Category Archives: Magnetism

Two more videos that explain electron spin wrong.

A happy new year by the way, it is now 3 Jan over here so it is not too late to wish you that. So be happy if you can ask a physics professor or teacher as why there is no experimental proof at all that electrons are tiny magnets. And if the answer is not satisfactory, just chop the head of while being happy…;)

But serious, I selected the first video because the guy from the Science Asylum channel gives are very tiny estimated upper bound for the possible size of the electron: 10 to the -18 power meter as diameter.
That is very very small, it is a nano nano meter.

Lets construct a so called ‘toy model’ for imitating in a simple manner how the electron is supposed to be a tiny magnet: Take two pointsize magnetic monopoles, a north and a south one and place them 10 to the power -18 meter apart. Lets name this distance d.
An important feature of such a dipole is that it’s magnetic field declines inversely with the third power of d.

Let me give you an example: Take a line through the north and south pole of our toy electron and go out a distance of say 10d above the north pole. So the distance of our point on that line is 10d to the north pole and 11d to the south pole. The magnetic forces or field strength if you want is now proportional to 1/10^2 and 1/11^2. But north and south pole have opposite workings so we are looking at the difference: 1/10^2 – 1/11^2 and that is something of the order 1/1000.

If the electron diameter is indeed at most this distance d, in that case the two overlapping magnetic fields cancel each other almost out. If all that tiny magnet stuff is true, in that case the electron should be magnetically neutral. In a constant magnetic field that does not vary in space, by definition this tiny magnet electron should be neutral (if it all was true).

Let me show you two screen shots from the video from the Science Asylum. The first simple shows you the claim the electron has at most this size d.

On a nano nano scale this should be magnetically neutral…

A long time ago I estimated the result in next picture too but I always used an electron diameter of 10 to the -16 power, so one hundred time as big as the Asylum guys claims. Anyway there is nothing spinning over there because it must rotate a huge multiple of the speed of light. Now we can honestly say that Albert Einstein did not understand much about electron spin, but we can safely conclude that electron spin is not related to rotation of a spherical charged body the size of d.

One million times the speed of light…

Ok, let me hang in the video where we have once more the implicit claim that magnetism is always a magnetic dipole without one iota of experimental proof for that claim:

In my view the most misleading name is spin, it sets your brain totally wrong.

In the next video you see a guy at work showing that the oxygen in the air you breathe is magnetic. The magnetic properties of oxygen are truly breathtaking because it has to do with a so called ‘non-binding’ electron pair. In chemistry a non-binding electron pair is a pair with the same electron spin. Weirdly enough the physics professors keep their mouth shut: All electron pairs obey the Pauli exclusion principle!
Until it doesn’t like in molecular oxygen.

But I digress, the reason I selected this video can be found at 3.40 minutes into it: The guy ‘explains’ the behavior of the oxygen by stating that the two electrons in the non-binding pair align their magnetic dipole to the applied magnetic field. The problem with this kind of ‘explanation’ is that it does not explain as why the electrons get accelerated. As said above; if electrons are tiny magnetic dipoles, they are basically magnetically neutral. And we are to believe that the oxygen molecules get accelerated by the applied magnetic field because two little electrons ‘align their dipole magnetic moment’. Give me a break: that is crap and the next stuff look much more logical and observable:
Electrons are not magnetic dipoles but magnetic monopoles.

Here is the second video:

The reason for posting this second video is that I often obverve people from physics thinking that the alignment or for that matter the anti-alignment explains the acceleration and forces involved.

After seven years into this stuff I only wonder:

Why do the physics professionals like teachers and professors not see they are telling utter crap? Why are they so fucking stupid all of the time?
End of this post. Once more: A happy new year.

A few reasons as why electron spin is a permanent property and not something you can ‘flip’.

In the last seven years it has taken me a long time to arrive at the conclusion that electron spin is a permanent property of electrons. The only place in this universe where electrons get their spin flipped is in the head of physics professors.
For new readers: The last years I work from the hypothesis that electrons are magnetic monoples but every now and then I still try to kill that idea. But I always fail, in the end the electrons having a monopole magnetic charge always wins it from models like the ‘tiny magnet’ model for electrons. Why took it so long for me to finally accept this ‘permanent’ status of electron spin or as I say it: electron magnetic charge?
Well there are a lot of video’s out there where people from physics explain how they flip electron spin while building quantum computers. At the end I post a long video from a guy named Lieven Vandersypen who works at the Technical University in Delft. Now I do not hate these people but when I say for seven years on a row ‘Where is you experimental proof that electrons are indeed tiny magnets?’.
If seven years on a row just nothing happens over there we can safely conclude that Mr. Vanderlieven is just another UI. And an UI is a person that is an Ultimate Idiot or if you want an Ultra Ignorant.

