Category Archives: Uncategorized

It is cucumber time; I am lazy to the bone and just chilling out…

Often when I am out I try to do a bit of math while riding my noble iron horse known as that old bicycle. The disadvantage of doing math on your bike is that one the one hand you cannot go very towards complicated stuff where you need pencil and paper but on the other hand you can get deep by getting some good idea’s.

And only when you get home and you have access to pencil & paper you can check if the stuff can be written out and see how your idea’s survive in the battle for attention from your brain.

After the previous post about magnetism I was only thinking ‘Why not do some pure 3D complex number stuff again’? But the math well is a bit dry lately when it comes to 3D complex numbers. May be this has a bit to do with the total and utter silence from the so called ‘professional math people’ who excel in staying silent…

But a few times it crossed my mind to do that mind boggling factorization of the Laplacian once more; if I would make a top 10 or top 25 list of the most strange results found this factorization of the Laplacian would end very high.
Yet when I check my own website, all that has to be said was already said about one year ago; on 05 August 2016 I posted the next seven pictures long post upon the factorization of the Laplacian using so called Wirtinger derivatives.

It still is a good read I think:
Wirtinger derivatives and the factorization of the Laplacian.

Wirtinger derivatives and the factorization of the Laplacian.

So there was little use in writing that stuff out again when there is, as usual, never ever any signal from the ‘professionals’ who rather likely are busy spending their too large salaries on stuff they think is important…


In another development I came across the latest video from the Mathologer, it is very interesting because he claims that the famous Euler identity is not from Euler at all.
But Mr. Mathologer comes up with what is one of the famous Euler stuff, anyway a long long time ago it was one of the details that made Euler famous was finding what the sum of squared reciprocals was: 1/1^2 + 1/2^2 + 1/3^2 + ….

Over 25 years back I did the same calculations as the Mathologer invites you to so let me share the video with you. At first it looks a bit difficult but all you need to do is think about how to write out those infinite products as sums and after that you apply the age old trick of equalling the left and right side of the equation.

Here is the vid:

Euler’s real identity NOT e to the i pi = -1

May be in a future post we will be diving a bit deeper into this because Mr. Mathologer has nice news upon who found what but he skips all that stuff like how to write the entire functions from the complex plane as (infinite) products.
Furthermore he does not explain as why the given infinite product would be valid anyway…

Ok, may be in a next post I will be diving a bit deeper in all those kinds of infinite products.
Or may be it will be something completely different, anyway till updates.

Update from 22 August 2017:

By sheer accident while I was only watching a video about why there is such a break between higher math and higher physics, I came across some weird stuff from a guy named Edward Witten.
And the talk was about so called Seiberg-Witten monopoles, so my interest was aroused because I cannot allow plagiarism of course.

Anyway it turns out that Mr. Witten and his Seiberg pal talk about massless monopoles without laughing. The concept of a massless monopole is so idiot that normal people with just a tiny bit of self respect would never talk about that.

Anyway to make some long story short, Mr. Witten is also Mr. String Theory. You know that kind of theory that is impossible to validate in physical experiments so it is the opposite of what I do because if electrons carry magnetic charge it could be found in more and more experiments…
But the Witten guy wrote about Dirac operators and once more my interest was aroused and I looked it up: Dirac operators are differential operators D and if you square them you get the Laplacian…..

Here is a short wiki about the stuff involved:

Dirac operator

Basically when you try to find operators D that square to the Laplacian it is more like ‘operator problem looking for a fitting math space’ while in my above factorization of the Laplacian it is a math space (3D complex and circular numbers) that want a factorization.
In the wiki you also observe in example number 4 that Clifford algebras are named a possible candidates, that is true but a few remarks are at their place.
That is the content of the next two small pictures:

Ok, this wasn’t how I more or less planned the next update but when idiots come along talking about massless monopoles beside having deep fun I also have the right to expose the names of the idiots in question…

Let’s leave it with that, till updates my dear reader.

Destroying Internet Security Part Two.

