Category Archives: Magnetism

Collecting the nonsense in a vid named Spin 1/2 in a B field.

This post is based on a video from Dr. Brant Carlson who is talking about a spin half particle in a magnetic field. I have selected this video because Mr. Carlson is rather good at explaining the stuff so although I hefty disagree with most of his conclusions this post should not be viewed as some kind of character attack on Mr. Carlson.

Let me first give you the video, you can watch it now or later.

Spin 1/2 in a B field:

This post is just about two details;
1) Is electron spin conserved yes or no?
2) The lack of insight Mr. Carlson shows while discussing the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

Let’s start with 1) Is electron spin conserved?

If you read some wiki’s about the Stern-Gerlach experiment you often come across the repeated measurements of electron spin. There are of course infinitely many ways to measure electron spin if it were a vector but the professionals only do it in three directions known as x, y and z.

It is important to never forget all those measurements are done during the application of a vertical magnetic field, the vertical magnetic field is there all the time and within that boundary condition they derive the properties of the spin operators that measure spin into the x and y axis directions.

When you read about the Stern-Gerlach experiment it is often stated that if you measure spin in the vertical direction, half of the electrons go up and the other half go down.
If after that you make a measurement into the x or y direction of the up electrons, once more the beam of electrons will split 50/50.
If after that you make a new z-axis direction measurement, once more it will split into 50% up and 50% down states of the electron.

To put it simple: There can not be conservation of electron spin if a second measurement rams half of the electrons into another spin state… Anyway this is what the official generally accepted knowledge strongly suggests: if changing the applied magnetic field pushes electrons out of their previous state it looks like there is no conservation of electron spin.

From the beginning of the video in the next picture you see the so called Pauli matrices and the two Pauli matrices for the x and y direction have interesting eigenvectors:
These eigenvectors suggest a super position of the two eigenvectors into the z-axis direction and very important:
If you square the probability amplitudes you always get 50%.

This is a theoretical result, I have never found any experimental proof validating these theoretical considerations. Here is the picture that is a screen shot from the beginning of the video:

So if Sz is already measured, suppose it is plus h bar over 2, if after that Sx is measured and it is minus h bar over 2, is spin conserved?
I would say no, but I think the electron has one of two possible magnetic charges and with charge it does not matter in what kind of direction you measure it.
The professional physics professors think that electron spin in the z-axis direction is independent of any direction perpendicular to the z-axis direction. So they will argue that it is irrelevant what the outcome of Sx is because the spin in the z-axis direction will be conserved because it is angular momentum…

As I see it, repeated measurement of electron spin in orthogonal directions should always give the same result. But there are serious problems with an experiment like that:
1) It should be done inside a cage of Faraday because em-radiation reacts with the electrons, 2) It should be done in a vacuum because the electron beam should not interfere with the electrons in the air molecules.
If done properly, in my view you should always measure the same spin for the electron.

So far the pondering if electron spin is conserved, one thing is clear: the last word is not spoken on that detail.

Detail 2 is about the staggering lack of insight Mr. Carlson shows upon that very important experiment: the Stern-Gerlach experiment. The weird thing in this experiment is the fact that half of the unpaired electrons go into the direction of the stronger part of the inhomogeneous magnetic field while the other half goes into the direction of the weaker part.

When I first learned about the SG experiment I was completely puzzled by the fact the electron went into the direction of the weaker part of the magnetic field.
Here is a picture of the Stern-Gerlach experiment, one of the faults that so many physics people expose is that it are ‘silver atoms’. But it is silver vapour and that is over 2000 degrees Celsius. Also silver is a diamagnetic material; at present day we know that if a metal has no unpaired electrons it is diamagnetic and as such repels magnetic fields very weakly… (Cute detail: the electron pairs in a diamagnetic material start to spin in such a way that the outside magnetic field is partly offset, but it does not fade away and as such the spinning electron pair is the smallest scale super conductivity possible. Even at room temperature…)
By the way, silver has 47 protons so there should be one unpaired electron in a neutral silver atom.

One of the problems with electrons being a magnetic dipole is that the electron pair is also a magnetic dipole but there are huge differences between the behaviour of diamagnetic materials (containing only electron pairs) and para & ferro magnetic materials that have unpaired electrons.

Since in the original Stern-Gerlach experiment the beam of silver ions was split in 2 we can conclude that it is likely that only one unpaired electron was responsible for this to happen. To understand the result a bit; the nucleus of a silver atom or ion is about 108 thus 47 protons and 61 neutrons. Different isotopes might have another number of neutrons but anyway: the protons is about 1800+ times as heavy as the electron so one unpaired electron moves the mass of a silver nucleus that is about 108 times 1800 or about 200 thousand times the mass of the electron.

