I am working in the kitchen cutting the vegetables, cleaning them etc etc. It is a beautiful Spring day. In the living room the smart television stands on Youtube and it jumps to the next video on auto play. And oh no, it is that Delft weirdo again and he thinks that all kinds of things can be in a super position without offfering the tiniest experimental evidence. And why not, he always comes away with it. His name is Leo Kouwenhoven and he is a physics professor at the Delft university.
A tiny piece of my freshly cut vegetables falls to the floor, is that a sign of God? What to do my dear God? Select another video or listen to that crap again? I decide to listen to that crap again and why not make a new post of it? After all the way I view electron spin is just so different from what the Leo’s of this world make of it. In my view the electron pair in chemistry (and super conductivity) exists because electrons are magnetic monopoles and that is why they like to pair up. People like Leo think electrons pair up because they are in a super position.
So as a reader you have something to choose; it just cannot be more different as this…
Let me write a parody on this super position nonsense, here we go:
Atomic hydrogen consists of two particles that, when measured, have an electric charge. Here I have an apparatus that can measure the electric charge of one of those particles that make up atomic hydrogen. Fifty percent of the time it measures a positive electric charge and fifty percent of the time on average it says the measurement is a negative electric charge. So the probability of measuring a positive or negative electric charge is 50%. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, before a measurement is done those two particles are always in a super position. Only when you measure one of them, the electric charge of the other becomes instantly clear. If I separate the two particles in atomic hydrogen and bring one particle to another galaxy and I measure the particle that was left behind, say it is negative, in that case the other particle instantly becomes positive. That is quantum teleportation.
So far for this simple parody. Do you think the electron and the proton are in a super position or are it the so called Coulomb forces that held them together? Anyway, below you will find the video that right now is over four years old. Of course at present day in 2020 the Delft guys still have nothing to show when it comes to quantum computing and in my view that is not much of a miracle…
Leo is also known as the man of 40 million because Microsoft has invested 40 million US$ into the Delft way of making quantum computers (that is with Majorana fermions, these fermions are made of electrons and holes and supposedly they are their own anti-particle). I don’t think it will ever work but later it will be a good joke: Remeber the time Microsoft invested 40 million US$ in particles that are their own anti-particle?

So far for this kind of nonsense, in another development I am still working on the next math post upon a norm based on the eigenvalues that 3D complex and circular numbers have. Next week it should be ready to post it. In case you are interested, try to look for those so called eigenvalue functions in previous posts. In 3D (complex or circular number space) you have three of them and if you take an arbitrary number X, with these easy functions you can calculate the eigenvalues with two fingers in your nose. Below you see already what the basic idea is:

Ok, that was it for this small post upon magnetism. Thanks for your attention and till next week or so.