It is just past midnight on a Saturday so why not start this new post? Two weeks ago all of a sudden I felt like doing a magnetics post once more and to be honest that is a tiny miscalculation because this is also post number 200. This should actually be about higher dimensional complex numbers or so but it is what it is so we are doing magnetics.
This year I stopped working on the magnetic pages on the other website, after more than five years and zero response I decided to classify the physics professors the same as the math professors: Just another bunch of incompetents that you better avoid being around. That policy stays in tact so although this post is very long you should not view this as an attempt to change the views physics professors have on magnetism in particular the idea that electrons must be magnetic monopoles because all other interpretations are not logical. To be honest I feel a bit more free now, now I can say you are a total idiot or a complete moron or a natural born imbecile instead of every time trying to come up with more reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles.
This post contains five easy calculations around magnetism, to be a bit more precise: there are three forces that can act on an electron (Coulomb, Lorentz and say the Stern-Gerlach force) and the five easy calculations cover that. Ok, gravity also works on electrons but that is out of this story.
We will look at the speed and the acceleration of electrons and we will try to estimate how much of a gradient a magnetic field must have to explain the observed experimental results. I found a gradient of about 450 million Tesla/meter and that all in my living room… I cannot find a fault in it and of course a gradient so large is not realistic so I reject the way electron potential energy related to magnetism is incorperated into the standard model of particles.
Last week I found a perfect photo that can serve as a model of how physics professors are behaving in my view (a bunch of overpaid incompetents). The ‘blah blah blah’ can serve as my five easy calculations; for the idiots and imbeciles that the physics professors are, these calculations will be ‘blah blah blah’ material. Come on, next year 2022 it will be one 100 years since the Stern-Gerlach experiment was performed. If a collection of overpaid idiots have it wrong for one 100 years, the most logical thing is that they will keep it wrong for at least another 100 years.

Excluded the picture above, this post is 14 pictures long. And even then I skipped a lot of stuff like when talking about the solar wind I just assume all particles go with the same speed of say 750 km/sec. Of course that is an oversimpification; there are many different particles in the solar wind that all behave rather different.
I hope you don’t loose oversight and therefore I would like to explain how I arrived at that crazy magnetic gradient of 450 million Tesla/meter.
Here we go:
1) I estimate how fast electrons go in an old color television where I assume these electron have a kinetic energy of 40.000 eV. This is about 120 thousand km/sec or about one third the speed of light.
2) If you place a stack of those strong neodymium magnets at the television screen you see a black spot where no electrons land. I estimate the sideway acceleration the electrons make and that is a crazy huge number: about 4.5 times 10^15 m/sec.
That might sound very huge but it is just simple Newtonian mechanics: If the electron has a sideway acceleration this big for about 2 nanoseconds, the sideway displacement is about 1 cm. That is in line with what the photo of the television screen says..
3) I calculate the force on the electron for this sideway acceleration and plug this into the expression the professional physics professors use for the force related to inhomogeneous magnetic fields and voila: there is your gradient of only 450 million Tesla/meter.
All in all the five calculations are say advanced high school level / first year university level. Given the fact that physics professors keep on thinking that electrons are tiny magnets with a north and a south pole we can safely conclude that even a science like physics is much more some kind of social construct and not a hard ball science in itself.
Enough of the introductory talk, here are the 14 pictures:

Ok, that was it for this post. Please remark that the polar aurora’s do exist for real while the blah blah blah of physics professors explaining this makes not much sense. For example they do not explain why the electrons go so fast that they ionize the air and most of all: These idiots are not aware they are missing something here.
At last I want to remark that for me it feels rather refreshing to talk about physics professors as idiots and imbeciles. That is much better as always being polite and respectful. Why should overpaid idiots and imbeciles also face a lot of completely misplaced respect?
See you in the next post & thanks for your attention because this post was a long reading for you.