Now why should electrons move to the weaker part of the applied magnetic field?
You always hear explanations like the Larmor frequency that makes the electrons that are anti aligned with the applied magnetic field that prevent them from alignment with the magnetic field.
I think that these Larmor frequencies are much more like a tiny ball on an elastic string, just like electrons can vibrate under the application of an electric field.
If true, in my view only electrons that are part of an atom/molecule or ion will produce this so called Larmor frequency while if you put a magnetic field on a plasma nothing will happen…

Here is a nice picture of some stuff with spin 5/2, that means there are five unpaired electrons. By the way, did you notice that the official professional professors just add up the electron spin like it is a charge and not a vector?
But the official theory says electron spin should be viewed as a tiny vector…
Anyway, in the picture you see that as the applied magnetic field increases one by one the electrons start vibrating. In my view this suggests that at a particular strength of the B field the electron comes loose and vibrates a short time as a tiny ball on an elastic string.

Source of this lovely picture: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance EPR

The main problem is still not solved: Why do the electrons in the Stern-Gerlach experiment go into the direction of the weaker parts of the inhomogeneous magnetic field???
Why do these magnetic dipoles not turn in order to get attracted by the stronger parts of the magnetic field?

In my view this is because the electron is not a magnetic dipole but a particle that carries a north or a south magnetic charge.

How does Dr. Brant Carlson explain this very strange behaviour of the unpaired electron?
From the video of Dr. Carlson we observe that for inhomogeneous magnetic fields the classical way of calculating the force on a (macroscopic) magnet is given by:

This is easy to understand: The mu is the dipole moment of lets say a bar magnet, B is the applied external magnetic field. If I remember it correctly you should take the inner product against the gradient of B but let not put salt on all snails.

With the above mechanism Dr. Brant wants to explain as why just one electron can pull an entire silver ion from it’s original trajectory. But an electron is very very tiny, it is about 10 to the minus 15 in size. Let us give Dr. Brant the benefit of doubt and suppose the dipole distance in the electron is 10 times the size of the electron or 10 to the power minus 14.

This tiny distance gives rise to almost no difference in magnetic field strength yet the lonely unpaired electron moves the silver ion that is about 200 thousand time as heavy as the electron is.

May be the professional physics professors believe this, but I don’t.
The electron is just too small to give a significant change in the path of the silver ion…

At 28 minutes and 55 seconds in the video I completely loose the line of reasoning as done by Dr. Carlson; we only see some blah blah blah with exponential circles from the complex plane while the main problem that the tiny electron makes a significant change in the path of the silver ion is completely skipped.

Here is scientific disaster in a small screenshot:

Also in this point in time in the video Dr. Brant Carlson mentions the spins into the x and y directions; he claims that the spin relaxation into those directions is so short lived that it does not have any influence…

According to how I view the magnetic stuff as being a charge on the electron, it does not matter if the electron goes through a homogeneous magnetic field or some erratic inhomogeneous magnetic field. If the electron carries a south magnetic charge it will always be attracted to the north pole of the applied magnetic field.

So that is answer 1 to the four questions our brave Dr. Carlson is asking us at the end of this video:

Yeah yeah, check your understanding…


In the next part of this post we are going to use the formula for the force on a magnetic dipole in a non-uniform magnetic field as given by Dr. Brant Carlson above. In order to keep stuff as simple as possible I will multiply the magnetic moment of the electron against the gradient of the magnetic field while demanding the electrons are accelerated with a speed of 1 meter per second every second.

The conclusion is relatively staggering: The gradient of the applied magnetic field must be about five million Tesla in order to get only 10% of the gravitational force on the electron.

It becomes even more staggering if you remark that in the original Stern-Gerlach experiment the moved silver ions are about 200 thousand times as heavy as one unpaired electron. So the applied magnetic field should be also about 200 thousand times as big giving something that likely is not living inside this universe.

Technical details:
1) I used an electron size of 10 to the power -15 meter and
2) I used a dipole magnetic field around the electron that is 10 times as long so 10 to the power -14 meter.

If you do that, the outcome is a staggering gradient of 5 million Tesla per meter so one thing is very very clear: The acceleration as observed in the original Stern-Gerlach experiment from the year 1922 cannot explained by using an unpaired electron having a bipolar magnetic field…

The whole calculation is just two pictures long:


The conclusion is majestic:

If we want the electron to have only an acceleration of one tenth of the earth gravity field while using electron dimensions 10 to the minus 15 and the magnetic field of the electron about 10 times as bit, in that case you need the extreme gradient of five million Tesla per meter…

I was very amazed by this result I found three days back, but I checked and checked my calculations, did I do something wrong or so? Yet I cannot find any fault, furthermore we have to take into account that the professional physics people like Dr. Brant Carlson and thousands and thousands of this colleagues never ever show a calculation like this.

Five million Tesla is so far off the scale, here on earth the strong magnetic field as for example used in MRI scanning in hospitals are about 3 to at most 6 Tesla. We can safely conclude that the acceleration of electrons by magnetic fields in not caused by the supposed electron dipole moment.

