Orginally I wanted to include some video in the previous post that serves as a teaser post for the impending factorization of the Laplacian for 2D, 3D and 4D complex numbers. But it was already late at night and only adding one video made the post look like it is just as chaotic as I always am…;)
So let’s get started with video number 1: Goodbye Determinism, Hello Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle from Irvin Ash. This Irvin guy is one of those professional Youtubbers that apearently can make money by throwing out a lot of video’s. In his case it is often physics and in my view he only repeats what he has read or seen in other video’s. There is not much original thinking in but hey Irvin can make a buck and it keeps him busy.
But in one of the video’s he is making such a strange mistake, it is so stupid that it is unbelievable. It is like stating that 1 + 1 = 3 or like 1 – (-1) = 0. Some mistakes or faults are so trivial that no matter what your own brain instantly recognizes something is going wrong. In this case Irvin explains the double slit experiment and his explanation for the first place where interference disappears is that they are out of phase by one wavelength… I wonder how you can make such a mistake without your own brain instantly jumping in with ‘that is not right’.

I also made a nice cube from the above screen shot:

And finally the video itself:
The second video is from Sabine Hossenfelder. Unlike Irvin Sabine has a lot of original thinking to share and as such she is a far cry from a talking book like Irvin Ash. In her video she explains how medical magnetic resonance devices work. Back in the time when I figered out that it is just not logical on all kinds of levels that electrons and other spin half particles are magnetic dipoles, for me it was important to find alternative explanations for things like MRI devices. In physics it is well known that accelerating electrons and protons give off electro-magnetic radiation, if there is zero acceleration no radiation is emmited. So the explanation as given in the video cannot be right, it is about magnetic moments that start spinning round and ‘therefore’ give off radiation. Problem with this is: there is no real acceleration so what explains the emitted radiation?
If protons and electrons carry magnetic charge, that is they are magnetic monopoles, all of a sudden there is room for acceleration and as such you can observe those resonance frequencies. Compare it to a music intrument: if you have a guitar with zero tension on the wires, it will never produce any sound let alone some cute music. In MRI scans there is also a static magnetic field, only when the protons and electrons are magnetic monopoles this ‘brings the tension’ needed for the resonance to work in the first place. Sorry Sabine, your version of physical reality has a lot of holes in it because it is based on the Gauss law for magetism and that law says that no magnetic monopoles exist…

In case you never dived into the niceties of MRI scanners, please see the video. And don’t forget to be a bit critical: if protons are really magnetic dipoles, then what the fuck is that static magnetic field doing? But if protons (and electrons) carry magnetic charge all of a sudden things become logical. Not that I expect during my lifetime only one of the professional physics professors to say that I am in the right, but there is no use in getting emotional. All I do is repeating the nonsense that goes on as accepted common knowledge while it is retarded: If a proton has two magnetic poles then why do you need the static magnetic field?
The third video is about how Paul Dirac succeeded into factorizing the Laplacian differential operator. It is far different from how I managed to do that; I used so called Wirtinger derivatives and multiply those against their conjugate and voila: there is your factorization. No, Paul Dirac used 4×4 matrices that anti-commute and as such he was able to get rid of a nasty square root. Phyics people go totally bonkers on that calculation, I do not. Not that I do not like it, but Paul made the mistake of basing his matrices on the Pauli matrices for electron spin. And the Pauli matrices can’t be correct because it is based on the flawed idea that electrons are magnetic dipoles.
There is a funny anecdote going round about Paul Dirac. It says: There is no God and Dirac is his prophet. But serious: If electrons were magnetic dipoles you instantly run into dozens of weird problems. Like permanent magnets, of they are explained by the spins of the electrons aligning themselves and just as if you have a bunch of tiny magnets they will form a large permanent one. But in chemistry and electron pair with the same spin is known as an anti-binding electron pair. How can in permanent magnets the alignment of electrons enforce each other while in chemistry that causes a non-binding electron pair? Once more: I only use logic. It is logical that electrons, protons and neutrons carry net magnetic charge and as such are always magnetic monopoles.
Enough of the blah blah blah, here is the last video of this post:
At last a ‘cube picture’ for the Dirac thing:

Ok, that was all I had to day. Thanks for your attention and don’t forget to turn enough math professors into bio-diesel. Everybody knows that bio-diesel made from math professors is the finest quality there is on this entire earth… So good luck with the hunt for math professors…;)