A brand new coordinate system for 3D complex and circular numbers under development.

With great success I was able to kill my frustration. There are many ways to combat heavy upcomming frustration, for example you could go running against the wind until you are so heavily exhausted that all frustration is gone.

But this time I did it differently: Within a timespan of at most three minutes I finally wrote down that calculation that I avoided for so long, for so many years. And within this small time frame suddenly I was bombarded by sphere and cone equations telling me that story I should have discovered so many years ago.

Within this unloading of a huge amount of frustration I discovered how the length changes when you multiply two 3D cokmplex numbers, say X and Y.
All these years I never understood properly what drove the length of the product XY.

And this result eased my mind, I was no longer frustrated that all those incompletent people get boatloads of money every month while I live in relative poverty compared to those saleries.
And I went to work and I discovered an amazingly strange but also very easy to understand completely new coordinate system for 3D space.

It is not for any ordinary 3D vector space, you must equip it with either the complex or circular multiplication, but it is so beautiful that I hope it will survive in the long run.

I have not decided on a name yet, for the time being I name it ‘special coordinates’. Since cones play such a major role the name ‘cone coordinates’ might be the right thing to do.
But there are already Conical Coordinates yet they act like the common point of 3 non parallel planes; it is the intersection of two cones with a sphere…


All in all I will post the stuff on length preserving/shrinkage/extra growth on the other website in page 4 on the higher dimensional complex numbers.

And on this website I will post an entry with this new coordinate system

So that’s the planning for the time being, till updates.

Let’s kill the frustration.

Most days I am working on a new post for the magnetics page and I am trying to put together 3 linear polarised light rays in order to get a circular polarised thing.

Since it is on the magnetics page I try to avoid all math things 3D complex numbers related.
And guess what happens? Every day I am deleting the stuff from the previous day.

This goes on for almost a week by now, but rewriting the stuff does not help much: if you do not have the right math tools, what can you do?

Now in the science of physics they can super-position two light rays in order to get a circular polarisation. I know it can also be done with three light rays but I cannot get the math on order.

On top of that, all those thousands and thousands of ‘professional professors’ get a pay rise year in year out. But the yearly payrise of these non performers is what later will be my entire yearly pension. So why should I try to explain how to combine three lightrays into a circular polarisation in the first place?

After all the professors always behave the same; there is no difference between math and physics professors, they are all skilled money parasites. And at best, perform like a ball of camel shit.

So in order to kill my own frustration, let me post an empty picture:

0022=background_pictureAnd after that, hang in some stupid non working math:


Ok, I feel levels of frustration in my brain declining but once more ponder the question:

Why should I carry wisdom to overpaid non-performing professors?????


End of this post, till updates.

Third post on the Schrödinger wave equation using 3D complex numbers for atomic & molecular orbitals.

This update is 10 pictures long, the pictures are sized 550 by 775 pixels.
This update covers more or less everything, but I still have to explain how you find the six coordinate functions the poeple will need in order to see if these kind of complex numbers give the same result as ordinary complex numbers from the complex plane.

For those that cannot wait: In the post from 03 April I posted a teaser picture with the coordinate functions in 3D, if you multiply this against the e to the power i pi alpha thing in this update you have the six coordinate functions…

Ok ok you neatly have to write them out, but basically it is all there.

At first I was thinking it would be hard to get different results using these higher dimensional complex numbers, but when talking about atomic and molecular orbitals it might be more subtle than it looks. At the end I will post a video where some physics guy shows all kinds of orbitals related to hydrogen but his stuff is different from the pictures we observe in chemistry.
He explains this by saying that the people from chemistry always take a super-position of two wave-blobs and as such it gets oriented along the y-axis say.
If you would take super-positions of my 3D complex numbers you will get very similar results. look at the drawing in the one before last picture:
Take a super-position of an exponential circle and it’s conjugate and observe it must have the same behavior as 2D numbers from the complex plane.

(In that drawing your eys is supposed to be along the line through zero and alpha, so zero is right behind the center of the shown circle…)

Enough of the bla bla bla, here are the 10 pictures:









Click on the picture to get a larger version of the drawing:



Now finding these atomic & molecular orbitals is very hard, for simple atoms like hydrogen it is doable but what about uranium or some nice protein with only 3693 atoms in it?

All that kind of stuff falls under what we name n-body problems and for n above 3 it seems impossible to find exact analytical solutions.

There is a nice video out there explaining a bit more on the topic of finding the shapes of atomic & molecular orbitals. It is from Brant Carlson and has the title Hydrogen atom wavefunctions:


Ok, that was it for today. Till updates.

Teaser picture for the third post on the Schrödinger wave equation.

The stuff is more or less finished, I only have to turn it into a series of pictures so tomorrow or the day after I will post the third post on the Schrödinger equation using higher dimensional complex numbers.

