Category Archives: Uncategorized

Please be patient, a new post on the curl is coming…

I know I know, not posted much around here lately.
And on top of that I found some serious typo’s in the pictures from just two posts back: the post upon the factorization on the Laplacian operator.

These typo’s are rather serious; we just cannot have all those wrong and misleading differentiations going not repaired.

But reparation of old faults is time consuming.

On the other hand, the curl operator has a lot of fresh new insights in simple number systems like the 2D complex plane or my own hobby; the 3D complex number system.

For myself speaking I am still wondering as shall I include the ‘Theorem without Vodka’ in the new post or just leave it out? I do not know what I will do in the future but here is the Google translate version of the Theorem without Vodka:

24-09-2016theorem-without-vodkaMay be I just leave it out, after all this is supposed to be an update on the differential curl operator.

End of this post, till updates.

More proof for electrons being magnetic monopoles.

This post is another advertisement for the magnetic page on the other website with the funny name:

A primer on the electrons that are the long sought magnetic monopoles. Author: Reinko Venema.

Ok, in the previous post I said the next one would be on the modified Dirichlet kernels but I did not update the magnetic page for over one month so I had to rearrange priorities.

When riding my noble iron horse through the local landscape I was thinking about how professional physics professors would waive away my insights with just a little hand waive while mumbling ‘Lorentz force’.
Just like they do when explaining the electron spin, they say stuff like: It is spinning and when an electrical charge is spinning it creates a magnetic dipole moment (in the meantime they also shrug their shoulders a little bit and move on with the lesson).

Now while riding my noble iron horse (a 269 € bicycle) I suddenly thought:
What would happen if I cut my stack of strong neodymium magnets into two pieces and use that???

And hurray: It was a big success; there was some strong asymmetry observed and I think this might be a manifestation of the Lorentz force. This is not rock solid proof because I do not know how strong the magnets are and as such I have no clue about the radius induced by the Lorentz force.
But this looks very promising.

Here is the first photo, on the black spot no electrons slam into the television screen:


Under the assumption electrons are magnetic monopoles and as such carry a magnetic charge just like they carry an electric charge, the next is observed/happening:

  1. The color television has three electron cannons, each electron is attracted or repelled by the strong neodymium magnets.
  2. As such the electrons slamming into the screen in between the two stacks of strong magnets are the attracted ones while those that are repelled are found on the outside of the black region.
  3. In the dark region no electrons land on the screen, a feature that cannot be explained by any of the Maxwell equations or the Lorentz force.

In the next photo you see that I am trying to make the region of attraction horizontal, but for that to happen I have to place the magnet stacks more or less diagonal:

0025_12June2016_new_photos02The costs of this experiment are below 50 €, the television was only 6 € and the magnets about 40 € included shipping and handling. This is a very important detail because over at CERN they always burn an extreme amount of money before they get any kind of result.

It is also important because high schools in my country often have lousy budget for physics experiments so for 50 € you have a perfect thing to show to the pupils/students…

All in all this is reason number 30 as why electrons carry magnetic charge (aka they are the long sought magnetic monopoles):

12 June 2016: Reason 30: New photo’s from a television experiment

Ok, thanks for your attention and till updates!

I am sorry but for the time being the comments are turned off…

About four days ago suddenly the comment section of the third post on the Schrödinger equation got activated and about 100 comments did stream in every day.

Now about six months ago when I started this new website I did allow for comments made by readers but it never worked properly. So, what my own life concerns, I was in that perfect super-position of being a friendly person (allowing people to comment) and being a psychopath that sees little value in communicating with normal people (not allowing people to make comments).

And I also did not know how to repair the problem, just like the problem with the categories in the beginning of this website: it just does not work but you have no fucking clue as why it does not work. And now when the categories work perfectly I do not know why they work perfectly…

Anyway to make a long story short: This evening I made some upgrades to this website and I hope that I will not see any longer all those weird spam for buying viagra online or looking at advertisements for videos from lady boys.

Not that I am against viagra: If you are a stupid person and you keep on eating bread several times a day and as a result your arteries begin to clog, you can go to your medical doctor.

Your medical doctor will prescribe you viagra and will not tell you ‘stop eating that fucking bread’.

And if you are a retard, you will buy viagra online…


Ok, after having said that in the next week I will finally publish a relatively long update on the new [a, r, t] coordinate system. It is all finished on some very minor details so the process of turning this into a new set of pictures can begin.