In the theory of quantum mechanics before a measurment is done, it is assumed that a quantum particle is in a superposition of all possible states the quantum particle can be in.

Physics professors think that all electrons are the same and as such it has to be that before the measurement of the electron spin it is always in a superposition of spin up and spin down.

Remark this is very different from what I think: If the monopole magnetic charge is permanent, repeated measurments should always give the same magnetic charge. Just like measuring the electric charge of an electron always returns that is has one unit of negative electric charge…

In the present hype of building quantum computers, almost 100% of the physics people think that it is possible that the electron is in some super position of spin up and spin down. I think this is not possible because we are having two different kind of electrons in this universe. If true you can wonder how far astray physics has driven from reality; in the next screen shot you see Mr. Vandersypen wonder what kind of qubit is the best for quantum computing. He says that they have been wondering for years what basic configuation of electron spins as qubits is the best.
They think that every electron can be in a super position of spin up and spin down. On top of that if you have an electron pair they think it is in a super position of spin up-down with spin down-up, that is that Bell stuff.

If my view on electron spin is correct, all these approaches in quantum computing will never work. Here is how these fantasies look:

Now have you ever heard of an electron triple like in the right of the above picture? Why are there only electron pairs or unpaired electrons found in nature? That is because electrons are magnetic monopoles and that is why the electron pair is magnetically neutral while the unpaired electron is not magnetically neutral.

Compare that to the electric charge of the hydrogen atom. All in all it is neutral because the electric charges cancel each other out. So you can’t accelerate atomic hydrogen with electric fields until the electric field gets so strong it rips apart the hydrogen atoms. So why are electrons accelerated by magnetic fields and electron pairs not? After all if the electrons are ‘tiny magnets’ are they not supposed to be neutral when it comes of magnetic fields?

The title of this post says I have to give you some reasons as why electron spin or magnetic charge is permanent. So lets try a bit:

Reason 1) The official version of electron spin is that if you measure it in one direction, say the direction of an x-axis in a 3D coordinate system, that gives a reset for measuring electron spin in perpendicular directions say the y and z-axis. But any interaction with a magnetic field is a measurement in some direction.
So these weirdo’s try to tell us that electron spin flips all the time because after all there are a lot of magnetic fields around us all the time.
In the previous post I showed you the weird result that oxygen has a so called non-binding pair of electrons. That’s why it is magnetic. But molecular oxygen O2 is stable, if you apply magnetic fields to it no spin reset is observed. The non-binding pair does not change and all other electron pairs also don’t do weird stuff and the oxygen molecule stays stable under application of all kinds of magnetic fields.

Reason 2) The (hyper, see correction and addendum at the end) fine spectral structure of atomic hydrogen. There are very small differences in energy levels of the electrons in atomic hydrogen. The official version is that the electron spin and nuclear spins are aligned or anti-aligned. Of course it is never explained how an electrons supposedly going around the nucleus with high speed maintains it’s alignment…
In my view where electron and proton spin are just magnetic charges, it is all blazingly simple: there must be four variants of atomic hydrogen when it comes to spin. Proton spin up or down combined with an electron with spin up or down. When both proton and electron have the same spin, the electron will be in that slightly higher energy level.
And if the spins in atomic hydrogen are opposite, the electron has a bit lower energy because after all magnetic opposite monopoles attract.

Reason 3) A very interesting observation of the ESO (European Southern Observatory), it is about sun spots and different sun spots give different circular photons in the light coming from those sun spots. I have to collect more evidence that circular photons with opposite circular polarization are produced by electrons with opposite spins. But once more it has it’s own logic to it: If electrons are magnetic monopoles it is rather logical that the photons they produce have their magnetic fields shifted by 180 degrees. It is just like in the simple complex exponential from the complex plane: e^it = cos(t) + i*sin(t). As we all know this turns counter clockwise, now if we shift the sine by 180 degrees we get cos(t) – i*sin(t) and as we all know this rotates clockwise.
This post is not meant for all the details that go into sun spots; it is more that after seven years of searching it is impossible to kill the idea that electrons are magnetic monopoles.
It is a pity that physics professors are just dumb as hell when they say that electrons are ‘tiny magnets’ without any fucking experimental proof for such bold claims. The problem those people have is that they even think it is not a problem there is no such expemental proof. So these weirdo’s build giant theoretical structures like spin waves without proving the very fundamentals of their own science.