Now on the other website I posted a teaser picture and since we are against cruel discrimination of peace loving websites why not post it here too?

So that is our post for today: Just a teaser picture:

0020=10April2016=teaser_picture_third_Schrodinger_postYeah yeah, once more we observe mathematical perfection.

Till updates.


Some good math for the physics community.

Ok ok I made a relatively big blunder when sending the people from quantum mechanics using the Schödinger equation into the direction of the 3D complex numbers.

Because as a matter of fact, you cannot solve the factual Schrödinger equation in the 3D complex number system because there is no famous i to be found with the property that i^2 = -1.

You need a more advanced number system and I will explain that in detail in an upcoming post number three on the Schrödinger wave equation.


In the meantime, it has not fallen on deaf ears on my side that after I posted the first Schrödinger post and I later did an internet search, suddenly with the search phrase ‘3Dcomplexnumbers’ I suddenly ended on number 1, 2 and 3.
So like expected it drew a lot of attention.

Therefore I would like to give a kind of present to the physical community because also not fallen on deaf ears, as far as I observe it physics people always try to use a product integral when they can.

Product integrals were my first serious mathematical invention, I found them while I was still trying to get my first year exam al the local university. Math professors almost never use product integrals because they are to stupid for that but physics people often put it in product integral representation.

How the history of that detail is I do not know, may be Paul Dirac had a bit to do with it…

Anyway, some time ago I wrote a pdf with the title

A tribute to Euler. Title: Ten styles for product integrals and product differentiation.


So far for the gift or the present, if you want to use other number systems beside the complex plane for depicting atomic orbitals or whatever you want to do with it, you also must know more about exponential circles and curves.

Physics people use so called ‘phase shift’ all of the time, but that is only multiplying some stuff with e to the power it or so. This is the sandpit exponential curve for toddlers.

In the world of the grown ups we have all kinds of other exponential circles and curves and guess what? I have a pdf for you with another 10 pieces of exponential circles & curves:

An overview of exponential circles and curves.

A possible way of parametrization of 3D exponential circles is given in the next picture and understanding this stuff is important when it comes to the third post related to the Schrödinger equation:

0020=intro_to_the_third_Schrodinger_postThis is the end of this intro to the third Schrödinger post.
Have a nice life or try to get one.

Till updates.

Schrödinger wave equation part 2.

A few posts back I wrote a bit about the Schrödinger wave equation related to calculating atomic and molecular orbitals for electrons using 3D complex numbers.

What I said was basically correct but also an over-simplification of the situation.
The problem is very very basic: in the 3D number system, let it be complex or circular, you just cannot solve and equation like $X^2 = -1$.
Hence the number i from the complex plane with i^2 = -1 just does not live in 3D real space.

So using alternative number systems outside the complex plane is not a straightforward thing to do, yet in principle all higher dimensional complex numbers should give the same results.
If not there would be a very basic problem inside the wave equation from quantum mechanics and I am not aware of any faults in that detail of the quantum theory.

Here are two pictures that serve as an addendum on the previous post on the Schrödinger equation:0019=01Apr2016=2nd_Schrodinger_post01



Now if you are reading this it is very likely that at least once in your life you have seen a solution to the Schrödinger wave equation like the ‘particle in a box’. And that is not a 3D box but the one dimensional box or just an interval of the real line.

Solving the Schródinger stuff for atomic and molecular orbitals is a very different kind of game; these are always many particle systems where every particle influences the system and the entire system influence the individual particles.
Mathematically speaking it is a nightmare; analytical solutions are not possible they say.
It can only be solved numerically…


But keep on dreaming, after all they also say decade in decade out that electrons are magnetic dipoles. There is no experimental proof for that only theoretical bla bla bla.

Let’s leave it with that. Till updates.

When did I find the first exponential circle in 3D space?

It was in the Spring of 2013 when I was walking in a nearby park when it suddenly dawned on me that this exponential process that ran through the basis vectors (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0) and the z-axis unit vector (0, 0, 1) was periodic.
It could not be anything else because I was capable of calculating the logarithm of the first imaginary unit j.

I remember at first I just did not have a clue it would be a circle, I even had vague fantasies like may be it is a vibrating string where all those string physics professors talk about.

Now this evening I was just Googleing around a little bit when I came across this picture again:


It dates back to 30 May 2013 and I used this picture as a joke about how professional math professors look in my fantasy world. Within a week I found that the 3D complex periodic curve was in fact a circle.
So I had to laugh hard about my own joke once more because if I had known the 3D periodic thing would also be a circle I would have made the joke very different… Because one way or the other this picture now also represented me.


You know this last week I am a bit puzzled by what the next post should be, in December 2013 I conducted a good investigation into the roots of unity related to the two exponential circles and because every body knows roots of unity it would a nice started for this website.