See you around, think well & live well.

Let’s kill the frustration.

Most days I am working on a new post for the magnetics page and I am trying to put together 3 linear polarised light rays in order to get a circular polarised thing.

Since it is on the magnetics page I try to avoid all math things 3D complex numbers related.
And guess what happens? Every day I am deleting the stuff from the previous day.

This goes on for almost a week by now, but rewriting the stuff does not help much: if you do not have the right math tools, what can you do?

Now in the science of physics they can super-position two light rays in order to get a circular polarisation. I know it can also be done with three light rays but I cannot get the math on order.

On top of that, all those thousands and thousands of ‘professional professors’ get a pay rise year in year out. But the yearly payrise of these non performers is what later will be my entire yearly pension. So why should I try to explain how to combine three lightrays into a circular polarisation in the first place?

After all the professors always behave the same; there is no difference between math and physics professors, they are all skilled money parasites. And at best, perform like a ball of camel shit.

So in order to kill my own frustration, let me post an empty picture:

0022=background_pictureAnd after that, hang in some stupid non working math:


Ok, I feel levels of frustration in my brain declining but once more ponder the question:

Why should I carry wisdom to overpaid non-performing professors?????


End of this post, till updates.

Just a background picture plus some bla bla bla.

About 10 days ago I took a look at how much pictures I have crafted since the beginning of this website and I decided to take a nice holiday.

So in this update no hardcore math or softcore math, I want to show you just a background picture and talk a bit about that. Here is the picture:


For the human brain if you see things of similar shape but one is smaller compared to the other, most of the time the thing that looks small has a greater distance from where you are.
Of course there are deviations from this: When you see a child standing before a grown up you simply observe a small person standing before a larger one.

Now look carefully at the picture above, constantly the larger things are beyond those one layer smaller and constantly if it is one layer smaller it looks like the lean on the larger one.

It was years ago that by accident I found this kind of stuff, for myself speaking it looks beautiful because it transports your brain instantly into two directions:

  1. The smaller things should be further away &
  2. The smaller things lean on the larger ones so they should be closer…

So this gives a nice discrapency in the brain of the reader, what vision will prevail or will there be some circular insight like a cat trying to catch it’s own tail?


In another development I crafted reason number 24 as why electrons and stuff like that are the long sougth magnetic monopoles, here is a teaser picture for that (click on it to land on the other website on the page about magnetic stuff):

0017=21March2016=Fermi_discovers_giant_lobesOk, that was more or less what I had to say today.
Till updates.

The 3D Mandelbrot set. Part two.

With my previous post I thought that I am leaving behind a lot of readers into the woods. But the goal of this new website is making easy to digest updates.

Therefore just three pictures explaining a bit more about the 3D Mandelbrot set.
I wish the computer code writing folks a lot of luck; if you are the first that
has a view on the 3D Mandelbrot set you have won the race.

By the way; out there is something known as the Mandelbulb or so. It looks nice but believe it has nothing to do with the 3D Mandelbrot set. This Mandelbulb thing is not based upon a reliable way of multiplication in three dimensions, the results they found are nice looking but it is just not based on a rigid way of 3D multiplication…

Anyway, here are three pictures all sized 550 by 550 pixels that should shine a bit more light on the minds of those that write the code:




On a video channel named Numberphile from Google they have a good explanation about how to color the pixels according to the Mandelbrot scheme. Here is the link:
The Mandelbrot Set – Numberphile

In all dimensions where complex numbers can be defined, you can do this…
Till updates, think well and live well.

Christmas post on magnetic monopoles.

This is a short update because this week I bought myself a second hand particle accelerator for just 6 €. It has a vacuum chamber and three electron cannons, the vacuum chamber is coated with phosphoric materials so that when particles from the cannons smash into it, a nice quantum related photon comes out.

This means: For 6 Euro I bought myself a small old color television.

It does not have much to do with higher dimensional complex numbers, but for myself speaking I think that all spin half particles are in fact magnetic monopoles.

Now since we live in the year 2015 we can also purchase rather cheap very strong magnets.
In the next photo you see a combination of those strong magnets with the three electron guns.

As you see on inspection: There is a circular part where the electrons do not reach the screen.
But in my view, if electrons were magnetic dipoles this would never happen.

Yet it happens… So think about it for a short time; what explains that weird circular ring where all electrons have gone void?


If those small electrons were magnetic dipoles, can you explain this result?

Have a nice Christmas & till updates.