But lets not get emotional about the giant stupidity of physics professors, they even explain the giant magneto effect in a highly complicated way and that is funny. You can’t say they are scientists, at best they are weirdo’s trying to craft a theory of everything and of course such theories are all bullshit if electron spin is not done properly.
Here is the ESO picture:

The leading sun spot should always have the same magnetic polarity just always… So it does not depend on the solar sun spot cycle.

It is about time to go to the video from Lieven Vandersypen and I have an extra video also from TU Delft where they explain the Majorana fermions. Relatively early in his video Lieven claims that there “Is nothing more a quatum bit than the spin of an electron.”
Since in this post I try to explain that the only place in this universe where an electron flips it’s spin is in the head of physics professors like Lieven. It is impossible to have more contradiction as there is now between me Reinko and Lieven. In itself the video from Lieven is not that important, I only post it to show you one of those guys that believe electrons are tiny magnets while there is no experimental proof for that in the entire history of physics.

Video title: Lieven Vandersypen: Quantum simulation and computation with quantum dots – “spins-inside”

By the way in case you are interested: Lieven was the guy that years ago factored the number 15 in 3 times 5 using Shor’s algorthim. At present day we are standing at a factorization of say 21 in 3 times 7.

Back about one decade ago over there at TU Delft they thought they had found so called Majorany particles. These are particles that supposedly are there own anti-particle. That is a funny idea; if two of the same Majorana particles meet they anihilate each other. Why nature would produce such strange things is unknown to me. But if that Majorana shit is also based on electrons being ‘tiny magnets’, wouldn’t it be about time to try and prove via at least one experiment that electrons are tiny magnets?

Give me a break: university people actually using their brain?
Please get a more realistic life…

Warning: This is not science! Keep away from children!

That was it for this post, once more since last year I do not try any longer to convince anybody that electrons are not tiny magnets. If the weirdo’s from Delft want tiny magnets if they look at electron behavior, what’s the problem with that?
Correction and addendum from 12 Dec: In reason 2 I named it ‘fine structure’ where it should read hyperfine structure of the hydrogen spectrum. So far for the correction.
The addendum is a pdf from a 1958 article from the local university, the RUG. The old article is about spin flip in atomic hydrogen, it is about that famous 21 cm line in the hydrogen spectrum.

Now years ago when I was still very intimidated by big names like Mr. A. Einstein who had calculated the probability of a hydrogen atom to do the 21 cm transmission spontaneously. And who was I to say that electron spin was not a vector by a monopole magnetic charge and on top of that this charge was permanent just like the electric charge of an electron?

Back in time I had figured out that a collision with the right kind of electron of the right magnetic charge could also lead to this 21 cm emmision. The old electron of the hydrogen atom is simply replaced by a new one that binds in a somehow lower energy state.

To my surprise in the old article this is all covered in detail. If it is true that my idea of a permanent magnetic charge for the electron is correct, in that case 21 cm astronomy can more or less ‘see’ the galactic streams of electrons. After all if electrons are magnetic monopoles, the galactic magnetic fields play some role into what earth based astronomers see when they look at the 21 cm results.

In the next picture you can see the old text from 1958 while I use a new James Webb Space Telescope picture in the background:

It is funny that the local university has such an old article online…

Ok, left are a link to the pdf and the title of the old article:

Excitation of the Hydrogen 21-CM Line*

Link used:

Ok now I promise you I will not place more updates or corrections on this post. It’s useless anyway, if I was impressed by Einstein just think about the consequences that has for physics professors… The weirdo’s will never stop thinking that you can flip the magnetic charge of an electron. They will never stop thinking you can flip electron spin.

Till updates my dear reader.

Why is oxygen magnetic?

I was watching a video about chiral chemistry and there it was explained that during the electrolysis of water if you coat the electrodes with some chiral coating, the efficiency is much higher. Now I was surprised but the explanation seems to be that oxygen has one so called non-binding electron pair. So that electron pair has two electrons with the same spin.
Lately I found out that chiral molecules are able of electron spin selection, I have to admit I don’t understand just one tiny detail of how that works but on the other hand physics professors don’t understand electron spin. So compared to that I am doing fine.
For readers who are relatively new: During the last 7 or 8 years I have been trying to kill the insight that electrons are magnetic monopoles. And all that difficult doing of the professional physics and chemistry professors is just plain crap. If electrons are magnetic monopoles, in that case it is of little use to describe the energy in terms of inner products of spin vectors. So a lot of physics models on magnetism are completely crap.

Anyway, oxygen is at first look totally not magnetic. But it seems that chemistry is not a total chaotic science at all because according to their moleluclar orbital theory it is explained that an O2 oxygen molecule has two unpaired electrons. See the next picture:

You can neglect that ‘Bond Order’ stuff.