Another misleading title, but it is fun to write it down so why not?

In this post (8 pictures long) we have two parts:
Part 1: The relation between the modulo row’s and the modular arithmetic groups Z/jZ.
Part 2: A proposal (or schematic outline) of an important part of the algorithm that brings you from one stratum to the other.

I think this is my last post on this subject of modulo row’s.

Lately websites using RSA encryption methods (that is why we look at large prime numbers made of two factors N = p*q) have gone from a 1048 bit long key to 2096 binary digits long keys. The idea is that it makes life just so much more safe; but the important part of the algorithm for transport over the strata is remarkable resilient towards such moves…
Furthermore, doubling the length of the encryption keys (squaring the size so to say) will in general also increase the size of the Jente basin as found just before the largest prime factor q.

I do not claim to know a lot about encryption, but as far as I know there is zero point zero use of idea’s like the Jente basin. People use a lot of so called ‘trial division’ but even that is not a real division but mostly just taking N modulo something.
For example; want to know if the number 73 is a factor of N?
They simply calculate N mod 73 and if the outcome is 0 they say that 73 is a factor of N, otherwise it is not. The use of idea’s like a Jente basin so you can scrap a lot of trial numbers in the region you are in is, as far as I know, not used.

To be honest, I also do not know how they factor large hundreds of decimal digits long numbers anyway; so it might very well be they use similar idea’s. But if that were the case why is everybody else only talking about taking a huge number of trial divisions without any strategy behind that?

The numbering of the pictures is a continuation of the previous post.
Here are the 8 pictures, have fun reading it.

At this point in time the so called quantum computers are going from the lab to the field, anyway a lot of people claim this. But since after my humble opinion electrons have one electric charge and one of two possible magnetic charges, it will be a long long time before we have a working quantum computer based on electron spin.
Just like IBM with their racetrack technology for 3D memory; the idea is ok but at IBM too they think electron spin a like a vector and not like a charge. And voila; year in year out you never hear from it again…

Ok, for the time being this is what I had to say. See you in the next post.

Let’s Destroy Internet Security!!!

Ok ok, I admit instantly that the title of this post is way over the top but for once I allow myself a catchy title that has only limited resemblance to what this post is about. In this post, if I write the word computer I always mean a classical computer so not a quantum version of it.

In the previous post there is a video in from the ‘Infinite Series’ that serves as an introduction to the Shor algorithm; if this algorithm could be implemented into a quantum computer that would likely break internet security for a short while. Beside the fact that large prime numbers are used in standard classical encryption, it can also be done with elliptic curves.

This post is about the principle of Jente, with a bit of luck you can find factors of large numbers using the principle of Jente. Counter intuitively the largest (prime) factor will be the easiest to find.
Now how did Jente find the principle of Jente?
Back in the time, end 1997 or begin 1998, we lived in a house without a garden and since I still smoked a lot of tobacco I always had a window open in my working room. Since this work room was next to the entry of the house, very often when the door to my room opened papers would fly from my desk because of wind going through the room.

There was this cute baby crawling around and one day she brought me back a piece of paper that had flown off my desk. And on that piece of paper was a little cute formula that read
m_{j+1}  = m_j – d_j. So that is how this got the name the principle of Jente.

Lately Jente turned 21 years of age, she now lives temporary in Australia, and I decided to write this old stuff down as a kind of present for her. The principle of Jente is extremely easy to understand, but as far as I know mathematical reality this principle has not been exhausted very much by the entire math community over centuries of time.

What is missing in this post is a way to converge fast with high speed to one of the factors of one of those huge composite numbers the software engineers use for internet security. My gut feeling says that it should not be that hard but until now I have never found it. It might very well be that inside things like Diophante equations somewhere the solution to this problem of fast finding the largest prime factor is solved without the person who has done that being aware of it…

I tried to keep this post as short as possible so I scrapped a whole lot of stuff but it is still 15 pictures long (picture size as usual 550 x 775 pixels). A feature that I like very much is that I am using so called Harry Potter beans in order to explain as why the Jente principle works. I feel a bit proud on that because it is so simple you could explain that to elementary pupils in their highest years.