On the other website you can find it at the 05 Jan 2014 entry:

The song of omega reloaded

At the time I was amazed with all the things you can do with the eigen values of the imaginary components j and j squared. From diagonalization to the roots of unity, my theory got definitely air born.

Later in January 2014 I found a new Cauchy integral formula (actually two just like I found two sets of roots of unity each for the admissable forms of 3D multiplication). Also in Jan 2014 I cracked the problem of 5D complex numbers.

By all standards, as far as I can see it; the two months Dec & Jan in that time were the most productive ever.


Now, almost 3 years later finally stuff on Google take off, for example if this day I start searching for the phrase 3dcomplexnumbers it returns back three results from this new website.
Just look at the next screen shot picture:

0018=25March2016=results_of_a_Google_searchSo after waiting all these years, finally I begins to look as if stuff starts getting air born on some  bigger scale than before.

Ok, end of this update. As usual till updates!

Just a background picture plus some bla bla bla.

About 10 days ago I took a look at how much pictures I have crafted since the beginning of this website and I decided to take a nice holiday.

So in this update no hardcore math or softcore math, I want to show you just a background picture and talk a bit about that. Here is the picture:


For the human brain if you see things of similar shape but one is smaller compared to the other, most of the time the thing that looks small has a greater distance from where you are.
Of course there are deviations from this: When you see a child standing before a grown up you simply observe a small person standing before a larger one.

Now look carefully at the picture above, constantly the larger things are beyond those one layer smaller and constantly if it is one layer smaller it looks like the lean on the larger one.

It was years ago that by accident I found this kind of stuff, for myself speaking it looks beautiful because it transports your brain instantly into two directions:

  1. The smaller things should be further away &
  2. The smaller things lean on the larger ones so they should be closer…

So this gives a nice discrapency in the brain of the reader, what vision will prevail or will there be some circular insight like a cat trying to catch it’s own tail?


In another development I crafted reason number 24 as why electrons and stuff like that are the long sougth magnetic monopoles, here is a teaser picture for that (click on it to land on the other website on the page about magnetic stuff):

0017=21March2016=Fermi_discovers_giant_lobesOk, that was more or less what I had to say today.
Till updates.

Correction number 2 on the 6D complex numbers.

Three months ago on 06 Dec 2015 I posted the 6D numbers update because that is the smallest space that includes both the complex plane and my own invented 3D complex numbers.

To my amazement a few days ago I typed in on a Google search the phrase ‘3d complex numbers’ and when you search for pictures my teaser picture for that 06 Dec post was picture number 3.

So I started reading my own stuff again; why is this post so popular given the fact it has an extremely boring title???

It was only later that very likely my own goal of including stuff that is known, like the complex plane, must be some factor for readers clicking on that post so often. And after thinking about it coming back & so on & so on.

But I found another typo in that old post and that is the update for today; I show you the part that includes the typo and also show you the correction. Picture number 3 shows the teaser picture standing on rank 3 in the Google picture search.

Now you must never think you are king with search results like this, if for example you are in Brazil and type in the same search string ‘3d complex numbers’ you might very well get a very different result: Google like to ‘craft the search to the individual’ in order to maximize advertisement revenue…

Anyway, three pictures that form a correction on the 06 Dec post are below:


The above picture contains the stupid typo that says this imaginary number l is the square root of the complex plane thing i. This is plane stupid, in the next picture you see a correction±


In the third picture of this update you see the teaser picture on position number 3 in that Google picture search, don’t forget Google has a large bag of tricks to localize search results. So I as the idiot that I am might think that in spaces like Brazil or Australia you get the same results I forgot how Google makes the money:

Delivering search results accompanied by advertisements…


Ok end of this second correction on the 6D complex numbers. Till updates.

Atomic orbitals, the Schrödinger wave equation and 3D complex numbers.

The numerical use of three dimensional complex numbers is almost the same as the situation on the complex plane. This is caused by the simple fact that only on the main cone that includes the three coordinate axes, we have that if you multiply a number X by it’s conjugate, the result is a real number.

In the complex plane this is valid for all numbers in the plane but in higher dimensional complex number systems the situation is different; you must always pick numbers from that main cone where also the exponential circle lives (in 3D) or exponential curves (in higher dimensions).

This update is 5 pictures long, size pics = 550 by 775.


One hour later:

Shit! There is a serious problem with uploading the pictures, they get uploaded but they are  not visible… So you must wait at least one day longer because I do not understand the problem at hand…

Till updates.


Problem with the jgp pictures is solved; according to my webhost provider it was caused by the name Schrödinger because that contains an o with two dots: ö.
My computer can handle filenames with ö so for me they looked normal but the server that hosts this website cannot deal with these kinds of symbols…

Anyway after a few days here are the pictures:






Well I am happy this strange problem of invisible pictures has been solved. Till updates.