Slowly but surely I am getting better at the GIMP (a free program for manupilating images). Right now I can place pictures in perspective while the GIMP als has a 3D picture manupilating tool I haven’t even used by now. Now one day I will have to end my usual way of formatting pictures, the biggest disadvantage is that you must always have a windows XP computer. May be it is possible to run a virtual XP on a windows 10 system but I never managed to get it properly at work. On the other hand computers in for example pin automats (money machines at the bank) still seem to work on XP. So likely in the future their will still be motherboards and CPU’s that allow for a fresh install of that mighty windows XP system.
Anyway with GIMP you can easily use the perspectives tool and place rectangular selections into a perspective like shown below:

No, the above format for publishing math does not work properly I guess. It is a screenshot from a post from earlier this year: Calculating the 3D exponential circle using first principles.
Now in another development I was also not very lucky. I found a few pictures of the creation of an electron-positron pair in a bubble chamber. Now if my view on electrons and positrons being magnetic monopoles is correct and because in a bubble chamber you have a magnetic field present, from the moment of creation they should start accelerate in opposite directions. And I thought all I needed was just one Google picture search but the results were a bit disappointing. Yes you can find some pictures but most of the time it is just one photo that is recycled over and over. Another disadvantage is that you see the electrons and positron bubble paths only in the direction of the magnetic field that is applied so that the electrons & positrons can do their typical circular movement due to the Lorentz force so it is abosolutely not possible to see the eventurental acceleration into the direction of the magnetic field lines… Well most of the time you find the next picture and yes it looks like the one particle is ‘going in’ and the other is ‘going out’ but that is all there is. No sideviews found at all and that is what I need. An interesting phenomenum that should occure is the next: Due to the bubbles there has to be some kind of drag on the electron and positron. So their velocities along the magnetic field lines should take on some limiting value. If that can be found that alone should be enough to validate that electrons canny magnetic charge and that all this ‘tiny magnet’ stuff is total bs.

And the last item for this post is the MIT people. Again it is blah blah blah because we now have stronger magnets we can make smaller nuclear fusion reactors. But if my view of electrons being magnetic monopoles in the end will be victorious, stronger magnetic fields do not solve the acceleration problem. Electrons get constantly accelerated and because there are two types of electrons namely the north and south charge they will get accelerated into opposite directions.
I have been saying this for years and years and still the university people keep on doing their retarded thing and not proves that electrons are actually magnetic dipoles. In the meantime those imcompetent shitholes keep on making promesis for a better future when it comes to energy for the population and blah blah this & blah blah that.
Remember the time that Lockheed Martin came out with the same kind of bullshit? By now we should have had the first mobile fusion reactors and of course they are nowhere to be found. And now we have exactly the same nonsense from MIT.
It’s not going to work, but try explaining that to a bunch of total incompetents! Here is a Youtube with the MIT stuff (about six minutes long):
We are dealing with a bunch of people too stupid to find out in centuries of time how 3D complex numbers should be found (or defined). And all I get is total neglect and they go on with their blah blah blah. Give us, the tax payer, finally some fucking proof that electrons are magnetic dipoles and that the structural instability of the plasma is not caused by accelerated electrons! Of course, as usual, there will be silence. Only the sound of silence combined with blah blah like ‘we now have stronger magnets’. Climate change is not going away in the meantime and it is charlatans like this that will make people going on with polluting the atmosphere more and more because there is some false hope nuclear fusion will save the day. Once more: Likely it is not going to happen. Look at the Lockheed Martin folks; they still have nothing to show for despite their past blah blah blah about having stronger magnets…
Ok, that was it for this post. The next post is about a math article from the preprint archive that is about 3D complex numbers. So keep tuned and see you next time.