and permanent magnets.

Here is the video:

The video guy tries to explain permanent magnets via the concept of angular momentum. As far as I know physics now this is indeed the way it has historically evolved. Now a lot of physics folks think that the unpaired electrons somehow go around the nucleus and as such create a magnetic dipole moment, other place more emphasis on electrons being the basic dipole magnets and if they align all conditions for possible permanent magnets are there. Of course beside electrons also the so called magnetic domains need to align and the official version is that this is more or less the way some materials like iron can be turned into permanent magnets.

In my view there is a long list of problems that come with that. For example the Curie temperature, above the Curie temperature the permanent magnet looses it’s magnetism completely.

If you view electrons as magnetic monopoles, stuff like the Curie temperature become a lot more logical: above the Curie temperature it has to be that the metal is so hot it starts to loose it’s unpaired electrons.

In my view, when permanent magnets are manufactured it is the applied external magnetic field and the slow slow cooling down from above the Curie temperature that ensures the magnet becomes ‘permanent’.

There should be a simple experimental proof for that but although for years I tried to find it, until now I still haven’t found it. But in our global industrie a lof of permanent magnets are made every day and the experimental proof for my view on electron spin simply says the next:

If during the cooling down a NS external magnetic field is applied, the permanent magnet will come out as a SN magnet.

With SN I simply mean that the magnetic south pole is on the left while the magnetic north pole is on the right. So the macroscopic object known as the permanent magnet will always be anti-aligned with the magnetic field that is applied during the fabrication of the permanent magnet.

I still haven’t found it after all these years, but if it comes out that permanent magnets have the same orientation as the applied external magnetic field during fabrication, I can trash my theory of magnetic charges and finally go on with my life…

But there are plenty of problems more with the standard model version of electrons being magnetic dipoles. Here is a screen shot from 4.35 minutes into the video from the crazy asylum guy and it contains so called quantum numbers.

The title in the picture might look a bit confusing because the only single-electron atom in the universe is the hydrogen atom. Likely the author means the number of unpaired electrons in some atom.

You observe two quantum numbers that are holy inside quantum mechanics:
The so called ‘Total orbital angular momentum’ number l and something weird because it is only along the z-axis direction m_l.

In my view, if electrons carry magnetic charge and are not magnetic dipoles and for example it has 3 unpaired electrons, total magnetic charge runs from -3 to +3.

And that is precisely what the m subscript l number does…

So I still have to find the very first fault in my simple idea that electrons just carry one of the two possible magnetic charges.

In this post I skipped the fourth quantum number: total spin. That is also a quantum number thing so is it a vector (a magnetic dipole) or a magnetic charge (a magnetic monopole)?

Ok, let’s leave it with that. Have a nice set of quantum numbers or try to get one.

Added on 26 Nov:

May be looking at chaotic guys makes me chaotic too, but reading back what I wrote yesterday I think it is better to explain the ‘anti alignment’ a bit more because I explained it far too confusing I just guess.

I made a schematic sketch of it, you see two coils that make a long lasting constant magnetic field and in that field a hot piece of iron is slowly cooling down. An important feature of iron is that the four unpaired electrons are in the inner shells, this is a consequence of the so called aufbau principle.

Here is the sketch:

So my basic idea of manufacturing permanent magnets is the fact that during the long cool down the unpaired electrons can settle in those inner shells inside the electron could of the iron atoms.

Furthermore it has to be that the chrystal structure metals like iron make is such that the individual iron atoms cannot rotate. It is fixed in place. And with the unpaired magnetic charge carrying electrons in place after the long cool down, that is why your permanent magnet is more or less permanent:

Small surplusses of south charged electrons should be at the left & vice versa a bit more north magnetic charge at the right as sketched above.

This all sounds very simple but we also have those magnetic domains in metals like iron, those magnetic domains are just small surplusses of either one of the two magnetic charges. This blurs the simplicity a bit but it perfectly explains as why unmagnetized iron gets attracted to magnets anyway: the dynamics of the magnetic domain changes under the influence of the outside permanent magnet…

At last I want to remark that if the idea of permanent magnetism would solely based on dipole electron spin that aligns, in that case strong permanent magnets should change the permanent magnetism of weakly magnetized iron. The strong magnets would simply eat up the electrons of the weak permanent magnet.

That just does not happen. Last spring I made a small toungue in cheek ‘experiment’ with that where I placed my stack of most strong neodymium magnets against two of my most weak magnets. It was all fixed in place over 24 hours, but after all that time my two most weak permanent magnets exposed the same behaviour as before.

So no electron was flipped and for me that was one more reason to say farewell to the idea of electrons being magnetic monopoles.

Here is a link to that very simple toungue in cheek experiment, I hope it is so simple that physics professors will vomit on that…

08 March 2018: Reason 56: This experiment shows zero spin torque transfer.

Ok, I have to stop this post because it is over 1100 words long and that is far beyond the attention span of professional physics professors.

Have a nice set of parallel universes while not even understand permanent magnets or try to get even more beautiful parallel universes…

Till updates my dear reader.

Magnetism: A small contest with the honorable Max Planck Institute around their Wendelstein 7_X stellarator fusion reactor.