You can think of many experimental designs in order to prove that electrons are magnetic monopoles. If my insights are correct, each and every O2 molecule must act as a magnetic monopole. That means if you apply the correct magnetic field, you can repel oxygen molecules and attract the same molecules if you flip the applied magnetic field.

If you remark that if oxygen molecules act as magnetic monopole molecules, the scientists would have found out that decades ago…
But my dear reader that is not how the human mind works. If the belief is that magnetic monopoles do not exist, that causes the mind to be blind as why electrons or oxygen molecules behave as they do.

For example the electron pair is neutral when it comes to magnetic fields, how do the professional professors explain that? Well they say that the opposite magnetic fields cancel each other out. So why don’t they see they are telling crap? If the electron is a tiny magnet with a north and a south pole, isn’t that magnetically neutral to begin with? So why is the unpaired electron not magnetically neutral? At that point they begin telling stuff like ‘anti alignment’, the Pauli exclusion principle and most of all ‘quantum numbers’. It all doesn’t add up, it is crap.

That is what I had to say on this tiny detail: Likely each and every oxygen molecule with such a non binding electron pair in it will act as a magnetic monopole…

Google’s quantum computer for chemistry: will it ever work? Nope, this is a disaster.

Quantum computing looks like a good idea when it comes to simulation of quantum stuff like chemical reactions. But if your basic assumption of electrons being ‘tiny magnets’ it will all run from the rails if in the future it is found out that electrons are magnetic monopoles just like they are electric monopoles. Lately I have been joking that the only place in the universe where electron spin gets flipped is inside the heads of our professional physics professors.
I think there are two kinds of electrons, one with a magnetic north charge and the other with a magnetic south charge. For the time being I think this magnetic charge is permanent so there is no way or mechanism that turns a south charge electron in a north charged and vice versa.
Doing chemistry on a computer on the level of individual electrons and nuclei consumes an awful lot of computer resources. To focus the mind say you have a molecule with 100 to 150 electrons and some nuclei. The Coulomb forces alone are hard to simulate. But the way the magnetic forces must be done with the ‘tiny magnet’ model for electron spin is even much more horrible; in principle you have to calculate 100 to 150 vectors representing the bipolar magnetism of the electron. So this is all horribly complicated. Yet if electrons are magnetic monopoles, calculating a simulation for the magnetic forces should be of the same order of computer recourses as the Coulomb forces. That still is not very appealing but it is less worse as the Google engineers do it for the most simple atom there is in our universe: The hydrogen molecule made of two protons and one electron pair (the pair has opposite magnetic charges my dear reader, that is more logical as ‘opposite spins’ or for that matter ‘quantum numbers’).
The horror is that physics but also chemistry professors seem to think that in the electron pair every particle is in a super position of spin up and spin down. That is where that stuff like “If I separate the two quantum particles and I take one to the Andromeda galaxy and measure it’s spin in the vertical direction, instantantly the spin of the particle left behind will be the opposite“. And why don’t they never say that for a hydrogen atom? After all these are two quantum particles to but are these two particles that are both in a super position of their positive and negative electrical charges? Is the mass of both particles not defined but is either the proton mass or the electron mass? Most people will say that is mumbo jumbo.
The next picture is from a video I will show you below, likely all these Google people think that electrons are tiny magnets. So that is an amzing amount of salary costs wasted year in year out.

The |10> and |01> refer to the super position of magnetic states.

The Google view on electron magnetism is very different from mine where I like to keep it simple by stating electrons are magnetic monopoles. But they can make it much more complicated without any reason at all, in the next picture you see one of those singlet states and the chemistry folks have found out that an electron pair is ‘non binding’ if the two electrons have the same spin. If they have the same spin they don’t bond? And non of the chemistry weirdo’s remark that in a permanent magnet the spins must point in the same direction to make some magnetic bonding… Why does nobody see this is all not very logical and that this ‘tiny magnet’ stuff is just not true because it leads to all kinds of contradictions? Why are they so fucking stupid?

Let’s proceed with the second screen shot ensemble:

The thing with the minus sign is the anti-bonding pair. These people are crazy because a monopole magnetic charge is far more simple and much more logical.

Lets try to hang in the Google video.

So much money and so low in brain capacity.

So far for this Google stuff. Luckily IBM is also very good at donating a coin of quantum wisdom. Lately we had a Noble prize in physics for faster than light quantum teleportation of quantum properties like photon properties… I am not saying all this Bell inequality stuff is impossible, all I am saying is an electron cannot be in a superposition of spin up and spin down because electrons carry a permanent magnetic charge.