For myself speaking I am glad I finally did this easy calculation and I have to thank Dr. Brant Carlson for making this video as shown above because that detail made me irritated enough to finally make the calculation. I am always a bit hesitant when it comes to physical calculation because they are not my first nature, math is often much more simple to me while with physics you also have to keep an eye if your SI units fit properly and so on.

The word count of this post is now over 2200 words, most of the time I try to limit the word count of a post to about 500 words so this is a very long post relative to that.

Lets call it the end and till updates my dear reader.

A repeat of the Stern-Gerlach oversight documentary.

The last week I have been working on one of those many video’s out there about spin half particles. To be precise it is a video from a guy named Brant Carlson and at the end this guy comes up once more with a way of calculating the force on a dipole magnet in a non-uniform magnetic field.

I had seen stuff like that before but never tried to make the actual calculation, but yesterday I made it finally and the result was just so bizarre that I just checked and checked over where I made some stupid error.

But I cannot find any error in my easy to understand calculations, so what did I do?

Dipole magnets can have a net force on them in a non-uniform magnetic field because the force on the north pole can differ from that on the south pole.
So I just said: I want the acceleration of the electron to be 1 so only 1/10 of the gravitation force. I used an electron size of 10 to the power -15 and a size of the dipole magnetic field around the electron 10 times as big so 10 to the power -14.

The answer is staggering: For an acceleration of one extra meter per second you need a gradient in the applied magnetic field of about 5 million Tesla per meter. This is totally crazy, as a comparison most MRI machines in hospitals use a magnetic field of 3 to at most 6 Tesla.
Furthermore in the original Stern-Gerlach experiment it were silver ions that were accelerated and a silver atom or ion is about 200 thousand times as heavy as one electron. So in order to get the same acceleration you need a magnetic gradient of about one trillion Tesla per meter…

All in all it looks like a have another perfect reason as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. So that is a good thing.


In the meantime I want to make another advertisement for the next video of about one hour long that is a good oversight upon this very important experiment from the year 1922.

The Stern-Gerlach experiment is so important because I have found out that almost one year later the professional physics professors still do not have a clue about what is happening in that experiment.

And from the beginning the understanding of the outcome of this experiment was a disaster. The Stern & Gerlach folks even thought they discovered spatial quantization…
And Stern later became the first assistant to Einstein, yet Einstein never understood the outcome of the experiment either because if an electron carries both an electric and a magnetic charge this has great influence on understanding light and other em-radiation.

If in the morning you look into a mirror to see your pretty face, all light gets mirrored by the free electrons in the metal that makes up the mirror. But if electrons have two magnetic poles, the magnetic parts of the em-radiation cannot react with the electron and no photon would get mirrored…

Anyway, here is the good but long oversight video once more:

Ok, lets leave it with that for the time being. I think that in a few days time the next relatively long post will be ready. So see you around!

What has fair weather to do with magnetism?

In the beginning of this month I wrote in just 20 minutes of time a new reason as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. I just came across a few news articles on a few of those websites popularizing science, it was about the amazing strength of the Jupiter aurora’s as discovered by the Juno spacecraft.

Only later I found out that writing stuff in just 20 minutes of time is asking for trouble, I completely skipped the fact that the Jupiter aurora’s are partly caused by other things than the aurora’s on earth. The explanation done by the official scientists is that on earth the vertical magnetic field is accompanied by an electric field and that this electrical field is what accelerates the electrons down to earth.

Here is a link with a short description of the stuff involved:

Discrete and broadband electron acceleration in Jupiter’s powerful aurora

Interesting quote from the beginning of the Nature article:

The most intense auroral emissions from Earth’s polar regions, called discrete for their sharply defined spatial configurations, are generated by a process involving coherent acceleration of electrons by slowly evolving, powerful electric fields directed along the magnetic field lines that connect Earth’s space environment to its polar regions.

Comment: This is something I definitely need to study much more because electrons only get accelerated by electrical fields if the earth would be positive. But if my little theory of electrons accelerated by magnetic fields is true, in that case over the life of the solar system the sun would have ejected more electrons than protons and all planets with a magnetosphere would have taken in more electrons than protons.
Hence the sun should be positively charged and the earth should be negatively charged.

And indeed, the earth has a negative charge. It goes under the bizarre name of fair weather potential. Here is the link:

Natural electrical field of the earth

So the last word is definitely not spoken on that detail; we also must take into account that for professional physics professors they can only think of electron acceleration as done by electrical fields. Just look into any standard course in plasma physics and you always only see that Lorentz force thing. And of course this is directly related to the fact that the pppp (pppp = professional plasma physics professors) consider the electron a magnet dipole, there is no experimental proof for that but over there anything goes as long as the Maxwell equations are followed…

Here is a picture of a bit of solar plasma; the plasma is made up of spin half particles and guess what? They always follow the magnetic field lines so if you ask a pppp as why these particles do this they likely will say that there is an electric field parallel to the magnetic field lines…

And life, life will go on.