For myself speaking I also like this approach to finding prime factors because it is so different from all other ways, yet it has that underlying undeniable thing in it named the Jente principle. The most important detail in this post is the table with the diagonals in it.
If you understand that table and, for example, you can find another algorithm for quantum computers that solves that problem, you have found an alternative to the Shor algorithm…

Have fun reading it, take your time because it is not meant to be grasped in five minutes or so.



I hope you understand the fundamental problem still open after almost two decades:

You start with some number j, calculate m_j = N mod j and d_j = N div j.
Having these, the Jente principle guarantees you can find (j + k) mod N for all k > 0.

But, how oh how, do you converge towards a solution of
m_{j+k} = 0 mod (j+k) ?????


The Shor algorithm: In the world of quantum computing we have the theoretical side where people just write down all kinds of elaborate scheme’s like the Shor algorithm and just as easy they throw in a lot of Hadamard gates that supposedly will bring a giant bunch of quantum bits into super position.

On the other hand you have people that actually try to build quantum computers.

As far as I know stuff, there is no way of bringing a lot of qbits into a nice super position or, for that matter, entangle them into a good initialization state in order to run your quantum software.

More info:

Hadamard transform

Shor’s famous algorithm: Shor’s algorithm

Elliptic Curve Cryptography: a gentle introduction


Ok, that was it. Don’f forget to pop open a few beers. Don’t believe all that nonsense that doctors are telling you like drinking less = good.
As far as I know reality, all people in my social environment that drink far too little beer always get killed in extremely violent events… 😉

Till updates.

Destroying Internet Security using the Jente principle, a teaser introduction.

A few months back suddenly there was a new video channel about math and it goes under the cute name Infinite Series. About two months back the channel posted a way to destroy internet security if you could only find that factorization of two giant prime numbers.

Most of present internet security hangs around the difficulty of observing a giant number N of, let’s say, one hundred digits and our incapability to factorize large numbers like that into their prime factor numbers.

Of course, since the Infinity Channel is USA based, it is completely impossible that fresh math will come from that space. Here is the video and indeed only ancient math is around:

How to Break Cryptography | Infinite Series

The idea’s as expressed in the video are very interesting, but is just does not use the Jente principle that ensures you can find weakness in the integers surrounding the prime numbers that make up the factorization of the stuff you want to encrypt.

In the next two pictures you see that a prime number is extremely weak in avoiding detection using the Jente principle if you are close enough to that prime number.

And if a prime number is detected, in principle you could break down the security of the communication channel.


Let’s leave it with that, after all talking about a basin around a prime number that shouts out ‘the prime number is here’ is one hundred percent outlandish to those overpaid USA math professors…

End of this teaser post, I hope I have some more next week so see you around!

New magnetic update + some pictures related to the post on the general theorem of Pythagoras.

I know I know I have not posted very much lately. There was plenty of material to craft new posts from but I skipped easily writing 10 posts or so because I am also wondering as why the so called ‘professional professors’ never make a move.

For the math professors this is 100% logical: If you are math stupid to the bone, you will never understand 3D complex number systems. But why the physics professors do not react in any way is completely unknown to me. Ok ok, for example their explanation of how permanent magnets work is very very strange. They formulate it often this way:

In a permanent magnet all spins align themselves.

That is a very stupid explanation and if you meet a physics professor and you whisper softly ‘quantum computer’ they start talking about atoms and electrons that can be in two places at the same time and that electrons can be in a so called super position of being spin up and spin down at the same time…

So in a permanent magnet the electrons and their spins are glued into place permanently while if those people need more funding all of a sudden even atoms can be in two places at the same time…

It is important to stress that the professional physics professors have a one 100% lousy explanation about how permanent magnets work. They completely miss the important fact permanent magnets have their magnetism because of the place of unpaired electrons inside the inner shells of those magnets… Here is my 04 Jan 2017 explanation of it on this very website:

How permanent magnets work, the official version against what I think of it.