The IBM video was so bad that it became funny and some kind of parody.
Here is another superposition of screen shots.

I don’t know what to say.

The IBM video:

End of this post.

The giant magneto effect explained using logic and discard the belief that electrons are ‘tiny magnets’.

Yesterday I did the same explanation on the other website and today I thought why not post that picture on this website too. Years ago when I met this giant effect for the first time I relatively soon figuered out that if my view on electrons as being magnetic monopoles is true, the giant magneto effect is one of the best examples of this.
The giant magneto effect is important because this was the basis of making very small magnetic sensors and as such those old spinning hard disk in your computer could suddenly contain much more bits & bytes.
So you might think that understanding electron spin is an important thing if it lays at the basis of so much technology. Yet important or not, the weirdo’s from the universities keep on talking about electron spin as it was a tiny magnet.

Anyway, the giant magneto effect is about the resistance an electrical current meets when passing through a multi-layered semi conductor material.
If we assume that electrons are not fucking stupid tiny magnets but are always magnetic monopoles that never ‘flip’ their spin, all of a sudden things become logical.
I have only one picture to show to you, it was the one I made yesterday and in the upper half of that picture it is supposed there is an electrical current, say electrons going from the left to the right.

The giant magneto resistance effect says that if the two outer layers have opposite magnetic directions, there is more electrical resistance…

Please remark this is logical if electrons are magnetic monopoles; if they meet two different magnetic charges about 100% of these electrons feel some kind of resistance. If the two magnetic layers have the same ‘orientation’ as they say, oops the electrical current is capped by at most 50%.

Let me ask the fucked up physics professors the next question: Can you please use you stupid ‘tiny magnet’ theory explaining why the electrons in the lower half of this picture meet more electrical resistance?

Likely you can’t and that is why you are fucking stupid.

Just like you are fucking stupid when you ‘explain’ why an electron pair must have opposite spin numbers. That is Pauli’s exclusion principle…

Well good luck my dear physics professors with being stupid. Is that the way your brain runs all of the time? I guess it is and it will be for many more years to come.

Quantum computing with electron spins; David Jamieson explains…

The Royal Institution had a new video out from somebody of that Australian group that wants to build a quantum computer based on electron spin. The official version of electron and nuclear spin is that it is a tiny magnet, that is what I name the “tiny magnet model”.
I think that is nonsense because this tiny magnet model leads to dozens and dozens of problems that are just not logical if electrons are in fact tiny magnets.
The last years more and more I wonder why those physics professors themselves don’t see all those holes in their version of electron spin. It is not a secret that I think electrons are magnetic monopoles, as such they have a one pole magnetic charge and until proven otherwise my understanding is that this charge is permanent. That means there are two kinds of electrons, one kind with say north pole magnetic charge and a kind with south pole magnetic charge.

When about seven years ago I came across the results of the Stern-Gerlach experiment from 1922, after a bit of thinking my estimation was that likely electrons are magnetic monopoles. For years I tried to shoot holes into that idea of magnetic monopoles, but that always failed and after a few years I accepted the idea.

In this post I want to look explicitely at why there are three spectral lines in that what mysteriously is named a spin one particle. With a spin one particle as shown in the video, they mean an atom with two unpaired electrons.

One of the many dozen things wrong with the tiny magnet model is as next: The Stern-Gerlach experiment does a beam of silver atoms split into two beams, the explanation for the opposing acceleration is that an inhomogeneous magnetic field is used together with the very mysterious property of electrons “anti-aligning” theselves with this applied magnetic field. But in a lot of other things, say the energy levels of electrons in atoms under the Zeeman effect, you never see a gradient of the magnetic field but straight in your face the actual strength of the magnetic field.
That is one of the many things that is not very logical.

Lets start with some validation that David Jamieson is a believer of the church of the tiny magnets:

No no: it’s not spinning David and is a magnetic monopole…

If you accept that electrons are not tiny magnets a lot of solar phenomena become better understandable. If you realize that if you have a cylindrical shaped portion of plasma and that rotates along it’s central axis, it will spit out a lot of electrons and because that column or cylinder is now very positively charged the magnetic field it creates becomes much more stronger. That is precisely what we observe with all those flares and stuff.

Well for seven years on a row people like David are not interested at all. So one way or the other you just cannot claim these people are scientists, in my view it is a bunch of weirdo’s married to some form of weird groupthink. The groupthink is that all things must be tiny magnets, they have zero experimental proof for that so these people are weird.