May be my next reason as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles is once more the temperature of the solar corona. That is another unsolved problem for about 75 years now and indeed it is very strange to observe that the surface of the sun is like 7000 degrees Celsius while the solar atmosphere (the corona) goes from like one million to four million degrees Celsius.

The picture above came from the next video:

ScienceCasts: The Mystery of Coronal Heating

And it makes me wonder; there are so much video’s out there where solar plasma is ejected out and it gets accelerated before your eyes but still the pppp keep on hanging to their stuff like only electrical fields can do this…

Ok, end of this post. Till updates.

More on the failure of IBM’s racetrack memory.

Just over one week ago I posted reason number 48 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles over on the other website, it is about the failure of IBM in crafting a new kind of fast memory. They failed because they treat electron spin like it is a vector while it makes much more sense that electron spin is one of two possible magnetic charges.

Here is the post from the other website:

Reason 48: The failure of IBM’s racetrack memory.

It took me relatively long to find where the stuff all went wrong, at first I spend over a week every evening trying to find some stuff on the preprint archive and although there are some explanations found over there, because the writers of those articles are professional physics people they do not understand electron spin.

Also they DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND ELECTRON SPIN because if you view electron spin as a magnetic dipole you end up in a gigantic ocean of nonsense, for example in the science of chemistry very often the electron pair plays a major role in the binding of all kinds of molecules. But if electrons were magnetic dipoles there would be no reason at all to limit the number of electrons to two; you would get all kinds of weird constellations of triplet electrons or whatever you can make with dipole bar magnets…

But if electrons carry two different magnetic charges suddenly it makes a whole lot of sense that we only observe electron pairs; the magnetism is neutral in an electron pair while the repelling electrical charge ensures no larger configurations beyond the pair formation are found. With a magnetic dipole you just would not observe this kind of behaviour…

Now back to IBM’s racetrack memory: All the time I did not understand how the IBM research folks did write the electron spin domains on the racetrack memory; electrons behave very much like cats:
It is easy to chase a cat into a tree but very hard to convince the cat it should leave the tree and come down to earth again…

With electrons you have the same: the two magnetic charges on the electron have a slightly different energy level, when an electron falls from the highest energy level to the lower one we observe the famous 21 cm wavelength photon. It is a well known fact from astronomy that interstellar and intergalactic hydrogen atoms only very very seldom have their electron fall from the highest magnetic energy level to the lowest energy level. This is what I name the ‘combed up universe’; even in intergalactic space most electrons are in the highest energy state because there are plenty of photons flying around to keep them ‘combed up’ when it comes to energy levels…

Back in the year 2004 IBM patented so called racetrack memory; the goal was to leave the 2D structure we have in present day computer hardware and use nano wires to go 3D and as such exploit three dimensional architecture of future computer hardware. The racetrack memory is made from nano wires, those nano wires contain lots of magnetic domains but contrary to the magnetic domains you find in, for example, iron these domains contain only one spin state.

According to IBM researchers all spin states are in the direction of the nano wire (from that you can understand they think electron spin is a vector, the vector represents the magnetic bipolar nature of the electrons according to IBM researchers).

In the next picture you see a boatload of information; the red and blue colour represents of course the two magnetic spin states of the electron. As you see on inspection they can inject blue electrons from the left and red electrons from the right.
If the IBM researchers inject red or blue electrons they can shift the entire column of electrons in the nano wire, according to IBM fellow Stuart Parkin the borders between the magnetic domains get transported…

Of course back in the year 2004 IBM thought they had hit the jackpot because if you neatly follow the standard model of physics where electrons are always having two magnetic poles you will always have that such borders are North pole against North pole (or South against South pole) and as such these borders should be extremely fragile…

And IBM thought they could transport those fragile things at high speeds, if true they would earn not billions but trillions over the long run of a patent.

Yet in my theory of magnetism, if it is true there are two magnetic charges the borders between red and blue magnetic domains are the most strong structures into the nano wire anyway so it is logical they keep intact while the electron column is transported…

Here you see why it is important to keep an open mind on electrons spin because if you follow the standard model companies like IBM cannot make technical progress.

For myself speaking I did not understand how to write information to the nano wire; I was thinking they did it with electro-magnetic radiation because any photon with a wavelength below 21 cm could bring an electron from the lowest energy state to the highest energy state…
But how to go from high energy to low energy is like talking to a cat high in a tree…

And no matter how much articles I did read on the preprint archive, nowhere an answer was to be found…
In the next picture you see how IBM visualizes how a small red region from the nano wire turns into blue: IT IS THAT WRITING WIRE BELOW WITH RED ELECTRONS IN IT!!!!!

Picture source:

Now we have two clashing versions on electron spin:

  1. The standard model version where electrons are magnetic dipoles says: The red writing wire cannot change the red domain in the nano wire because all red electron spins point into the same direction. And if you add more bar magnets perfectly aligned that only makes the red state stronger. Versus:
  2. If electrons carry one of two magnetic charges and we use the principle that like charges repel, the red electrons on the writing wire repel the red electrons in the nano wire into the blue neighbouring blue domains. At the same time blue electrons will flow to the red region.