On 19 March I posted reason number 46 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles on the other website. It is about so called BCS theory that explains super conductivity using so called phonons.

It is a very very very strange theory because just one unpaired electron is capable of distorting a metal lattice at low temperatures to such an extend that another electron is attracted and as such super conductivity emerges…

It is an imbecile kind of theory, in my point of view it is a  basic thing is that the electron pair is magnetically neutral that gives rise to the emerging of super conductivity. And at that point we have the perfect collision with my views on magnetism and the professional view:

The professionals think that the electron is a magnetic dipole because about 150 years ago a guy named Gauss did write down some fancy math explaining flux conservation. I love that kind of math but it just does not go for the electron, furthermore there is zero experimental proof for the electron being a magnetic dipole.

Here is the link that replaces the official BCS theory by a model for super conductivity as I see it:

19 March 2017: Reason 46: BCS theory says electron pairs are bosons…

Don’t forget: It is not a theory but a model.
Yet it should cover all kinds of super conductivity materials from the old school stuff from 1911 by Heike Kamerling Onnes to the present day high temperature super conductors named cuprates.


After having said the above I am pleased to post five more pictures on the general theorem of Pythagoras. I know that in the last post I said this is the final post but then I was not capable of producing the pictures as shown below.

Here they are, only five pictures with very very simple math in it.

Have fun reading it!

Ok, that was it.

Have a nice life or try to get one.

And in case you are a professor in physics; why not cough up for the first time in you life that the electron is indeed a magnetic dipole???

Why not? A tiny bit of experimental proof would be great.

End of this post, till updates.

CERN stuff on super conductivity and a primer on the general theorem of Pythagoras.

A few weeks back while cleaning out my book closet I came across that unfinished proof of the generalized theorem of Pythagoras that uses n-dimensional pyramids. (May be these are called simplexes and not pyramids, I still have to figure that out).

On the CERN stuff I can tell you I used a picture of CERN to explain a bit about super conductivity because at CERN they also run an experiment where they try to find magnetic monopoles…

It is now year number four where I constantly keep on telling that electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles; electrons carry electrical charge, that is known in the scientific community, but they also carry two different magnetic charges.

As such electrons are much more like quarks that also carry electrical charge but also color charge, the fact that the electron carries only two magnetic  charges is the main explanation as why we only have electron pairs. If the official version of physics were a true description of reality, so electrons are truly magnetic dipoles, why only have electron pairs???

Super conductivity is caused by electron pairs, not by free electrons. A material can only become in a super conductivity state if first the so called Cooper electron pairs are formed.
If the official version is true and electrons are magnetic dipoles, in that case any applied magnetic field would have zero point zero influence on the formation of electron pairs.

That is crystal clear because all forces on the north pole of the electron would be canceled out by the forces on the south pole of the electron. Yet in practice, as not only CERN but the entire community of super conductivity research is telling us: In the presence of a too high magnetic field the material just not enters the state of super conductivity…

So you can cool your ass off, if magnetic fields are too high electron pair formation just does not set in. The next picture from CERN shows a bit of state space as where in super conductivity materials should get their super conductivity properties:

18Feb2017_critical_magnetic_field_and_super_conductivityLet me not put salt on every snail observed but the title should be ‘State space diagram of superconductors’ because ‘phase’ is related to 2D complex number stuff.

At last I would like to remark that although CERN is on a very expensive hunt for magnetic monopoles, they failed all of the time.
Now do CERN people talk about electrons being carriers of magnetic charge?
Come on; CERN people will fail all of the time.

On the other website we have reason number 45 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, as you have guessed it is about the above picture from CERN:

Reason 45: The critical magnetic threshold in super conductivity


After having said my views on fantastic organizations like CERN, why not do some elementary math like for example the 3D theorem of Pythagoras?

As memory serves the math ideas in the picture below were found centuries ago, but I have to say I do not know much historical development of the math ideas involved.