A short advertisement for 3D complex numbers.

To the date exactly 22 months ago on 09 Feb 2014 I posted that picture of an impression of a large black hole swallowing in matter and recycling a large fraction of that matter into energy.

I did do that because the structure of that plane and the two beams shooting out has a strong resemblense of how the non-invertible 3D complex numbers look:
That is a plane with a line perpendicular through it going through the 0 (of course 0 is the most non-invertible number in the world because it destroys all eigenvalues and not just a handfull of them).

For myself speaking I was under the impression that if the largests structures in the world look very much like 3D complex or circular numbers when it comes to non-invertability, one way or the other institutions like universities or academia would show some form of rudimentary interest.

After all every day all these university people always say they are in favor of progress.
Just as easy as we see zero point zero progress from all universities, just as easy we are once more years further down the timeline, just as easy we can jump to the conclusion university people do not want progress. They want to stick to the old and ancient ways because that is the way they behave day in day out, year in year out…


Anyway, we have not talked on this website about how to figure out what numbers have an inverse and what numbers are invertable. So you have to believe on my word that in the next picture the given formulaes are just an approximation for those non-invertibles.
Do not worry about the 0.1 that is in there: It should be 0 but in that case the line perpendicular to the main plane would not be good visible.

After the bla bla, here is the short advertisement for 3D complex (and circular) numbers:


0003=09Dec2015=short-advertisement02So this is the conduct of the university people: If someone comes around with some good idea’s, why not stay silent year in year out decade in decade out?

But it has to be remarked that since the year 1990 the Dutch universities have been very good at burning tax payer money & that is the reason universities exist:
They are only there to burn tax payer money.

Till updates.

Ok, let’s kill the frustration.

Why was I that stupid to think it would be easily possible to craft math inside a text or html environment? Well that is because there exist websites where as a reader you comment on stuff, you can actually include math in your answer or comment…
But stuff like that is hard work, so for the time being I have to accept that I need to go on with the old way: Producing math and turn that into A4 sized pictures in the jpg format.

The setback is: when the math is all jpg pictures, no search engine can find the stuff…
So that is frustrating, on the other hand I end plenty of high enough when it comes to math and search engines; that means the old way was inefficient in speed but not in depth.

The next picture shows that on the previous website ( I rank about number 4 when you search for ‘3D numbers do not exist’.

Now I know a lot of stuff, but it beats me as why this update is so high in the Google search engine stuff while this is a real hardcore update related to 5D complex numbers…



And going from one website to the other: pictures like the above should look like they are 450 by 600 pixels. But they don’t, ok ok I understand that in the year 2015 everything must be scaleable because all those mobile things like phones have there own screens and so.

Anyway, after the learning curve has been taken more and more posts will be added. See ya around.


Useful links if you want to know a bit more about 3D complex numbers:

Introduction to 3D complex numbers.

For centuries the complex plane \mathbb{C} is in use where we identify the x-axis with the real numbers and the y-axis with the imaginary numbers.

The number i is the imaginary unit and for centuries we know that i^2 = -1.

A few centuries people have been looking to some extension of \mathbb{C} to \mathbb{R}^3 and always they tried to have the complex plane included into the 3D real vector space. It turned out this was not possible as highlighted by a theorem known as the 2-4-8 theorem. But this theorem uses as an assumption that this extension to 3 dimensions should be bases on some quadratic form just like you can view the complex plane as generated by z^2 = -1 .
Complex numbers are usually written as z = x + yi.

At present day it is generally assumed 3D complex numbers are not possible.
Yet in the year 1990 I found them, you must not use quadratic stuff in \mathbb{R}^3 but cubic stuff like trying to solve X^3 = -1
This approach gives rise to complex numbers of the form

X = x +  y j + z j^2

where if
j^3 = -1 this is the complex multiplication and if
j^3 = 1 this is the circular multiplication in \mathbb{R}^3 .

In this introductory post today we only look at the complex version of stuff.

Complex numbers can be added via adding the real parts and the two corresponding imaginary parts.
Example X = 2 + 3j + 5j^2 and Y = 1 + j - 4j^2 gives the sum

X + Y = 3 + 4j + j^2.


This obviously will not work, if a very simple formulae like X = x + yj + xj^2 already does ‘not parse’ this website will never run properly. So I need to rethink a little bit; it sounded so nice you can write Latex into your posts but this is more a bucket of shit since there are two different plugin’s that fail.
End of this temporary post.