So if my view on electron spin is true, in that case the simple act of writing information to such nano wires destroys the information in the surrounding magnetic domains.

And that my dear reader is something that the professional physics people still do not want to acknowledge until this present day of 03 August 2017.

By the way, next winter it is about the fourth or even the fifth year I am explaining as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. Those people, the so called ‘professionals’ will keep on hanging to their silly beliefs around electron spin for a much longer time.

Let’s leave it with that.


New magnetic update + some pictures related to the post on the general theorem of Pythagoras.

I know I know I have not posted very much lately. There was plenty of material to craft new posts from but I skipped easily writing 10 posts or so because I am also wondering as why the so called ‘professional professors’ never make a move.

For the math professors this is 100% logical: If you are math stupid to the bone, you will never understand 3D complex number systems. But why the physics professors do not react in any way is completely unknown to me. Ok ok, for example their explanation of how permanent magnets work is very very strange. They formulate it often this way:

In a permanent magnet all spins align themselves.

That is a very stupid explanation and if you meet a physics professor and you whisper softly ‘quantum computer’ they start talking about atoms and electrons that can be in two places at the same time and that electrons can be in a so called super position of being spin up and spin down at the same time…

So in a permanent magnet the electrons and their spins are glued into place permanently while if those people need more funding all of a sudden even atoms can be in two places at the same time…

It is important to stress that the professional physics professors have a one 100% lousy explanation about how permanent magnets work. They completely miss the important fact permanent magnets have their magnetism because of the place of unpaired electrons inside the inner shells of those magnets… Here is my 04 Jan 2017 explanation of it on this very website:

How permanent magnets work, the official version against what I think of it.


On 19 March I posted reason number 46 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles on the other website. It is about so called BCS theory that explains super conductivity using so called phonons.

It is a very very very strange theory because just one unpaired electron is capable of distorting a metal lattice at low temperatures to such an extend that another electron is attracted and as such super conductivity emerges…

It is an imbecile kind of theory, in my point of view it is a  basic thing is that the electron pair is magnetically neutral that gives rise to the emerging of super conductivity. And at that point we have the perfect collision with my views on magnetism and the professional view:

The professionals think that the electron is a magnetic dipole because about 150 years ago a guy named Gauss did write down some fancy math explaining flux conservation. I love that kind of math but it just does not go for the electron, furthermore there is zero experimental proof for the electron being a magnetic dipole.

Here is the link that replaces the official BCS theory by a model for super conductivity as I see it:

19 March 2017: Reason 46: BCS theory says electron pairs are bosons…

Don’t forget: It is not a theory but a model.
Yet it should cover all kinds of super conductivity materials from the old school stuff from 1911 by Heike Kamerling Onnes to the present day high temperature super conductors named cuprates.


After having said the above I am pleased to post five more pictures on the general theorem of Pythagoras. I know that in the last post I said this is the final post but then I was not capable of producing the pictures as shown below.

Here they are, only five pictures with very very simple math in it.

Have fun reading it!

Ok, that was it.

Have a nice life or try to get one.

And in case you are a professor in physics; why not cough up for the first time in you life that the electron is indeed a magnetic dipole???

Why not? A tiny bit of experimental proof would be great.

End of this post, till updates.

CERN stuff on super conductivity and a primer on the general theorem of Pythagoras.

A few weeks back while cleaning out my book closet I came across that unfinished proof of the generalized theorem of Pythagoras that uses n-dimensional pyramids. (May be these are called simplexes and not pyramids, I still have to figure that out).

On the CERN stuff I can tell you I used a picture of CERN to explain a bit about super conductivity because at CERN they also run an experiment where they try to find magnetic monopoles…

It is now year number four where I constantly keep on telling that electrons are the long sought magnetic monopoles; electrons carry electrical charge, that is known in the scientific community, but they also carry two different magnetic charges.

As such electrons are much more like quarks that also carry electrical charge but also color charge, the fact that the electron carries only two magnetic  charges is the main explanation as why we only have electron pairs. If the official version of physics were a true description of reality, so electrons are truly magnetic dipoles, why only have electron pairs???

Super conductivity is caused by electron pairs, not by free electrons. A material can only become in a super conductivity state if first the so called Cooper electron pairs are formed.
If the official version is true and electrons are magnetic dipoles, in that case any applied magnetic field would have zero point zero influence on the formation of electron pairs.

That is crystal clear because all forces on the north pole of the electron would be canceled out by the forces on the south pole of the electron. Yet in practice, as not only CERN but the entire community of super conductivity research is telling us: In the presence of a too high magnetic field the material just not enters the state of super conductivity…

So you can cool your ass off, if magnetic fields are too high electron pair formation just does not set in. The next picture from CERN shows a bit of state space as where in super conductivity materials should get their super conductivity properties:

18Feb2017_critical_magnetic_field_and_super_conductivityLet me not put salt on every snail observed but the title should be ‘State space diagram of superconductors’ because ‘phase’ is related to 2D complex number stuff.