But I do know that I found a very simple proof to the most general theorem of Pythagoras and that is what will be in the next post and may one more extra post to finish it off.

Here is the teaser picture for the next post (or may be two posts on this subject of generalizing the theorem of Pythagoras):


The good thing about the last line of calculations is:

We need the millennia old 2D theorem of Pythagoras in order to prove the century old 3D theorem of Pythagoras…

I don’t know how far I will push this detail but if I find it back in my book closet may be I will write a tiny bit more. End of this post, see you around and try to get a nice life in case you never understood those electrons in the first place.

Till updates.

Happy new year! + I hope you drank enough beer during the feast while I only post a picture showing math superiority before cracking down on physics professors in the next post…

Once more a happy new year! Luckily the number 2017 is a prime number but let us not talk on 2017-dimensional complex number systems but keep it simple:

In the next post I will explain to you how permanent magnets work in detail, you might think ‘wow man permanent magnets are studied for centuries and longer’ but my point is they had it wrong on important details.

But if you go to a high paid physics professor and you say ‘wow man your ideas upon permanents magnets are based upon electrons being the source of magnetic dipole behavior’, most of the time you get a cold shoulder.

These imbeciles, those professional physics professors they cannot even explain permanent magnets and they only do ‘bla bla bla the Gauss law of magnetism says that more bla bla is the only way forward’.

That kind of behavior is very interesting, why make nonsense to be your basic line of reasoning?


I have nothing more to say; in the next post I will explain how permanent magnets work, how they get permanent magnetism and how they can loose it.

For the time being because I am well aware of how arrogant all these physics professors are, I simple post and infinite product that shows how my own brain handles the stuff that flows in:


By the way, I crafted the outcome of this limit to 1/2 because when we talk electrons in the next post they are known as spin half particles. Beside this it is estimated that all professional physics people will react strongly dismissive of the simple fact that electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles…

Come on, this is the year 2017 and there will be no mercy for the physics professors.
Let’s leave it with that.


More on the pull back map, just a teaser picture and some blah blah blah.

In the previous post we had some stuff on the pull back map but also those links to complicated theorems. Therefore I tried to explain the inner workings of the pull back map that pull higher dimensional complex & circular numbers back to the complex plane in as easy to understand chunks as I could.

In the next post I only use advanced high school math (for my own country that would be the VWO education line, the classes 5 and 6) and for the rest any university student that has followed an elementary crash course on the complex plane.

I am very glad I could find such simple ways to pull back higher dimensional exponential circles and curves back to that goodie good old Euler formula that says stuff like e^it is related to the cosine and the sine functions.

All stuff is boiled down to things you can see in the teaser picture below, no new advanced 20th century math ideas, only using century old well known trigonometric equations and that is all…

Once more: Higher dimensional complex number systems are just there, it is a natural thing like the natural numbers like 1, 2, 3,  4, 5 etc are. Where the complex plane is something like a fish bowl, the higher dimensional complex & circular numbers are a big ocean.
But if you as a so called professional math professor can only swim your circles inside the fish bowl, can you survive the currents in this giant ocean?

No of course you can’t, so good luck with your future life inside the complex plane.

After this blah blah blah (remark the math professors are also extremely smart if you look at how much salary they suck in let alone the ‘research money’ they get to form global research groups that use at best two dimensional complex numbers) it is time for the teaser picture:


At last I would like to remark that the pull back map is on equal footage with the modified Dirichtlet kernels for my individual emotional system; I am glad I am still alive and can find stuff like this.

Till updates.

Too little time left so only a second teaser picture on the next post on the details of the 3D tau calculus.

Originally I planned to upload tonight the new post on the integrals related to the number tau for the circular multiplication. But I found this very cute result from some other math professors, I believe these are two brothers Borwein & Borwein.

Beside that I also had more time to spend on a very important hobby: Brewing beer…;)

Four years back when I for the first time derived integrals like this with the cosine and sine stuff to the power three in it, I just had no clue whatsoever how to find analytical stuff for their value. These kind of integrals cannot be solved by throwing in some simple primitive or so.