But lets not dive into politics and why we pay these weirdo’s a tax payer funded salary, lets go into what they can do good: spectral analysis.
Now sun spots are places with strong magnetic fields (rotating column or cylinder kind of stuff) and in the picture below they take a line over such a sun spot and look at the spectrum of a particular frequency.
Remark that a line here is the projection of a plane so you can have many contributions into the end result, so why do we see three spectral lines?

In the center of the right picture you see three spectral lines.

Ok, what does David mean with a spin one particle? That’s not a photon but he means an atom with two unpaired electrons. The light you see is from electrons jumping down in energy in those atoms (I don’t know what element, what atom it is). But the situation is easy to understand:

1) Some of those atoms have two unpaired north pole electrons,
2) Some of those atoms have two unpaired south pole electrons, and
3) Some of those atoms have two different electrons.

That would explain the two outer lines, the middle line must be caused by electron jumps where there is much less magnetic field.

Please remark that the ‘line’ is actually a plane so the electron emissions can come from any height.

The sun my dear reader is a complicated thing, but if people like David can’t explain stuff like the corona temperature why should you believe his version of electron spin?
It is time to go to the video, at about 32 minutes into the video the spin stuff starts:

Good luck with your superpositions of electron spin David, you will need it.

That was it for this update. Thanks for your attention, think well and live well.

On the Frisch-Segrè experiment (a repeated SG experiment) from 1933.

Last week I finally found out after seven years that there is indeed at least one repeated Stern-Gerlach experiment. It is well known in quantum mechanics that the Pauli matrices can be used to calculate the probabilities for finding electrons into a particular spin state. And in a repeated SG-experiment, if you turn the magnetic field 90 degrees the Pauli stuff says it is 50/50 divided. If you example you first applied a vertical magnetic field and after that some horizontal magnetic field, you should get 50% of the electrons having spin left and 50% spin right.

But if you try to do a search on a term like “Experimental proof for the Pauli matrices” or just “Repeated Stern-Gerlach experiment” never ever serious popped up in the last seven years.

Seven years ago I arrived at the conclusion that it is impossible that electrons are “tiny magnets” or for that matter have a bipolar magnetic field. A lot of things can be explained much better and more logical compared to mystifications like the Pauli exclusion principle. If electrons are magnetic monopoles, in that case it is logical that if they form pairs they must have opposite magnetic charges.
And with the electron pair we already have a detail where the ususal model of electrons as “tiny magnets” fails; two macroscopic magnets are attracking only if their magnetic fields are aligned. If two macro magnets are anti-aligned, they repel. So how the hell is it possible that two electrons only form a pair if they have opposite spins, only if they anti-align?
What I still don’t understand is why people like Pauli, Einstein, Feynman etc etc never remarked that it is nonsense to suppose that electrons are tiny magnets. Remark there is zero experimental proof for the assumption that electrons are tiny magnets. They just projected the Gauss law for magnetism on electrons without ever remarking you must have some fucking experimental proof.
In the next picture you can see the experimental setup; you see two Stern-Gerlach experiments and in the middle is a inner rotation chamber where they try to flip the spin of the electrons.

Einstein proposed the use of the hot wire…

So Einstein must have given it a thought, this SG-experiment and never realized the impossibility of the Gauss law for magnetism for electrons.

Last week I found a nice pdf upon the Frisch-Segrè experiment and I would like to quote a few hilarious things from it:

“The physical mechanism responsible for the alignment of the silver atoms remained and remains a mystery” and quoting Feynman, “… instead of trying to give you a theoretical explanation, we will just say that you are stuck with the result of this experiment … ”

This is also the first time that I see this ‘problem’ actually stated; how is it possible that a tiny thing like an electron anti-aligns it’s spin with the applied external magnetic field? That is very very strange, for example water molecules are tiny electric dipoles and if they meet an electric field the only thing they want to do is to align themselves with that electric field. Why do electrons gain potential energy in a magnetic field?

To understand how crazy this is: If you go outside and throw away a bunch of rocks, do half of those fall to earth and the other half flies into space? Nope, in the end all rocks try to get at the state of minimal potential energy.

But if you view electrons as magnetic monopoles this weird detail of climbing in potential energy is’n there any longer: an electron with say a north pole magnetic charge will always go from the north pole to the south pole of a macroscopic magnetic field. And vice versa for an electron with a south pole magnetic charge. The weird energy problem isn’t there any longer.
You can compare that to a bunch of electrons and protons entering an electric field; they feel opposite forces and that is how they both lower their potential energy.

At last let me give you the pdf. This pdf is not very useful because it is written by one of those weirdo’s that keep on believing that electrons are tiny magnets…

Once more I want to remark that if you see a physics professor doing his or her blah blah blah thing on electron spin, they just don’t have any serious experimental proof that electrons actually have two magnetic poles.
Furthermore, none of them has a problem with that.
So why are we funding these weirdo’s with tax payer money?