At last I would like to remark that although CERN is on a very expensive hunt for magnetic monopoles, they failed all of the time.
Now do CERN people talk about electrons being carriers of magnetic charge?
Come on; CERN people will fail all of the time.

On the other website we have reason number 45 as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles, as you have guessed it is about the above picture from CERN:

Reason 45: The critical magnetic threshold in super conductivity


After having said my views on fantastic organizations like CERN, why not do some elementary math like for example the 3D theorem of Pythagoras?

As memory serves the math ideas in the picture below were found centuries ago, but I have to say I do not know much historical development of the math ideas involved.

But I do know that I found a very simple proof to the most general theorem of Pythagoras and that is what will be in the next post and may one more extra post to finish it off.

Here is the teaser picture for the next post (or may be two posts on this subject of generalizing the theorem of Pythagoras):


The good thing about the last line of calculations is:

We need the millennia old 2D theorem of Pythagoras in order to prove the century old 3D theorem of Pythagoras…

I don’t know how far I will push this detail but if I find it back in my book closet may be I will write a tiny bit more. End of this post, see you around and try to get a nice life in case you never understood those electrons in the first place.

Till updates.

Debunking the most successful relation between theory and experiment in physics using electron magnetic charge.

May be it is best that you first take a look at the video given below, think about it for some time and, hopefully, arrive at the conclusion that at Fermilabs they have a lot of shallow thinkers.

With QED the physics people use that as an abbreviation for quantum electro dynamics, inside theories like that they sometimes use a so called ‘coupling constant’. The physics professors think they have found a perfect relation between the theoretical value of this coupling constant and experimental evidence.

This coupling constant relates the magnetic properties of the electron to the so called Bohr magneton. The Bohr magneton is related to the mass of the electron pair and as such is related to a magnetic dipole.

Anyway the video showing a guy named Dr. Don Lincoln has all the hallmarks for ‘shallow and easy thinking’ that is so pregnant through all of physics; just do some bla bla bla before an audience and actually come away with it. Here it is:

QED: Experimental evidence.

Now from the get go of the discovery of electron spin it was known that the large magnetic properties of the electron could not be explained via a spinning electron; even if all electrical charge was concentrated on the equator of the electron it should spin with a large multiple of the speed of light.

An important conclusion we can draw from that is: the actual spinning of an electron is more or less insignificant.

Now the measurement of the magnetic dipole moment of the electron was not done via a measurement of the magnetic dipole moment of an electron but only via year on year making many measurements of the frequency that those electrons did send out as electro-magnetic radiation.

It is well known that electrons send em-radiation when they get accelerated, this is a very general principle on all levels of the em-spectrum. Electrons always behave the same whatever frequency they oscillate.

So if electron magnetic properties cannot be explained via the actual rotation of an electron, why do the shallow thinkers as Don Lincoln always portrait it this way? Here is what the idiots show the public:


Yes they compare it to a gyroscope…

Now congratulations with your stupidity my dear Fermilab Dr. Don Loncoln; usually electrons do not spin faster than the speed of light.

If you come up with explanations like this, it is very clear you do not understand how electro-magnetic radiation is crafted in the first place. It has to do with both an electrical charge and a magnetic charge getting accelerated. The important thing to notice is the localization of both charges on the electron itself…

All that talk of electrons being magnetic dipoles is nonsense.


From the viewpoint of psychology, the idea that physics professors have about the accuracy of the magnetic dipole moment of the electron is of course a big big hinder for accepting that electrons carry two possible magnetic charges: a north charge and a south charge.

Here is the source of their smirks, laughs and arrogant behavior:

13-02-2017_just_a_coupling_constantBut this measurement is only based on measuring frequencies of em-radiation.

Yet electrical fields can also accelerate electrons and oscillating electrical fields can also produce em-radiation from the electrons…

For the time being lets leave it with that; imbeciles that bring up stuff spinning above the speed of light while waiving away reality are classified as shallow or pseudo scientists.

And at Fermilabs, USA based, they have plenty of those people.
Till updates.

Simple statistics on the video of the oversight of the Stern-Gerlach experiment + Dwave qubits (quantum bits) explained.

Exactly one month ago I posted the update about the historical oversight on the Stern-Gerlach experiment from 1921. This experiment is just so confusing; how can a magnetic field split a beam of electrons in two parts?
If electrons are really magnetic dipoles, this should hot happen.
But it happens, hence I jumped to the conclusion electrons are beside electric monopoles also magnetic monopoles. As such they carry two magnetic charges known as north and south.

The video with the historical oversight had 1222 views on 03 Jan 2017, that would amount for about 9 views a day. This is very little if you compare that, for example, if Miley Cyrus brings out another ass shaking video but hey this was about an experiment in physics done about one century ago.