At present I have two independent proofs for their value.
Back in the time I knew there was some internet website that contains a whole lot of integer sequences so if I could find that I would have at least some analytical clue about that nasty problem. Only a long time later I found that website, but is said ‘we do not know’.
Or ‘unknown integer sequence’ or whatever what.

But yesterday when I tried more or less to get a negative result my luck changed for the better: the website with the integer sequences in it actually returned an answer.

And for my few pounds of human brain tissue the answer was completely crazy.
Therefore I decided to put the result of this Borwein function on top in the teaser picture and my own idea’s at the bottom. Here it is:

20-10-2016-borwein-borwein-teaser-pictureI have absolutely no clue as why these two things should be the same, but four years back I had absolutely no clue as what this numerical value like 1.2092 actually meant…

The link to what might be the Borwein & Borwein function

A248897 Decimal expansion of Sum_{i >= 0} (i!)^2/(2*i+1)!.

Let’s leave it with that, see ya in the next post.

Three new magnetics updates + Intro to a new post about calculation of the number tau.

On the other website I posted reason number 37, 38 and 39 about why it is impossible for electrons to be magnetic dipoles. Let me give you the links and short descriptions about their content.

05 Oct 2016: Reason 37: Old and new experiments upon the bonkers force.

Once more the importance of repeatable experiments is stressed; my own simple experiments with that old color television is explained once more. Furthermore I am proposing a few other experiments that I cannot do here myself because, for example, they should be done is a space without magnetic or electrical fields.

The thing ‘bonkers force’ is acting along the magnetic field lines and makes electrons (and protons etc) accelerate. So it is perpendicular to the Lorentz force.

10 Oct 2016: Reason 38: The Hendrik Casimir effect and the vacuum catastrophe.

The Nobel prize in physics went this year to three men who studied two dimensional structures of electrons. So with just 50 to 70 minutes of labor I managed to do the same and explain as why the experiment of Hendrik Casimir has a wrong experimental set up because there they use the idea that electrons are magnetic dipoles. En passant using this wrong set up of Hendrik Casimir I can explain the root cause of the so called ‘vacuum catastrophe’.
The theoretical value of the so called zero-point energy of one cubic centimeter of space should be 10 to the power 112 erg of energy, yet at present day the best value found is about 10 to the power -8.

That is off the mark by just a factor of 10 to the power 120…

14 Oct 2016: Reason 39: The acceleration of the solar wind.

This is just one of the many things you cannot explain with electrons and protons being magnetic dipoles; despite gravity and or the influence of electrical fields the solar wind does not go down in speed. The professional physics professors cannot explain this nasty detail because they keep on holding on to the Gauss law for magnetism that says magnetic monopoles do not exist…

For the electron pair the Gauss law is valid but not for loose electrons.
As far as I know the winners of the Nobel prize from this year also believe electrons are magnetic dipoles so the Nobel committee has done a great disservice to the progress in physics.

So from the vacuum catastrophe to the properties of the solar wind: the professional physics professors will not find an explanation century in century out because you must not think that by writing down how stuff likely works they will change their ways.

But, ha ha ha my dear but incompetent and coward physics professors: My experiment with an old television can be repeated by any person and you, you fxckheads, cannot explain it…


Ok, we proceed with math: The next post will be about how to find the number tau that you must use for crafting exponential circles and curves in dimensions above 3.

In order to focus the mind I would like to repeat a rather famous calculation from the complex plane: the calculation of the logarithm of the imaginary number i.
It is a beautiful calculation and it says that log i = i*pi/2.

Three teaser pictures to ram home to the brains of professional physics professors that I know plenty of complex numbers and that in my view using only 2D complex numbers simply shows what kind of brain matter you folks are made of:




At the closing of this small update I would like to remark that in the next post we are going to try and find logarithm values for imaginary numbers from 3D space.

And if in the future the Nobel committee would select Nobel prize winners that can actually think deeply and not all this shallow stuff, that would be great!

See you around my dear reader, till updates.