Ok, that was it for this post. Thanks for your attention.

3 Video’s to kill the time & Unzicker’s horror on the quaternions…

To be honest I like the Unzicker guy; he is from Germany I believe and he alsways attacks the standard model for particles. According to him there are zillions of problems with the standard model and likely he is right with that. But he fully buys the crap that electrons must be magnetic dipoles without any experimental confirmation at all.
So that I post a video of him talking weird stuff about electrons is not a way to rediculize him. On the contrary, because he always tries to attack the idea’s inside the stadard model he in itself is a perfect example as why the physics community swallows all those weird explanations upon electron spin.

For myself speaking I think that electrons don’t have their spins ‘up’ or ‘down’. I don’t think that they are tiny magnets with two magnetic poles but in itself they are magnetic monopoles that come with only one magnetic charge… My estimate is that this magnetic charge is a permanent charge, that means there is no such thing as spin flip of an individual electron.

In the Unzicker video Alexander asks for help about differentiation on the quaternions or so. Well have I done my utmost best to craft all kinds of spaces where you can integate and differentiate, stuff like 3D complex numbers, 4D complex numbers etc, comes a weirdo along asking about the quaternions… On quaternions differentiating is a true horror and that is caused by the property that in general the quaternions don’t commute. I wrote a one picture long explanation for that. The problem is that differentiation on say the square function on the quaternions destroys information. That is why there is no so called ‘Complex analysis on the quaternions’, it just doesn’t exist.
Ok, lets go to the first video. It is not that very good because he constantly throws in a lot of terms like SO2 and SO3, but for an audience like physics people that is allowed of course.

Because it is still the year 2022, it is still one hundred years back that the Stern-Gerlach experiment was done. The next short video is relatively good in it’s kind; there are a lot of videos’s out there about the SG experiment and most are worse. In this video from some German at least there are some more explanation like it is not the Lorentz force because these are silver atoms. But as always in all explanations out there it misses as why exactly electrons do anti-align themselves with the applied external magnetic field.
For example water molecules are a tiny electric dipole, if you apply an electric field to clean water, all these tiny electric dipoles for 100% align with the electric field. So why do electrons not do that?

As always: electrons being magnetic monopoles is a far better explanation for what we observe. But all these physics people, one hundred percent of them have no problem at all when there is no experimental evidence that electrons are indeed ‘tiny magnets’. That is what I still don’t understand: Why don’t they see that their official explanations are not very logical when you start thinking on these explanations? Why this weird behavior?

Ok, lets hang in why differentiation on the quaternions is a total horror.

Hasta la vista baby!

The last video is a short interview with John Wheeler where he explains the concept of positrons being electrons that travel back in time. At some point John talks about an electron and positron meeting and anihilate each other. Well it has to be remarked that this doesn’t always happen. They can scatter too and why could that be? Well it fits with my simple model as electrons being magnetic monopoles. Positrons and electrons only kill each other if they have also the opposite magnetic charge…

Ok, that was it for this post. Thanks for your attention.

Two videos on electrons and the still missing magnetic monopole.

The first video is very simple, a bit on the high school plus level, but it is well made. The reason I post is that it has a very good explanation as why electrons are viewed as point particles. I had never heard of this explanation and it goes more or less like this:

If the electron had some kind of hard kernel, in that case if you shoot them fast enough into each other they will bounce differently.

This is based on the assumption that at low energies two colliding electrons will not touch each other. It seems that this kind of behaviour keeps on going on at high collision energies.
Another detail that is interesting are questions about the size of an electron. In this video a number like smaller then 10 to the minus 18 cm is mentioned. Since I think that if it is true that electrons are ‘tiny magnets’ so they are bipolar in the magnetic sense, they cannot be accelerated by magnetic fields in a significant manner.

I assume this is the diameter.

The physics professors think that a non constant magnetic field can accelerate an electron. Non constant can mean it varies over time, varies over space or both. If you apply a magnetic field to such a bipolar electrons, say if the north pole of the electron is repelled by that, the other side of the electron must feel an attractive force. The difference should account for the acceleration of the electron.
Lets do an easy calculation: Using the radius being this 10^-18 cm or 10^-20m, the density of an electron is about 2.2 times 10^29 kg per cubic meter of ‘electron stuff’. Suppose we have a ball shaped electron with a volume of one cubic meter thus it has a mass of 2.2 times 10^29 kg, it’s radius is about 60 cm.
So the diameter of our superlarge electron is about 120 cm and it has this rediculous huge mass. Do you think you can accelerate this thing with a magnetic field that has some nonzero gradient?

