Since the official version of the electron is that it is a magnetic dipole, as such it cannot be accelerated by magnetic fields. But often people do not understand why but if I explain it via atomic hydrogen all of a sudden everybody thinks ‘hey that is logical’.
Explanation via atomic hydrogen:
Atomic hydrogen is made from one proton and one electron and as such it cannot be accelerated by electrical fields.
End of the explanation.
Ok ok the electric field can be so strong that the hydrogen atoms get ripped apart but as long as that is not the case it can’t be accelerated by any electric field. Now if electrons are truly magnetic dipoles, if that were true they cannot be accelerated by magnetic fields.
Tiny problem: Every idiot looking at those beautiful video’s from the sun can see with their own eyes that the plasma gets accelerated by magnetic fields… And there are more problems; the surface temperature of the sun is far below that of the solar atmosphere or the solar corona.
In the last five years I have given plenty of explanations of how those solar loops and stuff likely work. It is very likely that below all those sun spots the plasma is actually rotating, spitting out the electrons that are getting much more accelerated compared to the protons and as such we have a giant dynamo made from rotating plasma.
Well nobody talks about that because university people only talk about the stuff you find in expensive journals like Nature or Science. And of course I am not going to waste my money on journals that are too expensive anyway & read only by overpaid perfumed princes from the universities…
But let’s go to the video stuff from Anton Petrov. He talks about Eugene Parker and Mr. Parker is the guy who’s name is used in the Parker solar probe. Already in the 1970-ties Eugene explained how the solar corona could be so hot compared to the surface of the sun. According to Anton he explained it via mini flares coming from the surface heathing the atmosphere of the sun. With such an explanation Eugene Parker avoided being a pariah by stating that this is only possible if electrons and protons are not magnetic dipoles but are all magnetic monopoles and as such carry magnetic charge. My estimate is that both Eugene and Anton do not have any fucking clue as why the plasma gets accelerated, if you keep on hanging to that retarded Gauss law for magnetism it is very hard to explain stuff like that.
Anyway, here is the video and the title is:
We Finally Know Why Sun’s Corona Is So Extremely Hot
I would add: No you don’t, observation is not explanation.
Observing solar plasma acceleration by magnetic fields is not an explanation if your belief system is the standard model of physics in general and the Gauss law for magnetism in particular.
Anyway, Anton rightly remarkes that those mini solar loops & flares are only observed on a tiny part of the sun this does not prove the overall temperature of the solar corona…
He is right with that, Let me end this post with two pictures and after that we will split and say goodbye until the next year 2021.

And the last picture, it is not a mini-loop but one of those giant loops:

Ok, that was it for the last post of the year.
See you in the next year.