Right now the video has 1702 views and that means it has about 19 to 20 views a day since 03 Jan.
So the daily number of views has doubled but it is only 10 views extra a day.

But ok ok, I still accept it would be a long long battle; if there are truly about 100 thousand physics professors really thinking that electrons are magnetic dipoles because some fancy math says it is so, stuff has turned into dogma.
When I found the magnetic charge solution for myself I strongly remember asking myself:

And there are some problems with the official version: The only thing that says electrons are magnetic dipoles is the Gauss law for magnetism. Tiny problem: electrons were discovered much time later…

Anyway I still advertise viewing the Stern-Gerlach experiment oversight because it is a treasure trove of not only historical facts but it also rings home that people like Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli etc etc just had NO CLUE WHATSOEVER on the fundamental importance of the outcome of the Stern-Gerlach experiment.

So once more the video:

The Stern-Gerlach Experiment And The Discovery Of Electron Spin – Sandip Pakvasa [2016]

The great thing about electrons having two magnetic charges it that you understand so much stuff from nature on a far deeper level. That is very rewarding and you can compare that for example to the discovery of the nucleus of the atom.

Now the title of this post says ‘Dwave qubits explained’ but if I would do that I would have to keep up a long story as why the formation electron pairs are needed for super conductivity (electron pairs are a north and a south charge together more or less magnetically neutral ensuring the super conductivity) while unpaired electrons are not neutral in the magnetic sense.

And so on and so on.

No, let me only post a picture from Nature, the famous Nature scientific outlet is somewhere I can never publish because they have so called ‘peer review’. Of course ‘peer review’ will never allow for crazy ideas that say electrons carry two different magnetic charges…

That is why university people and me will never be friends; we just do not speak the same language.

Here is the picture from the Nature outlet:


Picture source:
Figure 1: Superconducting flux qubit.

Dwave qubits are macroscopic objects, they are not small quantum systems but as you see in the picture above the folks from Dwave computer have succeeded into generating two electrical currents that go in opposite directions.

Ok ok, let me share just one simple to understand detail:

The two currents are unpaired electrons, although Dwave computers use super conductivity unpaired electrons do not follow the stream of super conductivity…

So after initialization, the two currents will die out.
I wonder if the people at Dwave are aware of this line of reasoning.

Let’s leave it with that, have a nice life or try to get one & till updates.

How permanent magnets work, the official version against what I think of it.

When you for the first time encounter magnets (when you were a child or so) it is clear they are magical things. When you as a reader are still young and later in life you get kids too, always make sure there are a few magnets in their collection of toys. (And also ensure there is enough simple plain version of Lego, later in file this is good for their geometrical insights.)

Let me first summarize how permanent magnets are made:

  1. Pieces of metal are heated until they get above the so called Curie temperature.
  2. The pieces of metal are fixated in place and a strong magnetic field is applied, very slowly the pieces of metal are cooled down.
  3. Hammering the metal while it cools down seems to help a lot.
  4. When cooled down the magnets are ready to use but they often get a sanding and a paint job to make them look nice and add a layer that prevents rust.

What is the Curie temperature?
Answer: That is the temperature when you heat a permanent magnet above that temperature it will loosed all of it’s (permanent) magnetism.

The existence of such a Curie temperature is also in favor of my version of how permanent magnets work but let me build it up slow and steadily and not bring you into confusion.

Now the professional professors know that it are the unpaired electrons that are the root cause of permanent magnetism. Here is a picture of how those professionals think it is, all magnetic metals have so called domains inside their crystalline structure and this is more or less schematic how it is supposed to work:

04jan2017_official_explanationIn the upper part of the picture you see that even after a full century a lot of people still think the electrons are actually spinning, but why should electrons spin frantically with a precise speed anyway? Also in the above picture you see the habit of using vectors to represent magnetic dipole moment, that is ok only not on the level of individual electrons.

It is good that professional physics people pointed out the unpaired electrons, but they still think that those electrons themselves are magnetic dipoles. Here they have a giant problem they never talk about: if an unpaired electron is a magnetic dipole, it is obvious that an electron pair is also a magnetic dipole. But why do electron pairs never contribute to macroscopic magnetism?


Ok, now we use my version of reality and in my version of reality electrons always carry a negative electric charge and each electron carries also one of the two magnetic charges there are: north charge or south charge.

This explains electron pair formation in the first place but this post is not about electron pair formation instead we try to understand all those metals that can have permanent magnetism.

What all those metals that can be permanently magnetized have in common is very easy to understand: They have lots of unpaired electrons below the outer electron shells.

The best picture I could find was this (the electron pair in the most outward shell is not realistic of course, thar violates the so called ‘Aufbou prinzip’ but it was the best picture I could find):

03jan2017_iron_electron_shell_configurationYou see the unpaired electrons inside the iron atom.

Now you understand why there is such a thing as Curie temperature; if heated enough the unpaired electrons will be removed from the iron atom.