This post is on magnetism only but it is more or less in the planning that the next post on 4D complex numbers is about diagonalization of a 4D complex number. After that we have (may be) to try and calculate the number tau in this way.

Ok magnetic stuff:
Since I think that electrons are not magnetic dipoles but carry one of the two possible magnetic charges, electrons will always be accelerated by magnetic fields just as they are by electrical fields.

That basic idea of magnetic charge makes a whole lot of things much more easy to understand. For example electron pairs are only observed as pairs, never as triples or whatever what like circular structures of 17 electrons…

Let’s look at the most simple molecule we know of: molecular hydrogen. Two atomic hydrogen are both electrically neutral, why should they bond anyway? But if the two electrons of those two hydrogen atoms carry opposite magnetic charge, that could be a reason as why they want to bond anyway.

And if you think about it that way (the protons also carry some magnetic charge) all of a sudden a hydrogen molecule is nothing but a balancing act between electric and magnetic charges.

Once more: Why do we only observe electron pairs in chemical bonding via electron pairs? If the electron was indeed a magnetic dipole, what explains we only observe electron pairs?

I made a beautiful drawing of two electron magnetic dipoles, I know I know it is a bit simplistic with two simple lobes of magnetism in a 2D representation. But here it is & how is all that bonding in the electron pair supposed to go?

Why do we only observe electron pairs and not other forms of possible magnetic dipole formations? We have never seen only one electron triple as far as I know.

I know it is a terrible drawing. Always when I show drawings to other human beings they always get tears in their eyes…:)

In the beginning I just thought that the tears were explained because those people could see the underlying beauty of my drawings. But later they also started vomiting and I was just scratching my head and decided to post less and less drawings because that vomit is so smelly and dirty.

But let’s not talk about the smell of vomit but a bit more on the wonderful progression the Max Planck Institute is making with their expensive nuclear fusion reactor known as the Wendelstein 7-X fusion reactor. They have set breathtaking records like in the next link:

Wendelstein 7-X achieves new world record

Also funny:

Wendelstein 7-X makes the cover

If my version of electron spin carries more truth compared to the retarded version of every electron is a magnetic dipole, if that is true nuclear fusion machines like Tokamak or the Stellarator design as used in the Wendelstein 7-X reactor will not work properly.

So let’s make it a little contest between me and the entire Max Planck Institute, in particular the IPP parts of it (IPP = Institute for Plasma Physics).

Now that is German stuff so I will use a German video as found on the internet where a German guy named Harold Lesch asks questions at another German guy named Hartmut Zohm. One of those questions is answered at 3.33 minutes into the video where Harold asks if there are still some major ‘technical hurdles’ that have to be taken…
Hartmut Zohm says: Das haben wir alles schon ausgeraumt.
Loosely translated the answer says that ‘everything has been cleaned out’.

Here is the video:
Harald Lesch & Hartmut Zohm zur Fusionsforschung

And of course a picture of how it looks to observe two humans not understanding electron acceleration by magnetic fields:

So what is the little contest between the Max Planck Institute and me?

Very simple: They will keep on going with the insight from the standard model of physics that says electrons are magnetic dipoles. And from my side I will keep on insisting that electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles and as such are accelerated by magnetic fields.

It will take some time to let this pan out, after all the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator is not something you turn on like a light bulb. But one thing is clear; the longer the machine is turned on the longer the electrons get accelerated and likely this is creating a long list of plasma stability problems like ever growing turbulence. Or more and more electrons smashing into the vessel walls because the high speed will make them leave the magnetic field lines they follow at low speeds…

At last I want to remark that electrons as magnetic dipoles with only one of the two possible magnetic charges makes something like the formation of H2 easier to understand. But that comes with a hefty price: Now the formation of proteins becomes much more difficult to understand. If you look at animations from how proteins form very often you see the electron as a magnetic dipole and when needed it simply flips around… So what happens in reality is unknown to me, is there all kinds of electron transport going on so that the right electron is at the right place in a chemical reaction? Or are there all kinds of photons going round changing the magnetic charge of the individual electrons?

I don’t have a clue as how our human bodies actually make all those proteins…

That is the end of this post.

A correction on the 17 June 2017 post is added on 29 Oct 2018. It is just a silly typo in just an example of a possible so called trapdoor function, but last week when I read that old post again I decided to correct it. So although it is a very old post compared to the present day news cycle where idiots run the atheneum formerly known as the Federal government of the USA, I still live in timescales that evolve more slowly.

After all, almost all of the math as written down in the post about finding prime factors of huge composite numbers as they are used in internet security was found by me in the nineties. So it is over two decades old math and by other standards that is still very young math…

The original post was 15 pictures long, as usual it is very hard to understand all stuff in a single day. The human brain learns slow because all that brain matter has to rewire itself and that is a process that makes you tired, just like nature wants I just guess.

But here is a link to that old post:

Let’s Destroy Internet Security!!!

In the end I came close, I had all the technical stuff figured out but I still lacked a mechanism of converging into the direction of the prime numbers as used in for example communications encryption.

Ok, the correction itself is on the second picture of the old 17 June 2017 post.
If you don’t want to read the old post, the correction looks like this:

Ok, that was it. Till updates.