There are so many problems with the model of the electron being a magnetic dipole. Why should electrons ‘anti align’ themselves with an applied magnetic field? That is strange because they gain potential energy with that. That is just as strange and crazy as the next example:
You have a bunch of stones, one by one you grab them and hold them still in place. You let them loose. Some fall to the ground, the others fly up.
This never happens because nature has this tendency to lower the potential energy.
Another problem is that it is known that the electron pair is magnetically neutral. The ‘explanation’ is that the two electrons have opposite spin and ‘therefore’ cancel each other out. That is a stupid explanation because if it is true that the electron is a bipolar magnetic thing it should be magnetically neutral to begin with.

The second video is from Brian Keating, Brian is an experimental physics guy. This is one of those ‘Where are the magnetic monopoles’ videos that people who like to demenstrate they are dumb post on Youtube and the likes. It makes me wonder: What the hell are they doing with our taxpayer money? The concept of a magnetic monopole is just plain fucking stupid; it is a particle with no electric charge but only one of the two possible magnetic charges.
Why is this fucking stupid? Just look at the electron: if their fairy tales are true, the electron is an electric monopole and a magnetic dipole. If I would look to some dual version of an electron and have drunk lots of beer I would propose a particle that is an electric dipole but also a magnetic monopole.

You never hear those physics people talk about that, it is always that stupid talk of where are the magnetic monopoles or if there is just one magnetic monopole in every galaxy it is ok. What I consider the weirdest thing that if you advertise the electron as a magnetic dipole, should you not give a tiny bit of experimental validation for this? But no, Brian has no time for such considerations.

I should have included the text ‘This is fucking stupid’.

So where are all the magnetic monopoles? If my view on magnetism is correct they are in every electron pair that holds your body together.

May be in your body or your eyes?

Ok, lets leave this nonsense behind. Don’t forget people like this might be infuential but they are too stupid to understand only the smallest part of say three dimensional complex numbers.
End of this post.

I found a long pdf about micro magnetism in nano tubes.

It is no secret that I think electrons are not “tiny magnets” having two magnetic poles but that electrons are magnetic monopoles just like they are electric monopoles. Viewing electrons as small tiny magnetis leads to all kinds of logical contradictions. For example a permanent magnet is always explained as a thing where all electron spins of unpaired electrons align and as such together they build that macroscopic magnetic field as you know from stuff like a bar magnet. But in chemistry an important binding element in molecules is the electron pair. Yet now there is something like the Pauli exclusion principle and the two electrons must have opposite spin. End example.
So in a permanent magnet the electrons must align in order to be attractive to each other while in chemistry the opposite must happen. My dear reader this is not logical. Also, why do we find only electron pairs? Well if you look at it as there are two kinds of electrons with both a magnetic charge either ‘north pole’ or a ‘ south pole’ charge, that explains why we only observe electron pairs. If the ‘tiny magnet’ model was true, we should observe all kinds of electron configurations like 5 electrons in a circle or whatever you can make with tiny magnets.
What I self consider a strange thing is that people from the physics community never ever themselves say that all their views on magnetism are often not logical. Are they really that stupid or do they self censor in order not to look stupid?

Anyway five years back in the year 2017 I was studying a new way of making computer memory by IBM: so called racetrack memory in nano wires. I was highly puzzled by that because one of the main researchers said that you cannot move the domain walls of magnetic domains with magnetic fields. You could move the domains themselves but not the walls and I was as puzzled as can be. Yet that same day I found a possible answer: the magnetic domains of say iron can be moved by magnetic fields because they have a surplus of a particular kind of electrons. So two magnetic domains separated by a domain wall must have opposite magnetic charges. In the next picture you get the idea of what IBM tried to do:

It was a cute idea but IBM had to give up on it because they did not use insights that are logical but kept on hanging to the tiny magnet model.

So in the long pdf that is squarely based on the official version of electron spin (the tiny magnet model) has all kinds of flaws in it. For example in the next picture that all does not pan out because those small arrows are not there in reality if electrons carry magnetic charge just like they carry electric charge:

And life, well life will go on…

Ok for me it is an experiment to try include a pdf file, if it fails I will hang this pdf in the pdf directory of the other website and link to that file.

Lets give it a try:

I leave it this way and do not try to make the pdf visible. After all if you are interested in stuff like this you must download it anyway because it is a few hundred pages long. And it is a funny read so now and then, for example yesterday I came across a section where they took the outer product of two (vector) electron spins and I just wonder WHY?

Ok, let me push the button named Publish and say salut to my readers.