And if electrons carry magnetic charge, you understand as when making permanent magnets while cooling them slowly down inside a strong applied outside magnetic field ensures the electrons will land there where it like to be.

And this, my dear reader, is an explanation of how permanent magnets work without the need for electrons that are glued into place. Electrons like to move around in their orbitals so once more if they were magnetic dipoles they could not hold on to a permanent state of magnetism…


And so on and so on, my easy to understand insight the magnetism of the electron is much better compared to one century of physics professors.

Let’s leave it with that, thanks for your attention.

More on electrons, the discovery of electron spin and how permanent magnets work.

Back in the year 1921, almost one hundred years ago, Herr Stern and Herr Gerlach conducted a very intriguing experiment. They heated up silver until it was a gas and they did send the beam of silver ions through an inhomogeneous magnetic field.
They observed the beam splitting into two streams of silver ions, they thought they had found ‘spatial quantization’…

Here is a picture of a schematic set up of the Stern Gerlach expeirment:

03jan2017_exp-stern-gerlach-1The upper side of the magnetic field is stronger compared to the strength of the bottom field, Stern and Gerlach expected the beam to split in the direction of the gradient of the magnetic field.

At present day we know that a beam of electrons also gets split, when three years ago I did read the results from this experiment I was buffled, baffled and bewildered: it was ok by me that a part of the beam went up towards the strongest parts of the magnetic field.

But why was a part of the beam attracted to the weaker parts of the magnetic field?????
This makes no sense, after all in those years I nicely believed electrons were magnetic dipoles because everybody said so. Let me demonstrate in a gedanken experiment why this behavior of the electrons is very strange if electrons are magnetic dipoles:

Begin Gedanken Experiment:

Let an electron cannon send a beam of electrons into an inhomogeneous magnetic field, if electrons are indeed magnetic dipoles in that case you can view them as little vectors. These vectors can point anywhere, together all vectors from a sphere.

Only one of the vectors of that sphere is in perfect anti-alignment with the magnetic field. If we think of the vectors as pointing from the south to the north pole, only the vector that points perfectly south will have perfect anti-alignment.

All vectors that are not perfectly aligned will be pulled into alignment, so if electrons are magnetic dipoles it is expected that almost all electrons will go to the strongest part of the magnetic field.

End Gedanken Experiment.

Yet in practice about 50% of the electrons go up and the other 50% go down…

And I was just puzzled so much; how can the weaker parts of the magnetic field attract magnetic dipoles??? After one or two days I ran the experiment again in my head but at some point I don’t know why I thought ‘Let’s try a magnetic monopole’.

To my amazement a magnetic monopole did give the results as we know them from the Stern Gerlach experiment. And I just thought by myself ‘Hey hey Reinko, not so fast because electrons are not magnetic monopoles but magnetic dipoles. It is even in the Maxwell equations Reinko so think before you speak’.

But a day later I was walking around in the local park thinking about chemical bonds; if electrons were magnetic monopoles that would also explain why we only have electron pairs in chemistry.

Anyway now after three years I have about 40 reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles but on the universities where about 100 thousand ‘professional’ physics professors are deployed there is zero reaction to my insights.
On the contrary; they avoid talking about me like I am having the pest…


Back to the year 1927 at the Solvay Conference people like Niels Bohr and Wolfgang Pauli argued that for free electrons it would make no sense to do some kind of Stern Gerlach experiment.
Here is a screen shot of a video I will link below to:

03jan2017_stern_gerlach_for_free_electronsSo five years after the experiment and four years after publication all those guys like the Einstein / Bohr / Pauli / Schrödinger / Dirac / Heisenberg / Bose complex, none of those men understood the basic nature of the electron:

An electron is a localization of electrical charge and one of the two magnetic charges.

As such there are two types of electrons: a magnetic monopole north and a south variant.
Also known as ‘spin up’ or ‘spin down’.

The next documentary is about one hour long, if you know nothing about electron spin it is a bit much to swallow in one time. But for me it was a true treasure trove, the guy that gives the talk is eighty years old and has given lectures in quantum physics for decades and decades:

The Stern-Gerlach Experiment And The Discovery Of Electron Spin – Sandip Pakvasa [2016]

Ok I see this post is getting a bit too long so a detailed explanation upon how permanent magnets work is skipped to some future date. In the meantime we have only scratched the surface when it comes to the ‘official version of electron spin’ versus my little set of 40 reasons as why electrons cannot be magnetic dipoles. You can find it in my page on magnetics:

A primer on the electrons that are the long sought magnetic monopoles.
Author: Reinko Venema.

It is now 23.27 hours and I have more stuff to do in my life so till updates & how permanent magnets work will be dealt with in a new post. (By the way for me it is completely weird and strange that the professional physics people still do not understand permanent magnets. They think the electrons are glued in place…)

Don’t forget to roast the ‘professional’ physics professors with their crazy ideas about electrons.

See yah around.